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Posts posted by W(TF)

  1. I missed the big debate here on VC... but fwiw the VW ads are fine by me. I take the band's word at face value on this one...shit, clearchannel owns the airwaves and they are nothing but corpoganda bastards anyway. The Starbucks thing is mildly 'offensive', in the vaguest sense of the word; just because I don't really care much for Starbucks Culture. And again, it's just another distribution channel.


    I was a lot more put out by Dylan's Bank Of Montreal ad campaign. But, I was so much older then.... ;)

  2. France = 70 million people..not a small country.


    But c'mon, France let more than 15,000 of its' elderly and infirmed citizens die in that heat wave four years ago, while the country was vacationing away the month of August. Not exactly what I'd term a kinder gentler society.

  3. Ok, here's a shot at categories....


    - Sky Blue Sky (but I'd suggest people read the recent interviews so we don't duplicate what we know already)

    - previous records, Wilco/Loose Fur/UT etc

    - what's happening now with Jeff's side projects

    - Jeff's songwriting process

    - Jeff's musicianship development

    - books Jeff has been reading

    - records Jeff is listening to (again, check interviews where he already has mentioned The Byrds, Fairport Convention, etc)

    - Jeff's internet habits

    - Jeff's interaction with fans

    - Jeff's relationship insights :)

    - Jeff's parenting insights

    - Jeff's views on the political divide in America



    ...everyone please add/subtract/change the above.

  4. I'd be more then happy to sift through all the questions and try to organize a way of voting on questions so its not just one person picking which questions they like.

    Basiclly the best way to do would be to organize questions by what they are adressing and vote on each section for a question to be asked. Maybe make a three day period submit questions; cut if off; organize it by section then have vcers vote on a question per section.

    Any other ideas?


    That could work.. so the sections would be something like:

    - Jeff's side projects

    - Jeff's songwriting process

    - Jeff's internet habits

    - Jeff's parenting insights

    etc etc




    And then submit questions, and we vote using the polling feature?

  5. Massey is a great venue, I've seen Bruce Cockburn and Bryan Ferry there in recent years. That said, Aronoff Ctr is like a modern version of Massey....and the Cinci show was outstanding. I'm glad I got to see Wilco while I was there-- the Cdn ticket prices are a bit steep for my budget right now.

  6. My 2 cents - the only "condition" I think we should make, is that whoever we nominate to do the interview should be allowed to do it by phone with an audio recorder (better yet, in person), and not totally electronically, i.e. not by email/chat room. Reason being that the interviewer should be able to note things like laughter, groaning, etc. Email also takes away all spontanaiety.


    What MIGHT be cool is if we could raffle off a chance to "be there", say to a lucky 50 people, and do it via something like MS Live Meeting. (with Jeff using a webcam)



  7. Jeff seems to be doing a lot of interviews lately, I imagine some of them are just done by phone/email(?)...who knows. (check the bottom of the 'news' page on wilcoworld.net for the links)


    If we argued them out/voted on them, and finally compiled 10 or 15 of our best questions, I wonder if he'd bite..? Or is that just "fan harassment". :mellow

  8. He does look really young, from a distance (like row H left of stage @ Aronoff), reminded me of a local drummer named Ian Blurton, who I hung out and played some music with when we were, umm.....13. That was a while ago.

  9. I'm pretty sure we'll see a vol.2 and 3 Chronicles before too long. (i.e. in the next 10 years)


    Dylan has to retire (or semi retire) from performing at some point...he's a compulsive writer and a damn hard worker, so apart from the usual womanizing I can't imagine what else he'd do with all the free time. :D

  10. Awite..sorry for the over the top comments, especially about Manuel. My happy meds haven't kicked in today, or something. I agree in general with the comments about Robbie...great guitarist, very good songwriter. Good businessman too, maybe that's the core of why I don't like him. The self aggrandizing bonus stuff with him and Scorcese on the LW-SE DVD were probably the final straw for me.

  11. I think drink and drugs ruined The Band myself. I also think that Dylan not mentioning Robertson in Chronicles has more to do with the fact that the book wasn't interested in the period of time in which Robertson was a part of Dylan's life, rather than anything else. I also also think that without Robbie Robertson you'd have simply had a great band without any actual songs to play, which is not such a good thing to have.


    Fair enough...I guess.


    In NDH Bob did credit "the guys" in The Band (minus Levon who was working on an oil derrick in the Gulf of Mexico), for sticking with him on the electric tour, through all the hostile fans, press etc.


    To the dissenters/naysayers: I would tend to agree some of these moves are crass and commercial -- EXCEPT that Bob Dylan is still making some of his finest records ever, and that is saying a lot. TOOM and L&T were critically acclaimed, and excellent. And Modern Times, which is generally regarded as the third in this blues-roots trilogy, is flat-out one of the most amazing records ever made...by anyone. And he still plays 100 gigs a year! So it's not like Dylan is sitting back on his ass collecting royalties.

  12. My guess is: when Bob Dylan dies, and probably Robbie Robertson too.


    To my knowledge Robertson doesn't hold the rights to any of that stuff (?). I could be wrong. Michael Jackson owned the rights to Dylan's catalog for a while...but I think Sony/CBS bought it back a while ago.


    Robbie is a fucking tool. He single-handedly destroyed The Band, the best rock outfit evar. I hold him responsible for Richard Manuel's death too. If you've read Chronicles Vol.1 -- Bob Dylan mentions Robbie in the book only ONCE; and in a very unflattering way. Watch The Last Waltz closely, the rest of The Band made sure Robbie's mic was off....as was the case for most of their shows. Sorry, rant over.... that guy just rubs me the wrong way.

  13. Is that as confusing as I think, or am i just completely stupid? That site launched in Feb. for people to share things about Dylan, now they're putting out a book of painting/photos inspired by Dylan, and a big Dylan mixtape? I don't get it.


    "Dylan" is the Hollywood film that is supposed to be released later this year. The one with several actors (including a black woman) portraying the Bobster.


    It'll be surrounded by plenty of official hoopla.... Columbia doesn't miss many chances to flog their biggest earner. Though in fairness, most of what they've released the last few years has been in pretty good taste.

  14. :thumbup


    ..for anyone who hasn't seen the 'Owl' shows yet, see my avatar. I think the idea is to create something sexually suggestive but pass it off as a nice furry animal. Yeah, something like that.

  15. I'm surprised at the flavor of this thread. Most rock stars are pricks, doesn't everyone know that??


    Whether it be Dylan, Neil Young ("eggshells"..), or whomever. The more creative the force the more "difficult" (selfish?) they are. By many accounts Jeff Tweedy is a very difficult person to work with.

  16. +1

    Was at the Cinci show too and I thought they sucked, hard.


    Basic problem being that none of the trio seemed to be accomplished musicians. That and the monotony/sameness of their songs. We bailed after the 8th or 9th song for some lobby brews too.

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