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About jasmine

  • Rank
    A Cherry Ghost
  • Birthday 04/03/1981

Profile Information

  • Location
    Portsmouth, VA
  1. anyone who thinks a wall will do ANYTHING more than raise our taxes, has obviously not been to the border. i'd like to see each of those senators take a trip down to the southwest, have a little picnic in 120 degree heat, maybe even actually take a trip into mexico, and experience for themselves what those people have been dealing with for years. oh yes, and make sure they drink the water. also, what about the people of the tohono o'odham reservation in AZ, whose lands extend into mexico? they oppose a border wall cutting through their territory, and who can blame them? this issue is
  2. of course i remember and congratulations! i think you ended up having miles before i had levi, though. (i remember because "miles" was on our name list too!) are you still in oregon? (hi KS and louie! how are your kids, respectively?)
  3. TWINS?! boys? girls? one of each? when did this happen?! congratulations!
  4. (as kris and famous flirt in the corner....) you know, *i* don't even have a wilca button! i gave all of mine away without remembering to save one for myself! alison? do you have any extra wilca buttons? my birthday is coming up. in april...
  5. haha, now that IS something to be proud of! go ME! almost famous, jasmine (the wilca)
  6. hey kris! i just spoke with your wife on the phone! i miss you guys!
  7. is that you, mr. el famous? yeah, roller derby and motherhood take up a lot my time now. you know i haven't been to a wilco show since dekalb (more than 3 years ago)?! i know, i know...i'm due for some live music. i figure the 30 or 40 wilco shows alison and i hit in '03 should last awhile though... seriously though, i'm so out of the loop and am barely starting to bounce back. i didn't even know wilco had an album out until i heard some songs on NPR! my husband bought me the cd last week (which i'm loving) and i commented to him how crazy it was for me that i didn't already know ever
  8. hey brianne! thanks - that's levi-joseph, 2 and a half years old now! is your counterpart still on here, too?
  9. sorry, 57 pages is a few too many even for me! in 27 words or less, can someone explain this controversy? wait, tell me this isn't about the VW commercial?
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