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Everything posted by wilcohead

  1. The "new style" sounds more akin to the old style to me.......
  2. well yeah if I want to listen to led zepplin I typically put in a led zepplin disc too............ But the white stripes are great. Its just roots rock man. Has a zep influence along with a massive influence from all the early delta blues artists....... I would feel bad for anyone that puts on the white stripes when they want to listen to zepplin because they aren't zepplin....
  3. yeah its white blood cells.. Well have you heard de stjil? very zepplin-esque..... De Stjil is what completely won me over..... elephant and white blood cells are my least favorite Also is you haven't heard the raconteurs they are very much worth a listen
  4. I'm a recent convert, I had no idea the white stripes traveled into the future from the seventies to save rock n roll..... Honestly man, the bulk of their music does not sound like it was produced any time recently
  5. I'm really excited for the new raconteurs album. I caught them last fall at vegoose and man was I impressed. Jack has such rad stage presence....
  6. I'd recommend you check out Get Behind Me Satan. That album is almost perfect. Great way to be introduced to the stripes..... The white stripes = old school rocking blues/rock A lot of stripes reminds me somewhat of zepplin
  7. anyone else seeing them this fall tour?
  8. I have a ticket to the show in SLC, and the show in Boise. God damn I can't wait. Jack white is such a legendary bastard!
  9. I'm definitely a fan of Mr tweedy.
  10. well tweedy is one of those guys that I think if I met it might ruin my perception of him.............. But damn am I willing to drive hundreds of miles to see him perform.
  11. You're awesome analogman. p.s. whats the deal with the black and white photo of Sigourney Weaver as your avatar?
  12. Totally kidding!!! I love them so much. I'm seeing them twice in September, and cannot wait!!!!!! I've never seen them live, what can I expect?
  13. swizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzeat
  14. I've never heard of that song... I want to now though.......................
  15. parisisstale, if you assume things you make an ASS out of U and ME. Chill out brother.... I know plenty of people that become mega raunches when they are trying to be sober... Just kind of something that happens when your body is dependent on a foreign substance for happiness.
  16. well I guess he must just be an uptight guy in general, especially now that he's sober.........
  17. tweedy is kind of uptight in sunken treasure.......
  18. I love you ocean man! Will you be my super duper internet buddy?
  19. cool I'll check it out for sure...
  20. yeah that song is absolutely incredible has anyone watched man in the sand? I was thinking about buying this dvd
  21. DAmn, this album is good. I'm on blood of the lamb right now.... on a side note I watched sunken treasure for the first time last night, it got me really excited to see Wilco in denver!@!
  22. He's one of the greats of his generation. To say otherwise is just..... dumbyheaded
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