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Posts posted by SeattleC

  1. No doubt, Jeff would hate it.....and I would actually hate being on a cruise ship as well, because all I would do is eat and drink, and then at every port I'd have to be part of the cattle drive in and out of town. I was once in Juneau when all the ships came in for a few hours, and the downtown was surreal with the quick influx. I think I'd rather have a Wilco summer camp up in the Rockies.....


    I suppose some nice snorkeling and windsurfing on a daily basis in the tropics while cruising could change my opinion though....

  2. Just announced, if you are around Seattle or Australia in March (with a new RH and Venus 3 album due in late February):


    Robyn Hitchcock & the Venus 3 Micro Australian Tour, plus Seattle Preview

    21 The Triple Door Seattle

    25 The Annandale Hotel - Sydney NSW Sydney

    27 The Corner Hotel Richmond, Melbourne

    28 The Apollo Bay Music Festival Apollo Bay, VIC

  3. Minus5 easily converts to Venus3 (Peter Buck, Scott McCaughey, and Bill Rieflin) if you add Robyn Hitchcock (and I heard he was on a cruise to Greenland last year)


    By the way, just announced, if you are around Seattle or Australia in March:


    Robyn Hitchcock & the Venus 3 Micro Australian Tour, plus Seattle Preview

    21 The Triple Door Seattle

    25 The Annandale Hotel - Sydney NSW Sydney

    27 The Corner Hotel Richmond, Melbourne

    28 The Apollo Bay Music Festival Apollo Bay, VIC

  4. My neighbor has worked on Tweedy and Stirrat's houses. True story.


    I can see Bill Gates' house from mine (true story). It's a couple miles away across the lake, but during the holidays, he has nice white lights that highlight the place, which usually is very hard to spot.


    What does that have to do with this thread? I'll bet Bill Gates knows who Wilco is. I'm glad Obama does. But here in a bit of a music town, it still amazes me how many people have never heard of them. We, the clued in, should consider ourselves lucky. (and thankful, on our best national holiday eve!)

  5. Anyway, I did like the New York Times article :stunned . As for Naperville, one visit was enough (it's probably changed abit since 1979 though I suppose). As for Chicago, I need to visit more often.


    (If I were to go to Naperville again, it would be via Chicago.)

  6. Yes, it was nice reading a Jeff Tweedy quote about Chicago over breakfast in the freshly unrolled New York Times off the doorstep. I dunno though, Crawford, Texas, or Chicago? thats a tough choice for a Western White House. Here's to the soon to be newly employed brush cutter :cheers good riddance!

  7. Nice post, Eric. Especially that last sentence.


    Here's my take, for what it's worth: Palin did ok, she was successful in one area - she didn't totally flop out, so those in the republican base who were getting squeamish about her are probably placated now. For me the "aw-shucks" demeanor grew old real quick. As did the retreating to talking points instead of just answering the question. Solid B.


    Biden: please tell me if anyone here doesn't think that Barack made a good choice for his VP pick. As Donna said, he came across as smart and dignified. I think he did nearly everything the Obama camp would've hoped for. The difference was really striking - Biden IS ready to be President, Palin is not. A- for Senator Joe.


    The tone between the two was much better than the Obama/McCain debate at least. If Joe had adopted the arrogant, condescending tone that McCain employed at times it would have been a disaster for him. Joe did his homework folks. I'm proud of him tonight.



    I'm glad this is over. It's not going to be a bounce for either campaign, because they both handled it well. For most of us, it will make no difference. Biden was always my presidential (sic) pick, and he did very well tonight. Palin was good at her schlock, I just don't happen to agree with her or think she's very educated in ways that governing the whole US demand. The bar isn't very high anymore though after W. I'm sure people were lapping it up.


    Joe, what ever happens, you are a good man and the best vp pick in many years. :worship




    Take a chug of Moosehead beer whenever Sarah Palin says the following:





    any sentence including the words "neighbor" and "Russia"


    small-town values


    Gwen or Joe (remember how many times Palin said "Charlie" during the Gibson interview?)


    off shore oil drilling




    "Thanks but no thanks!"


    witchcraft (not likely...but hey, you never know, especially if Kathleen Parker's name should pop up)


    Take two chugs of Moosehead whenever Sarah Palin does the following:

    Utters a coherent sentence (i.e. contains a subject and a verb and makes logical sense)


    Talks about her new friend Henry Kissinger or Hamid Karzai


    Explains how being the part-time mayor of Wasilla, Alaska with a full-time city manager counts as executive experience


    Chug a whole bottle of Moosehead if Sarah Palin mentions the following:

    Palin Presidency


    On second thought, make that two bottles of Moosehead.


    Well, I sure hope by the end of the evening I'm drunk as a well marinated moose turd pie

  9. yes, but federal Waste of billions (and soon possibly trillions) of taxpayer dollars leads to less funding for states and districts, and thus taxpayers and their basic services. "Bye bye post office, library, school and hospital" is not as far-fetched as you so glibly make it sound.


    No kidding, especially with the remains of trickle down economics that have dominated the Republican party, and unfortunately the country most of the time since Reagan.

  10. Given everything that was a stake for him, Obama did well, I think. I'd love to see him debate Palin on readiness to be the pres.


    I'm glad a woman is moderating the VP debate. She won't be as wowed by Sarah Palin's sexy knees. Katy Couric sure didn't seemed to be.



    Don't they have to do this VP debate walking along a salmon stream or something?

  11. I think too much is being put on the VP debate, but it will have the highest audience for one, no doubt. The expectations on Biden are really high relative to Palin, and I think a tightly controlled debate will help Palin. Unscripted, and let Palin go at it, and that has potential for a real train wreck. Not that Biden can't put his foot in his mouth, but I think he is quick to recognize that he has. I don't expect that Palin begins to get it when her foot is in her mouth after watching the Couric interview. She's still trying to say that Alaska is a foreign policy training ground.


    Also, why is Palin often walking somewhere scenic when she's being interviewed? Wow, it's the UN Building. Wow, it's a nice Alaskan landscape. Come on Biden, where's that interview on Chesapeake Bay or the Atlantic Coast of Deleware. That would convince me...

  12. Calexio played the Moore Theater tonight in Seattle, after playing in Chicago last night, and New York the night before that. How in the hell do that pull that off? In style, apparently....This was far and away the best Calexico show of the now five that I've seen. They opened with Franks Tavern, starting out requesting falsetto singing from the crowd, before they even really launched into it. It got the crowded going fast.


    John Convertino really blew me away tonight. In particular, his drumming on 'Not Even Stevie Nicks' was some of the best I've heard live over the last many years.



    I don't have a setlist, but I do have a few photos:
















  13. Yes, are the Republican's so smart they've got this whole thing figured out, or are they just full of dumb luck. Lining up the Democrats with the unpopular incumbent.



    Calls and emails to Congress are about 100 to 1 against a bailout last I heard. Come on democrats, your gut is in the right place, but let the brain lead.


    Let's slow this train down, and as the Hitchhiker's guide says, "Don't Panic"

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