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Posts posted by sweetheart-mine

  1. If Palin had her way though, some of them books would be missing.


    Am I the only one that finds Palin wishing to ban books f'n crazy?


    no, it is crazy. not surprising, though -- it fits with most of the other rights she's not concerned about.

  2. No we are not, this is how the GOP exercises their divide and conquer strategy. They segment the market and peel off a few voters who like guns, then segment it again and get the single issue abortion voters, then again to get those who want Christianity to be our national religion, then again to hit at the activist courts etc
  3. 2wodh8p.gif Sad that being a female victim can possibly win an election. Obama has made it clear he does not support this idea, or such dirty behavior from his party, It's the media doing this crap.


    you are right. the "news" stations ought to take an oath and donate 90% of their broadcast time to public service announcements. maybe the remaining 10% could be spent on real issues.

  4. i, seriously, don't give an iota of a care about palin's religious views...her daughter's pregnancy and how that fits in w/ her stance on sex ed/pro-lifeism...that she's a woman w/ kids...none of that addresses the economic concerns that greatly overshadow anythign else me and my family need to worry about.


    you are playing into the GOP's hands by the outcry over it.


    repeating myself: he's right, you know.

  5. I'm thinking of submitting my name to the Obama campaign to see if I can get a shout-out during one of his speeches for my wife and I having 4 kids and choosing not to abort any of them. Culture of Death, my ass. You conservatives ain't gonna breed me out, biatches! We're building an army, people! Woooooo!! :bounce8 :lol







  6. I didn't think the Palin pick was all that great until lately. When I see that people on this board can't quit talking about it (good & BAD) not to mention the media (papers/blogs/networks) it seems to be a wonderful pick. I truly believe the more shit talked aboiut her the more it helps McCain. If I was a democrat I would be pissed as hell about this. This takes away from Obama and the stance he takes on the issues. Whatever the hell they are.

    at the risk of repeating myself, i believe you're right about that.

  7. Listen now, he was a POW in Vietf'nNam for 5 1/2 years, you can't expect him to get out of prison and start making all the right decision can you? Being a POW while in the service of your country affords you the luxury of being able to screw up occasionally like with the S&L Scandal and still get a free pass.

    that's right, and it also gives you the right to be president, period.

  8. right, so the alternative seems to be to have no moral standards at all. then, even if you're married, you're free to do whatever feels good and leave the stains wherever you please.

    i'm not even done reading this page, but really. the black&white thinking is astounding.

  9. Hey, I'm a programmer who lives in Ohio. I'd be happy to spend some time helping to update the software. There's plenty of time before the election. I'll work for free. (or at least for coffee/pizza) Think they'd take me up on the offer?

    no way. but i really wish you'd give it a shot.

  10. I'm curious to find out out how Palin is coming across now, after a few days to digest. (I suppose we'll know more after her convention speech)


    The morning after the announcement, I was watching the news with my sister-in-law, who isn't overly political or at least not tied to any party, and she was in a full swoon over Palin. I asked why and her response was that "She's a woman, and a mother". For that, she can relate to her. "But what else do you know about her?" I asked. And she replied, "Nothing, but the TV people describe her as a 'maverick', and I like that."


    First of all, the word 'maverick' needs to be stricken from the political lexicon, particularly because it isn't usually applied very well. Secondly, her "I identify with her because she's a mother" honestly carries about as much weight as "George Bush seems like the kind of guy I'd like to have a beer with." Its shallow reasoning--it doesn't really tell you anything about the person's professional qualifications--but those first impressions are important, especially since the thing about running a complete unknown is that you can project upon her whatever qualities you want to see. (to be fair, the same could be said about Obama's campaign and I think he is just now reaching the point where most people are getting to "know" him--which, I suppose, means that we probably won't really "know" Palin until sometime after the election, conveniently enough) Anyway, I'll be curious to talk with my sis-in-law again soon to see how/if her opinion has changed.

    your sister-in-law is likely to be in even fuller swoon after palin's convention speech, and i'll be interested to hear. people falling in love with her over impressions and other surface stuff now will probably project more of what they want to believe onto her tonight. she speaks decently, she's prettier than mccain, and the folks at that convention must be dying for something to jump up and down about after the first couple of coma-like days.


    your sister-in-law really needs to talk with you a bit more, including the listening part, in my opinion!

  11. I don't understand how Palin can claim to be both anti-abortion/sex-education and also be pro-gun, since enacting tougher gun laws clearly would have the added benefit of cutting down on the number of hunters wounding or killing the magical storks who carry those cute little babies down from heaven. And isn't that what its really all about?

    :lol :lol :lol

  12. In the previous thread I pointed out that what she wants the democrats to not discuss she totes out on stage and wants praise for...she had the down syndrome baby even when she knew ahead of time and could have aborted. Bravo for her, now she wants her privacy as she totes her down syndrome child on stage at appearance after appearance, well she's makign it an issue open for discussion, but only wants one side able to discuss? Ditto with her daughter. Your statement from the last thread basically say's if the democrats act like rovian republicans in regards to her family it will cost them the election. Has that sort of behavior cost republicans elections? Afterall they are the masters at that sort of campaigning.


    My point overall is that regardless of what bubbles to the surface they can't sit and hope something bubbles up, they have to go after issues whhere the republicans actiosn don't mirror their phillosophies, and they can't yet again allow the republicans to dictate the terms of the debate/election. Because everyone here knows damned well that if Obama had a 17 year old pregnant daughter it would be amajor topic of discussion by the right and an incessant one. Heck I read an article today where they still are trying to tie Edwards to Obama and the inference being one democrat and another are indistiguishable thus the sins of Edwards are the sins of Obama.


    Just about anyone who pays attention knows that the Obama will kill McCain on the issues. McCain just does nto have facts or reality to back his positions. But there is no contest on election strategy if the democrats allow the republicans to dictate the terms of the election, which is what they are doing right now.

    you make a lot of good points. i still think that stooping to rovian tactics is like becoming a monster to attack a monster, and would certainly hurt obama's campaign. there are many ways to keep republicans from dictating the terms of the election -- many issues to highlight & become more strident about, and hypocrisies to reveal -- without going after the quality of palin's motherhood. that one would backfire and i think it would be a big mistake. obama does not need mothers nationwide who feel attacked and disappointed hillary supporters who feel crazy out there defending palin, whether or not palin talks about her mothering herself.

  13. My wife heard a story and I have no clue as to its validity, she's not really a news person so it may be rumor. But the story is that with this last child Palin fleew away for a speaking engangement. Her water broke, but rather than go to the doctor she did her speech, flew home and then delivered. My wife now thinks Palin has serious judgemen issues in that she would fly in her 9th month (generally not allowed) that she did her speech (implying that it was more important than the babay) flew home (rather than seek immediate medical attention). If true all of this flys in the face of how most women woudl handle their pregnancies. If true and the story gained traction this is the sort of thing that would cost the republicans more votes than McCain getting caught with a hooker.

    john s, you've had a lot to offer in these threads and i appreciate them, but the above rumor (or fact, whichever it is) was discussed at length in the last thread, and i hope no one minds if i quote my own post from that thread which was put up just before the thread was shut down:


    i believe this:


    "the media and others focusing on palin's private family life will hand the election to mccain on a silver platter. this will be a picnic for him if people keep the ticket on the defensive for irrelevant reasons. leave her private life alone, and all the wrong reasons for her being chosen by mccain will float up to the surface on their own."



    p.s. today: actually, they seem to be racing, not floating, to the surface.

  14. before mccain chose palin, he and obama were virtually neck and neck in the polls. he wasn't in a desperate situation, so why would he make a do-or-die v.p. choice? i don't really buy the maverick thing, with something this crucial and fundamental. he is starting to remind me a little of ross perot.

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