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Posts posted by sweetheart-mine

  1. loldoctor, thank you for this. it's riveting to read the thoughts on tweedy's lyrics of someone who is also a songwriter. you say a lot, and i learned a lot. re: his wanting people to listen to his lyrics, to be aware they're listening to a song, this must be true. i can't do a single other thing while listening to him, discovered that right away. while listening (which is every day), i put these big headphones around my ears and sit like a statue for an hour at a time. i don't even want to hear normal outdoor sounds through closed windows -- i HAVE to pay attention. i once had the sunken treasure dvd audio going in the car while my sister was riding with me, and she kept talking and it drove me nuts. i had to turn the music off; it was either that or pull over and leave her on the side of the road! i get very lost in the lyrics and music, far more than with any other musician. an hour can feel like five glorious hours or five acutely immersed minutes. either way, i've always been on some journey that has a real hold on me, that i don't want to let go of.

  2. yep it can be done I will try and do it tomorrow if time in my busy schedule of having the day off permits.

    hi High, is the track splitting still to come? your busy schedule of having the day off must have been a whopper, that's good! no pressure, i just want to be sure i didn't somehow miss it.

  3. Like the music, the lyrics are more complex than the usual drivel. That's one of the reasons why I'm so hooked on them. I like having to listen to a song more than once to fully get what's being said. . . .


    If I had to pick a favorite, lyrically, I would probably have to go with "War on War". It's a long story as to why. The short version: listening to the song while going through a rough period in my life, it suddenly made sense to me after years of listening to it. Around that same time I saw the "Austin City Limits" from 2004, where Jeff talked about how the meaning of lyrics come partially from the writer and partially from the listener, which was certainly what I had experienced with "War on War". I know what the lyrics mean to me, based on my experiences. I'm sure they mean something different to Jeff. That's the beauty of music that goes beyond discussions of what to do with the junk in one's trunk.

    all so true. and it does seem impossible to pick a favorite; for one thing, my favorite keeps changing. "war on war" has remained up there in my top 5 all along, probably for reasons different from your or jeff's interpretations! tomorrow something else will float up into the top 5 -- maybe a song i've listened to ten times and suddenly, on the eleventh listen, i actually hear what it means. i still have a lot of listening to do (how lucky!), but right now the lyrics of "in a future age," "hell is chrome," "less than you think," and "theologians" strike me as especially brilliant and alive. from SBS, "you are my face" and "side with the seeds" speak to me most so far. they all call on my imagination, which is the beauty of the meaning of lyrics coming partly from the listener. i'm glad you brought up jeff's awareness of that. what a gift it is.

  4. yeah but that has the talking over it. still good tho.


    the din and cocktail-party-type patter going on in the background of whichever one i have amazes me. can you imagine paying no attention when you've got jeff tweedy and wilco doing "be not so fearful" right there in the room with you. wow.

  5. jeff tweedy's lyrics make me hungry to listen to his every song every day, each time a fresh and fascinating experience. they make me think. many of them can have many different meanings, depending on who you are, or what time of life you're at, or how much ambivalence and ambiguity you believe you can handle on a given day. for me, the ambivalence and ambiguity he expresses, whether subtle or overt, get at the very core of life as a human being. they're deeply, painfully honest, and they leave most beliefs and assumptions open to question.


    this makes a lot of people uncomfortable, as abstract art does. matisse said "it isn't the fault of abstraction that few people can really think abstractly." we can be grateful that people who find abstraction difficult don't manage to scare off the matisses and rothkos and jeff tweedys and anyone else who challenges their viewers/listeners to think, and to accept the unmistakable absence of black-and-whiteness in life.


    i'm a middle-aged newcomer to jeff tweedy and wilco, but he struck me immediately and hard. i love his imperfect but dynamic voice, i love his(their) music, but most of all -- what stays with me day after day -- i love his poetry, dark and difficult though it is in various eras of his life. that IS life, just as the heightened directness of most of SBS is life. he is MOVING through life.


    anyone who thinks his lyrics are a problem should go back to something more predictable and comfortable (how about those eagles). after discovering jeff tweedy, i can still love the sound or rhythm of a huge number of rockers and folk artists who came before -- and i did enjoy them -- but they don't hold my interest as much, can't be as compelling, anymore.


    in one of the dvds jeff talks about people thinking that music makes them feel a certain way, whereas he believes that the music simply allows them to recognize something they already feel. i think he's absolutely right about this, and that's probably what scares the people who want to ignore what he says or call it too difficult or too out-there. it's like they want an I.V. pumping predictability into their bodies. well, don't look to jeff tweedy for that, and i say Good Luck disparaging him for speaking so much subtle truth, which doesn't always rhyme, end where it started like a circle, or snap to grid.

  6. haha me too! Well I didnt cry but it blew me AWAY!

    He played ELT!!!! I Love ELT! damnnn

    Probably the Best Live performance I have heard EVER!

    haha maybe not but it was so GOOD.

    I have been listening to it NON STOP!

    I wishhh I could see Jeff or Wilco Live :(

    i love ELT too. in the few months since i crawled out from under my rock and learned of jeff tweedy and wilco, i haven't found a version of ELT that comes even close to this one, it's out of this world. actually think that's true of several songs on this dvd -- no other versions i've heard yet even come close. ELT, summerteeth, war on war, in a future age . . . and . . . sunken treasure, wow. he was fantastic on this tour.


    we need a jeff tweedy Live in the Atlantic Northeast, please!

  7. yeah I couldn't remember if it was that track or when the roses bloom again. some one should split it into two tracks or I will once I redownload an mp3 splitter program

    ooo, that can be done? (split into two tracks.) i for one would be VERY grateful, and others would be too. it's such a gorgeous song. i've been listening more to your version, and after the cell phone bit it really is way better than the only other one sung by jeff that i've found. thank you for persevering with this!

  8. I don't have speakers on this computer but I am pretty sure this contains a false start where some ones cell phone goes off and causes the amps to get all wacky fuzz. Or that might be another song from that session. any way here it is


    Wilco - Be Not So Fearful (Live on KRCW)


    hey, thanks very much! yes, quite a ways into the song jeff has to stop and start over because of someone's cell phone going off. otherwise the sound is good, better than the other live version.

  9. Old clique-y joke. Sorry.


    Really though: Feed a man a fish, etc. Teach a man to fish, something something.



    yah, the guy is trying to learn how to fish. some of us are trying to teach him. once he knows how to fish, he can fish fish fish and have music music music all the day and night. it really isn't hard to at least show the guy where the fishing pole is.

  10. If I wasn't at work I'd just up the file for you.


    Awesome how friendly and helpful you people are.


    and if i wasn't a technology idiot, i'd up the file for him too. don't know how to do it.

    a link to instructions that are readable and clear seem the next best thing.

  11. Look not only do I have patience, but I SEARCHED for the topic ;)


    So after waiting almost a full year, I now have the DVD in my hands!!! :dancing My friend bought it for me after I won a little contest she had. As soon as the girls are in bed, it's just about me & Jeff!!! :rock I am absolutely going out of my mind in anticipation!!! :w00t


    glad you did get it, worshipper! i've listened to my cd of it every single day since i got it (two months ago?) and watched the thing at least twice a week. still do. jeff's voice in most of it is in top form and knox my sox off. have a great time ...

  12. the next best thing to a studio version of this track that wilco does is on a KRCW session or something. no audience banter or whatever but still not entirely a studio take, I'll find it and post it tomorrow or something.


    that would be great. thanks!

  13. well, being quite a newbie, i don't have much physical paraphernalia beyond every cd and dvd i've managed to buy or make yet. (each one i make is burned 3 times because i need it in my living room, in my art studio, and in my car.)


    jeff tweedy's voice and songs in my head almost 100% of waking hours can count as major paraphernalia for me at this point. help, why is this???

  14. great and beautiful story, i love it, thank you! you put us all there. one of these days i will venture out to my first tweedy or wilco show (yep, claustrophobia here too), and you've given me courage to do it even if i have to go by myself. (don't know anyone around me who knows of wilco, can you believe it?) you're a wonderful writer, by the way; this was a real treat, all of it.

  15. hi there, i'm very recent to the board too and am still learning a lot more than posting. do you have the 2006 dvd of jeff's solo tour "sunken treasure: live in the pacific northwest"? (and cd, because after buying you can download the entire song audio via computer as part of the package.) it is fantastic and what really got me acquainted with many wilco songs. the problem is, i think jeff's voice is so strong and wonderful on it that the original wilco versions kind of pale for me. nels and glenn shine toward the end of the last set on the dvd too, when jeff brought them on.


    i absolutely love almost every song on that dvd, and ELT is probably my very favorite from summerteeth too. i haven't read too many people with that opinion, but it's a great song and jeff's solo rendition is out of this world.


    being older than the average fan here, my ever learning about wilco was highly unlikely. the only reason it happened is that a few months ago the ovation channel was showing "man in the sand," the documentary about billy bragg and wilco putting leftover woody guthrie lyrics to music (which led to the "mermaid avenue" cds). i was only surfing, and tuned in in the middle just as they were starting "when the roses bloom again." it wasn't even their final version, and the lyrics turned out not to be guthrie's, but it knocked my sox off. i was mesmerized by jeff's voice and their overall sound. (the "sweetheart-mine" name i gave myself here is in homage to that song which led me to jeff and wilco.) i went hunting for that song and it wasn't easy to find, but once i found it my jeff tweedy / wilco journey took off. i must thank owl here at v.c., whose site gave me access to a ton of songs and performances i might never have heard otherwise.


    i'm still exploring past albums, still loving jeff's "sunken treasure" dvd/cd best, and enjoying falling in love with "sky blue sky," which at first made me think "hmmm, not sure," and now has grabbed me. it's beautiful. i have to listen to them every single day -- in the car, at home, in my studio -- because otherwise i get this deprived attitude. like . . . an addict. this threatens to go on for a very long time and my husband is trying not to get annoyed! it's hard to get my attention these days when i've got the headphones on and am lost in wilco world.


    keep having a great time.

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