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hardwood floor

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Posts posted by hardwood floor

  1. This just came out. Anybody heard it yet? I knew nothing about it until yesterday.


    yeah, it's good, not great


    i need to listen more & hopefully it will grow on me, but i wouldn't put it up there with his best (10 years after, songs from the film, based on happy times)


    but the sound is awesome and has a few great tommy keene tracks


    the guy is phenomenal live and is going to be playing some shows soon ... go see him if you can

  2. I was definitely missing Ringo during that song. Grohl is a great drummer, but he played too hard, and employed too much crash. The song just needed to be played simple and with more subtlety. Another issue I had was with the guitarist, especially the guy playing the fills and solos. Too much flash, not enough musicality.


    yeah, totally


    didn't expect anybody to agree with me on this!


    i do love grohl as a powerhouse drummer, but on that song it was a bad fit

  3. i was stuck in a bar last night where the grammy's were blasting


    i've never seen more complete crap in my life


    is this what people listen to these days?


    i guess i'm insulated from the whole pop culture thing, but what a bunch of complete shit


    oh, and ... Ringo > Dave fucking Grohl

  4. As for Bruce, he has a huge catalogue and I've never actually heard of anyone that likes either of those albums. He doesn't play the songs live ever, and I'm only 20 years old, so I wasn't really aware of those releases when they came out. Some day I'll probably get them, but I doubt I'll listen to them very much.


    luckytown is pretty good


    not sure why you'd dismiss two records by your alleged favorite artist without hearing them



  5. Just keep listening until you hit the stuff that resonates.....It shouldn't take too long, actually. Assuming you're human.




    some of the shows i've given to a couple people who are just getting started are


    rotterdam, may 11, 1972

    baltimore, march 26, 1973

    cornell, may 8, 1977


    have fun!

  6. "U" and "Leatherman"- Pearl Jam

    "Fly Into Ashes," "Why Did You Land?," "Isolation Drills," "Deaf Ears," "Tropical Robots," "Color of my Blade"- Guided by Voices


    Why did you Land is such a powerhouse and I guess never released other than on the Official Ironman Rally Song single until the hardcore ufos box set came out in 2003?


    incredible song

  7. The Takeovers are another Pollard-project that is steady enough to help me retain my faith in Uncle Bob. I really like Bad Football. Too bad there isn't a Takeovers record on the slate this year. There are 2 BS albums coming out this year plus a compilation of all the b-sides, singles and stuff from the past 2-3 years (Tug Of War At The Faithful Center).


    bad football to me was just OK ... i dug my will & i can see my dog most but the other stuff ... varied between OK and meh ... although it sounded good


    i think boston spaceships pretty much replaces bad football ... the only difference in lineup being john moen on drums instead of slusher?


    turn to red, likewise, had a few really good cuts -- serpentine rain dodger is an all-timer (although i think i prefer the original version on 30 songs) and insane-cool it is really good ... but after that ...


    for me, the last record that i could listen to start to finish without skipping a thing was From a Compound Eye

  8. Can't believe no Colorado shows. One of my favorite memories was Robert handing me a bud out of the band cooler during the encore of the GBV show. Have not checked out the new one but plan on it. Did not know about boston Spaceships until I read this.


    spaceships is a welcome project, mainly because it's the first thing pollard has done without todd tobias playing all the instruments and producing and arranging and recording since ... half-smiles? (other than keene brothers)


    boston spaceships is pollard with former gbv bass player chris slusarenko on guitar, jason narduccy on bass and john moen on drums. tommy keene came along for the live shows, which were his best since the nate farley / tim tobias / jim mcpherson / doug gillard gbv lineup


    the songs aren't quite there but it sounds great. kind of like the takeovers stuff

  9. I am enjoying his new one quite a bit. It's so much better than Off to Business. I can't wait until the new Boston Spaceship's new one to drop, The Planets are Blasted.


    I guess it's no real surprise that this is just one of six new albums (that we know about) by Pollard this year!


    yeah, six albums that if you take the best tracks from each will still be about half as good as the worst gbv record

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