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Posts posted by kimcatch22

  1. oh my god! I went to my other house today and the cat brought all of the kittens to my house! I guess she realized that the neighbors are weird. There is a almost all white one with a few black markings, two black and white ones that I think Kim should have, a black one, and a calico one that I want to keep because it is ugly as shit. I'm not a cat person though. I'm totally a kitten person.


    I took pics and will try to post them tomorrow when I get off of work.

    YES!!!!! :dancing

  2. I don't know I didn't go see them. My neighbor is weird. Brooke went over to see them though and she said there were five. I don't know what color but I'll take them all the Brad's Friday when I'm in Memphis and she can just pick which one she wants and leave the rest.

    Only good can come from that.

  3. Anything but orange. I like the VC orange kitties but they're not for me. I have a black/white theme with current pets, anyway. Preferences in order: tuxedo, that soft velvety grey, grey and white, tabby, others.


    That reminds me, Jen: Anti-Cruelty Society has a tuxedo with ORANGE eyes!! I will show you the pic.


    Back to baby stuff.


    edit: nevermind, orange-eyed kitty was adopted and profile is gone from Petfinder.

  4. No. I was just kidding. We have enough crap from #1 baby. Unless, of course, it is a boy, in which case we will start a new collection.

    If this happens, I have a Bears baby set with Jules Jr The Sequel's name on it.

    Hell, I may get it for him/her/you anyway. :pirate

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