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Posts posted by solace

  1. That might be for the VIP tent thing - if you click on the price range, it reads the below.



    yeah, i see that now... that's not as bad ;)


    looks like it's a promoter thing, as they're doing the same thing for the Steve Miller Band show there. lol

  2. Mark has been quite active.  He's got another Sun Kil Moon album coming out in February called Benji.  Will Oldham is on it among others.  It's a good time to be a Kozelek fan, no doubt.  Would really love to see a full band tour again.


    there is one in early '14, just Pac NW so far tho

  3. Jeff even addresses this before And Your Bird Can Sing... "Anyone disappointed we're playing all covers?", to which the crowd overwhelmingly cheers no.


    i get being disappointed if you truly wanted to hear more Wilco songs, or rare Wilco songs, but I don't get walking away from a once in a lifetime show like this being disappointed in general. there's opinions and there's whining, you're more than entitled to your opinion, and we're more than entitled to feel your opinion comes of as whining :).


    and that's all I have to say about that.


    amazing show, thank you NYCTaper!!!


    edit: he addresses it during Kingpin too... "we'll play a lot of them tomorrow night"

  4. I haven't heard it yet, but the fact that they're trying to go in a different direction this time is part of what makes them ambitious. 


    i don't really think it's all that different of a direction though?

  5. I'm proud that they're my hometown band, and I'm psyched to get their new record.  Even though I haven't liked everything they've done, I think they're wildly ambitious and I love that.


    as much as I do love Monomania (probably my #2 or #3 album on the year so far), it's a lot less ambitious and a bit more "same-y" than the last two records...

  6. i'm pretty sure we'll be getting:

    90 min from Dylan and 60 min from Wilco + MMJ, the other opener 30-45 tops



    That's funny... When/where did he say that?





    Ha ha.  It's great to see Wilco sharing the same stage again with the band to whom Jeff not so affectionately referred as "My Boring Racket."



    That's funny.





    That's funny... When/where did he say that?


    i'm not sure it was ever confirmed he did... but it's been a running gag on the MMJ forum for years



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