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Posts posted by poppydawn

  1. And ignorance. Let's not forget the ignorance. I teach a "Nutrition" lesson weekly (with the food to match) and it's amazing how little the kids know about what is good for the body and what isn't. It's an inner city school and a lot of the kids simply don't eat well because their parents don't.


    However, it's not just an economic thing. TIn a lot od cases, the sizes of fast food portions has quadrupled (or so) the last 10-15 years and it's not uncommon to see people from all economic strata walking around with 64 oz. soda cups slurping away. It's amazing.


    I'll post a picture, but you've gotta read to get to it.


    I taught cooking classes for kids a few years ago. When I first started, I was completely disgusted by how little the kids and their parents knew about nutrition. It was across all economic lines. I was working at a non-profit arts center, so my students included kids from affluent families as well as inner-city kids on scholarships. On the first day of class, we'd go around the room and talk about favorite and least favorite foods. Overall, it was rare to have a kid who wasn't eating fast food several times a week. There was also the belief that if something pre-packaged was labeled "low-fat", it automatically meant it was healthy.


    There are so many misconceptions about food out there, and why would the industries make any attempts to change them? There's a lot of money to be made from processed food and diet programs.


    Ignorance is a biggie, too. Ignorance of how our bodies work, how metabolisms differ (excellent point, THDW). I'm overweight, partially due to a hormonal disorder. Went through years of unhealthy dieting that only made the problem worse.


    Thank you for reading. Here's my boobs:




    Barbara Kingsolver's "Animal Vegetable Miracle" is another good read on the topic of food politics.

  2. I used to love the Red Hot Chili Peppers, too, but have lost interest. I do agree that "Blood Sugar Sex Magik" is still an excellent listen. That double-album they released a year or two ago? I couldn't get interested in it at all.


    I used to dig all the riot grrrrrrl stuff, but aside from a few songs, it just doesn't do much for me anymore. Probably because I'm cranky and middle-aged instead of angry and young.


    I used to make a sport of making fun of Morrissey, but I've developed quite an appreciation for The Smiths over the past few years.

  3. or cum in baggies in the closet......I went to high school with a guy who actually did that - his mom found them. Yeh, creepy. He also wore an Indiana Jones hat and talked a lot about blowing up the school.


    St. Louis is such a great place!


    Yes, and then when they were sitting together on the bench and his Dad showed how the key went into the heart.......That was just freaky and disturbing. You can't make this stuff up.


    Yeah. That gave me the cold shivers.


    Speaking of disposable pop stars who probably store bodily waste products in their closests, James Blunt is on Sesame Street right now, singing "You're Beautiful" about triangles. I kind of want to die right now. I don't want to live in a world where this exists. This can't be good for children. Or anyone.

  4. I thought it was goofy at first, but the game's what finally motivated my husband to start learning to play guitar for real. I haven't seen him so excited about a new hobby in forever. Yeah, he might not get very far, but at least he's finally giving it a try.


    On the same note, I've always had a terrible fear of singing in public after a really bad incident in sixth grade. As much as I love music, I've always been hard-pressed to even quietly sing along at concerts or sing lullabies to my kid. Some friends of ours recently got Rock Band, and I was thrown into being the lead singer. Lo and behold, I nailed the song. And then another and another and another. Turns out I can carry a tune after all. It took a silly, overpriced video game to finally get me to dump 20 years of baggage.


    Guitar Hero and Rock Band are inspirations to our people and will save society. Maybe.

  5. I can't say that I feel like Jessica Simpson's forced in my face on a regular basis, probably because I don't partake in the types of places she frequents. I pretty much avoid most of the pop culture outlets and if I choose to read them, well, I've got it coming, then.


    I do think she looks too unnatural to be pretty. But that's just me.


    Having a daughter, I am pretty concerned about how media images of women are going to shape her. But as her parent, it's my job to control her access to those images and help her develop a strong enough sense of self to manage those images later in her life. She's almost four, and I'm a hardass about not letting her have much access to anything related to Barbie, Bratz or princesses. That's the one thing that really unnerves me - those images are geared towards girls my daughters' age, and I think that's a lot more problematic than the Jessicas and Britneys in the media. At this stage she's been around so little of that stuff that she doesn't ask for it. She's much more interested in dinosaurs, making cupcakes, playing guitar, her books, and Chthulu. She likes some girly stuff, but overall I think we're doing a good job of raising a well-rounded kid, which will hopefully prevent some of the body image and media images that certainly await her down the road.


    I do think it'll help that I'm pretty darn comfortable with my appearance. She's not going to grow up seeing me bag on myself.

  6. I'm playing Tivo catch-up. The guy in Dallas who'd never kissed a girl? He had a key-shaped pendent and his dad wore a heart-shaped one that the key fit into? Creepiest people in the world.


    Edit: I was wrong. The guy with the bag of fingernails is the creepiest person in the world. That's one step up from storing his poo in little jars in the basement.

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