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Everything posted by ction

  1. Is there any truth to the rumor that Papelbon is going to start the game in RF tonight and bat clean-up?
  2. I haven't made that in a while. Because the ingredients are kinda expensive and I was having trouble the last couple of times getting the cheeses to all melt and blend properly. Maybe this weekend. You're in charge of the kids.
  3. I'd rather have a full head of hair and be able to touch my toes. Life is all about compromises.
  4. Sure. P.S. You're in charge of the kids.
  5. I need to see that. Do you have a copy? Want to stop by the house after work for some pizza?
  6. I read one of his tour diaries from playing with the Stooges and it was the most unintentionally hilarious thing I've seen in a while. The number of made-up words is amazing and impressive.
  7. Speaking of D Boon...I like the Minutemen and all, and even enjoy a lot of the firehose I've heard...but damn if Mike Watt isn't annoying.
  8. I've listened to this a couple of times and I still have no idea if I really like it (or if I'm just wanting to really like it).
  9. Having set my expectations to zero, I'm actually enjoying the new Dylan album quite a bit.
  10. I'm going to listen to that for the first time, right now.
  11. What is your problem, man?
  12. No. No it isn't. Those two links are great examples of why I love the internet.
  13. Maybe sometime you and me could soak in the tub and you could tell me stories. About Deadwood. And other things.
  14. Perhaps the more important question is this: is it "Inbetween Days" or "In Between Days"? I honestly have no idea. I could check my iPod but that wouldn't prove anything.
  15. #s 1 and 2, while still wrong, are both very good songs. As for #3, the only thing keeping it from being the gayest Cure song is "Love Cats".
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