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Posts posted by andshewas

  1. I'm pretty sure that my boyfriend is ready to rip his ears off after how much I've talked at him about Wilco over the past few weeks, but he oughtta know that he should get that out of his system rrrrreal quick.


    Here, you see, I'm being rather unproductive.


    I intently listen to the radio feed as I read an old paper...



    ...as all of these textbooks sit, waiting to be read and homework beckons for my attention.



    Oh well!

  2. I saw the censored pics at perezhilton.com, and I can't help but to abhor the entire concept of her trying to emulate Marilyn. She can't work the image--I thought she looked kind of awkward in her Marilyn-esque getup [or lack thereof].



    She should just stop trying.

  3. Not very well traveled compared to the rest of you...


    Wilco: 4 times


    7/5/06 Milwaukee

    8/6/06 Lollapalooza

    9/12/07 Millenium Park

    10/9/07 Milwaukee

    perhaps once more this weekend if things REALLY don't work out with my trip to Madison...



    Glenn/Nels: 7/30?/06 Milwaukee


    Autumn Defense: 2/28/07 Milwaukee



    I think I'm gonna go to bed now.

  4. I had this idea a few days ago. Perhaps it isn't a new idea, but I thought it would be quite enjoyable for us fans that have forayed into the works of Wilco side-projects.


    The idea is this: instead of a show involving strictly Wilco, make the concert somewhat of a variety show, involving Wilco, the Autumn Defense, Loose Fur [hopefully Jim O'Rourke would hang around stateside for a bit], the Glenn/Nels solo-duo [which I would LOOOOOOVE to experience again], maybe even the Blisters or [long shot] Golden Smog--each playing 2 or 3 songs, then rotating out to the next ensemble [in a semi-random fashion] for the duration of the show. It would be an exhibition of a small breadth of what these guys do.


    The idea is far easier perceived in my own mind than it is to explain, but this is the gist of it, I suppose.


    Fun, no?




    [i know I'm missing a few of the projects, like the one John has with his sister, etc...]

  5. Due tomorrow is an essay that I'm supposed to be writing for my Spanish class, but I am easily distracted and can't bring myself to do it. I'm soon to face doom. = [



    I'm a first-semester sophomore [just came started again after a semester break], and I can't tell you how incredibly difficult it is for me to see myself getting the meteorology degree I've set out for.


    I think it would've been different if I had been accepted at the first school I applied at. I know that I would have been challenged, that I would have changed; having to settle for a lesser institution hasn't done much for my motivation or work ethic. That's why I continue to stay up into the wee hours of the morning to write papers at the last minute--just like I did in high school. It's so easy to skate by with such little effort, especially when I still get As for mediocre work. Not having to spend time studying, or having to dedicate time to finding a good study system really worries me, because I don't know if there's another way to develop those skills--aside from hunkering down and just doing it.


    I can't understand how some kids fail the same classes twice or three times in a row, when little is expected of their work [from the Professors and TAs]. I got a B+ in a class last year just for going to class 90% of the time, finishing most of the homework, and writing 9 pages of a 15 page paper. The class was instructed by the chairman of the economics department. You would think that he, of all people--editor of renowned economic journal [or so he said], researcher, intuitive analyst--would expect more effort and better work. [i think universities should offer classes on reverse logic, just so that the students that pay so much for their poor education can understand why such squalor runs rampant on campus.]

    That professor isn't unlike the others I've had so far...however, the atmosci professor that I had my first semester seemed to have his head on straight. He told us a few times that he has a black belt in karate, and once claimed that he could "still kick this kid's ass" in his slightly old age.

    [His hair looked like a cloud on his head. Definitely fit for a career in weather.]


    That said, miss Katie, I'm sure you'd be welcome at my school. You'd have to move to Milwaukee [not cool like Canada], but they let almost everyone in. I'm sure they'd accept a Canadian for diversity purposes...

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