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Posts posted by PopTodd

  1. I've told this story before, but that's never stopped me before...


    Uncle Tupelo:

    They played just about every other week at a club in the town where I went to college (Columbia, MO -- The Blue Note). I had no desire to see them, despite hearing good things. But on Halloween, 1989 they were opening for fIREHOSE, so I figured that I'd get there early just to check them out, as long as I was going to be there anyway.

    Three scraggly guys ambled out on to the stage. They plugged in. They started playing. I want to say that it was either "Graveyard Shift" or "Whiskey Bottle"; either way, my jaw hit the floor. I bought No Depression at Streetside Records the day that it came out and have never looked back.

  2. One of my parent's best friends is Steve Goodman's first cousin, and looks exactly like him.

    That said, I never met the man, but yeah, I am a fan.

    "A Dying Cubs Fan's Last Request" is among my favorite baseball songs:

    By the shore's of old Lake Michigan

    Where the "hawk wind" blows so cold

    An old Cub fan lay dying

    In his midnight hour that tolled

    Round his bed, his friends had all gathered

    They knew his time was short

    And on his head they put this bright blue cap

    From his all-time favorite sport

    He told them, "Its late and its getting dark in here"

    And I know its time to go

    But before I leave the line-up

    Boys, there's just one thing I'd like to know


    Do they still play the blues in Chicago

    When baseball season rolls around

    When the snow melts away,

    Do the Cubbies still play

    In their ivy-covered burial ground

    When I was a boy they were my pride and joy

    But now they only bring fatigue

    To the home of the brave

    The land of the free

    And the doormat of the National League


    Told his friends "You know the law of averages says:

    Anything will happen that can"

    That's what it says

    "But the last time the Cubs won a National League pennant

    Was the year we dropped the bomb on Japan"

    The Cubs made me a criminal

    Sent me down a wayward path

    They stole my youth from me

    (that's the truth)

    I'd forsake my teachers

    To go sit in the bleachers

    In flagrant truancy


    and then one thing led to another

    and soon I'd discovered alcohol, gambling, dope

    football, hockey, lacrosse, tennis

    But what do you expect,

    When you raise up a young boy's hopes

    And then just crush 'em like so many paper beer cups.


    Year after year after year

    after year, after year, after year, after year, after year

    'Til those hopes are just so much popcorn

    for the pigeons beneath the 'L' tracks to eat

    He said, "You know I'll never see Wrigley Field, anymore before my eternal rest

    So if you have your pencils and your score cards ready,

    and I'll read you my last request

    He said, "Give me a double header funeral in Wrigley Field

    On some sunny weekend day (no lights)

    Have the organ play the "National Anthem"

    and then a little 'na, na, na, na, hey hey, hey, Goodbye'

    Make six bullpen pitchers, carry my coffin

    and six ground keepers clear my path

    Have the umpires bark me out at every base

    In all their holy wrath

    Its a beautiful day for a funeral, Hey Ernie lets play two!

    Somebody go get Jack Brickhouse to come back,

    and conduct just one more interview

    Have the Cubbies run right out into the middle of the field,

    Have Keith Moreland drop a routine fly

    Give everybody two bags of peanuts and a frosty malt

    And I'll be ready to die


    Build a big fire on home plate out of your Louisville Sluggers baseball bats,

    And toss my coffin in

    Let my ashes blow in a beautiful snow

    From the prevailing 30 mile an hour southwest wind

    When my last remains go flying over the left-field wall

    Will bid the bleacher bums ad?eu

    And I will come to my final resting place, out on Waveland Avenue


    The dying man's friends told him to cut it out

    They said stop it that's an awful shame

    He whispered, "Don't Cry, we'll meet by and by near the Heavenly Hall of Fame

    He said, "I've got season's tickets to watch the Angels now,

    So its just what I'm going to do

    He said, "but you the living, you're stuck here with the Cubs,

    So its me that feels sorry for you!"


    And he said, "Ahh Play, play that lonesome losers tune,

    That's the one I like the best"

    And he closed his eyes, and slipped away

    What we got is the Dying Cub Fan's Last Request

    And here it is


    Do they still play the blues in Chicago

    When baseball season rolls around

    When the snow melts away,

    Do the Cubbies still play

    In their ivy-covered burial ground

    When I was a boy they were my pride and joy

    But now they only bring fatigue

    To the home of the brave

    The land of the free

    And the doormat of the National League

  3. Calling LouieB...!


    I saw U2 on the Joshua Tree tour (1987 -- Rosemont Horizon). Is that early enough?

    It was my first "real" concert and it was a pretty amazing show. Bono's posing and posturing had yet to become a parody of itself and it made for a pretty powerful show.


    Also, not sure if it counts but:

    Pixies 1989 at The Blue Note: Columbia, MO.

    Probably not legendary enough?



    1992 reunion show at Mississippi Nights in St. Louis, MO.

    Guitar playing like I have never seen and will most-like never see again. Richard Lloyd literally tore the strings off of his guitar at the end of the show. (At the end of "Call Mr. Lee.) Just... wow.


    So any of these qualify?

  4. Also good, if youdon't miond paying a premium for hard-to-find Brit stuff is:




    My friends and I refer to him as "The Bad Boy" because he charges so much. But he has what we want and can't find anywhere else.

    Damn that bad boy.


    But if you ever come to Chicago, let me know and I can get you to the store, no problem. It's right next to an El stop in Evanston. (Yeah, that's the Vintage Vinyl site.)

  5. I imagine I have been hearing the Beatles since before I was born.


    Pretty much.


    But I do remember the first time I ever sat down and listened to The Beatles. I was probably 8 or 9 and my dad came home with 2 records -- one for me and one for my sister: Sgt. Peppers and Magical Mystery Tour. We put the former on my cheap little all-in-one stereo turntable, and sat on my bed to have a listen. I don't think that I moved until the final chord of "A Day In the Life" had faded away. Except, of course, to flip the record over to side 2.

  6. I have taken down the song, as all the feedback is causing me to re-think the arrangement and, frankly, I've been happy with it up to now.


    The rest of the album, as you know, is going to be completely different, so I don't want to give any of y'all the wrong impression. And, as stated -- more importantly -- I wanna keep my songs sounding the way that I had envisioned them, without second-guessing myself.


    I know that it looks like I'm taking my ball and going home, but really... I comprimised too much on the first record for people actually IN the band and I don't want to head down that road again, due to comments from folks who AREN'T in the band.


    I think that, in excitement and in my haste to share my new creation, I didn't think that through.


    It's not that I can't take critique, I just think that it's the wrong time for it right now, and I want to stay excited about the project while it's still fresh.


    Thanks again for the comments. I do appreciate them all and look forward to more, when I release the entire record next year.

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