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Posts posted by PopTodd

  1. who is this clarence white fellow? in a band? a solo act? a douchebag?


    Played a lot of lead guitar with The Byrds on Sweetheart of the Rodeo and after... in the "country" phase. He also played with them on Younger Than Yesterday (listen to the lead guitar on "Time Between" - that's him, too).


    Here's his AllMusic entry:



    Oh yeah, also co-inventor of the Parsons-White String Bender. (You guitarists know what I'm talking about.)

  2. I don't think any of us here have the authority to change the list.


    Well aware.

    Just being emphatic for my man Clarence. This is a thread where we use said list as impetus to start mentioning our own favorites, is it not? And, Clarence White was a better guitarist than ANY of the previously mentioned folks.

  3. "Dancing Partner" - Joe Pisapia

    Just becaue I'm like that, you can hear this song at his MySpace:



    The day I went to visit her

    Soon after she turned ninety-four

    The coffee and the Entenmann's

    We talked as if we were old friends


    She filled me in on gossip

    All the seniors in the complex

    We talked about the days gone by

    And then she told me with a sigh,


    It's been twenty-seven years

    He's passed away

    It still feels like yesterday


    The conversation turned to love

    As any long talk always does

    She asked about my situation

    Was there someone I was dating


    I told her of a pretty girl

    Who's teaching me to dance

    She told me how she love to dance

    But only with one man then she said,


    When they play that music

    I turn the other way

    Since my dancing partner's away


    Driving home so late that night

    My mind still recollecting

    All the many things we talked about

    Like living with and then without


    I wondered to myself if I would

    Ever love someone that way

    And in the echoes of that night

    I still can see her as she's saying,


    When they play that music

    I turn the other way

    Since my dancing partner's away

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