Fuck yes these shows have been great Surprised with the amount of repeats but its hard to complain when they are repeating such heavy hitters Since when has the tempo slowed down for Misunderstood and Shot in the Arm? I miss the angry loud sound of those tunes. Loved how last night Glenn got back up on his drum kit during the intro to ITMWLY Psyched for Tuesday and Wednesday!
did pretty well for the Beacon shows (singles only) Wednesdays presale Saturday - Middle Orchestra Row M Thursday presale Sunday - Middle Orchestra Row M Tuesday - MIddle Orchestra Row A (5th row dead center!) Friday onsale Wednesday - Row AA (first row!) in Middle Orchestra
can't believe that the majority of people sitting down the entire show! thankfully i was able to get there early for a good spot on the floor. cannot imagine sitting down for a wilco show. wish i could go tonight, its gonna be a real treat.