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Posts posted by ih8music

  1. After the election a friend said he wasn't worried cause Trump has the habit of hiring quality and successful people.


    Curious if your friend based this on firsthand knowledge or if it was because he watched The Apprentice. :lol

  2. I have an idea. How about a bipartisan approach to fixing Obamacare? Hm? Anyone?


    McConnell's speech last night/this morning after the vote was full of smarmy and snide remarks about the Democrats, saying to the effect of "well now they own this and we'll see what their solution to the problem is."  


    I don't for one second believe that he will seriously entertain their ideas for fixing Obamacare, but imagine a world in which that could happen...

  3. Well Obamacare is here to stay, at least for a while, thanks to Sens McCain, Murkowski & Collins. Hopefully this is the end of this repeal nonsense and Congress can get to work on improving the healthcare system we have, instead of intentionally sabotaging it.

  4. For what it's worth, the vote today was just to proceed with debate of the bill.  According to McCain, he's still a "no" vote if the current form of the bill is put up to a final vote:


    I voted for the motion to proceed to allow debate to continue and amendments to be offered. I will not vote for the bill as it is today. It’s a shell of a bill right now. We all know that.  I have changes urged by my state’s governor that will have to be included to earn my support for final passage of any bill. I know many of you will have to see the bill changed substantially for you to support it. We’ve tried to do this by coming up with a proposal behind closed doors in consultation with the administration, then springing it on skeptical members, trying to convince them it’s better than nothing, asking us to swallow our doubts and force it past a unified opposition. I don’t think that is going to work in the end. And it probably shouldn’t.

    Not holding my breath though... I think something will pass this year and tens of millions of people will lose their health coverage before all is said and done.
  5. McCain is inarguably an American war hero and patriot. The prognosis.certainly doesn't sound great. Hopefully he has successful treatment and he's able to beat the cancer. Yet, it's hard for me to ignore the fact that he has always been a consistent opponent of improving healthcare access and affordability, most recently lining up as a sold "yes" vote for bills that would have caused 22 & 33 million people to lose their health insurance coverage. I would like to believe that this experience will influence and perhaps change his position... but I doubt it.

  6. I saw an interesting poll the other day where 45% of Republicans did not believe that Trump jr. met with the Russians. The question wasn't about collusion, no it was the fact that Junior sat down and met with the Russians. 45% of Republicans believe that was made up. A fact that not one person in the administration, including Junior himself denies. You simply cannot reason with people who flat out ignore facts. Fuck.

    To be fair, I bet many of these people don't follow political news and probably didn't know that junior actually admitted to the meeting. It certainly sounds implausible on the surface.


    That said, we're still fucked.

  7. That link isn't working any more, but the song is available at https://www.drywoodgarage.com/


    I'm hopeful that it's a sign of a new album is about to drop, but the song itself (to my ears) is terrible. I might give it another try, but I really don't want to.
    More of Paul masturbating in the basement (or I suppose garage now) isn't what I'm interested in.  He did some brilliant things there -- 49:00 is probably my favorite album of his, ever*** -- but his latest work has been honestly a little concerning.  I was hoping his experience with the reunion would have warmed himself back up to playing with other musicians again, and it seemed like the case with the I Don't Cares album he released with Juliana Hatfield, but this seems like a big step backward.  
    *** edit: I just re-read my earlier comment saying that I thought the I Don't Cares album was better than 49:00.  what the hell was I smoking?
  8. The "he's just naive" defense only works (if at all) for Jr.  Manafort had decades of experience dealing with Russian and Ukranian government officials and oligarchs.  He knew exactly what a meeting like this meant -- and the email thread makes it crystal clear.  His (and Kushner's) involvement makes this so much more than just an isolated dumb mistake.


    And there's no way his micro-managing, gossip-loving, win-at-all-costs Dad didn't know all about it.  Only question is whether there's a paper trail to prove it.

  9. Wife and I finally caught this over the weekend -- it's been on our list for months.





    It was definitely unique and cool to see the cast actually age over the course of the movie (which was shot over the course of 12 years).  


    The story itself was a bit underwhelming... definitely a movie about the journey, not the destination.

  10. His interview on TDS was great... bummed he didn't play a song on the broadcast, but I think he'll gain a bunch of new fans off the interview alone.




    He did play Vampires for the audience... such a fantastic song, though without Amada's backing vocals, some of the emotional weight isn't there:





  11. At some point, certain attention-seeking Republicans like Chafetz, Issa & Ryan are going to do the political calculus and determine that it's now a greater benefit to be seen as the defenders of justice and integrity and aggressively go after Trump.  I'm not sure where that threshold exactly lies, but it feels like we've gotten much, much closer over the past 7-10 days.

  12. What I love is how, yet again, the White House spends all afternoon denying the story and dismissing it as fake news from a liberal outlet... and then this morning Trump confirms it all with a series of "yeah I did it, so what?" tweets.  Politics aside, it's gotta be exhausting working for this ass...

  13. Over the course of these 100+ days, Trump has very successfully managed to remain not-Hillary AND not-Barack. Incredible achievement. And as long as he remains not-Hillary AND not-Barack, he will continue to get support from his core.

  14. Jinxed myself - just got a call my kid's school nurse - i am off to pick her up. Buggers.

    Sending her home because of allergies? Wow. I would have missed most of gradeschool if that was the policy back then.

  15. I had the misfortune of discovering the daddyofive youtube channel today. Infuriating. The only good thing is that it sounds like they're finally getting held accountable for their "funny" prank videos.

  16. Today I mailed my federal taxes with a big fat check for the 'Merican peoples!!

    Daddy's little deductions are out on their own now (well, 2 out of 3), and daddy failed to recalculate withholdings for 2016!



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    I also had to pay this year.  I like to remind myself that at least I had that money in my bank account (granted, making approx. 0.001% interest) all year.  

  17. I had a similar run-in with an uncle in 2007 over "that muslim terrorist obama."


    A decade later, our relationship still hasn't recovered.  Not for lack of trying on my part, though...


    Best of luck, stew.  

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