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Wild Frank

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Posts posted by Wild Frank

  1. Ed Harcourt on June 15

    Cool. I used to love Ed's stuff but had kind of lost touch with him in recent years. His first three records were quality. Good live show aswell. Quite Tom Waitish....if Tom were in his thirties....and English.

  2. that's an odd little comment


    not sure i've ever heard anybody say that


    it's cool, you dig old stuff, but i've never heard it articulated that way


    anyway, the few tracks i've heard from the gabriel sound pretty good. i just think the guy is too good to be doing this. and he should get his ass to the freaking R&R hall of fame and sing carpet crawlers with tony, steve and mike

    I love Genesis, especially '69-'75 period, but I have no great desire to see them all get back on stage for something like the R'n'R Hall of Fame. Like the record or not, that is where his focus is at the moment. Credit to Peter for his single-mindedness. The R'n'R thing would be a nice nostalga trip but nothing more.

  3. Well, I've really dove deeper into jazz recently. So that's filling a lot of my time. And I'm getting into a lot of 60's blues and soul records. Plus I'm really digging Plastic Beach, and the entire Sparklehorse discography these days. So I'm not lacking in terrific things to listen to.


    My musical listening trends go in very distinct waves, and I try to get as much out of each wave as possible. I see no point in listening to a new album every day if I don't give any album enough time to really grow on me. When this wave dies out, maybe I'll look for something new. Or maybe a new wave of an artist I already liked will kick in.

    I actually know where you're coming from with this statement. There are times when I try to limit new music and focus on what I have. We have too much exposure to music these days so it is getting harder and harder to give things time to develop and fall in love with in the way we did as children.


    After all, I would say I have a couple of hours a day when I can listen to music. When you compare that with the size of my record collection it just doesn't add up. Therefore stick with what you've got some times and give those records you bought but didn't connect with give a second spin.


    And I also think alot of us will be visiting and re-visiting the Sparklehorse catalogue with you in the coming days and weeks. Sad and tragic news about Mark Linkous which has shook me more than I thought possible.

  4. What a truly sad piece of news. Depression is such a horrible and debilitation illness. The pain that one feels in their mind is the worst kind. My thoughts go out to Mark's family and all those effected by this sad news.


    As a aside, didn't Vic Chestnut also tak ehis own life recently? I can imagine Mark and Vic recording that track for the DNOTs record (Grim Augery) under such mental stress and it breaks my heart.


    "Sometimes days go speeding past

    sometimes this one seems like the last


    it's a sad and beautiful world

    it's a sad and beautiful world"

  5. Good to see DNOTS getting an official release. I already ordered the poster, CDr, though. If this has nice packaging, I'll buy it, 'cuz the album is outstanding.

    Without wanting to sound like a music snob but I kind of liked the fact that was was unreleased. It would have gained a mythical status if it had remained so. The book/cdr's are now impossible to get hold of.


    Great album though. Not sure what Mark Linkous is up to at the moment. I would love a regular 'Sparklehorse' record.

  6. Pull down one of the Duke tour shows where they played the Duke suite in order or just upload Duke to your I-tunes or whatever and sequence as such:


    Behind the lines>Duchess>Guide Vocal>Turn it on Again>Dukes Travels>Duke's End.


    It's all there on Duke, they just felt that that combo made one album side much stonger than the other so they broke it up.

    I know what you're saying but I imagine if it had been recorded as one piece of music it would have sounded amazing and probably different to how the individual pieces turned out. From what I recall reading Turn It On Again was much less polished in its original state and was almost a linking piece between Guide Vocal and Duke's Travels.


    I think they also didn't want the Supper's Ready comparisons with a 23 minute song that took up an entire side.

  7. Has anyone seen the films 'Smoke' and 'Blue In The Face'. They are the brainchild of the auther Paul Auster and are great little films (he also co-directs). Harvey Keitel is amazing as the cigar shop owner. 'Blue In The Face' also has really good cameo appearances from Lou Reed and Jim Jarmusch. I'm from the U.K but I would imagine anyone from Brooklyn NYC would love these films. They are a homage to the area, which is where Paul Auster lives I believe.


    I would recommend both films.

  8. When I saw the title of this thread that is the first film that popped into my head.

    It's great - and it's been too long since I have seen it.

    Great soundtrack (by Mark Knopfler) too.

    Yeah the soundtrack is fantastic. I watched the film again recently and it is beautiful, a little dated in places, but apart from that I love it.

  9. Its been awhile but it looks like Belle and Sebastian will have a new record out this year. They are back in the studio. A great band and one of the few British bands that seem to do really well over on your side of the pond. 'If You're Feeling sinister' is a classic album.


    I was really tempted to start a list (Top 20 B&S songs) but I've managed to refrain!!




  10. I've spent the past hour thinking about this. Is that sad? I'm not sure. Anyway, here's my selection. A good mix of all eras:


    1) Supper's Ready (The last 8 minutes are perfection)

    2) Cinema Show (Tony Banks is, despite 'Mouse's Night', a God)

    3) Anyway (Tony Banks is a God etc)

    4) Firth Of Fifth (Tony Banks is a God etc)

    5) Unquiet Slumbers For The Sleepers In That Quiet Earth/Afteglow

    6) Down & Out (Great opening track from an underated record)

    7) Watcher Of The Skies (Great opening track full stop)

    8) The Musical Box

    9) Duke's Travels/Duke's End (Would love to have heard the complete 'Duke Suite' that this would have been part of)

    10) Stagnation

    11) In The Cage (Album version is good but this is best live)

    12) One For The Vine

    13) Los Endos

    14) Looking For Someone (I just love the opening line)

    15) The Knife (This gets really heavy. I always imagined someone like Metallica covering it)

    16) Seven Stones (Under-rated song that always get lost amongst the classics)

    17) Back In NYC

    18) Undertow

    19) No Reply At All (Great Pop Song with nice horns)

    20) Feeding The Fire (Great B-side from the Invisible Touch album)


    613: Illegal Alien (I know is suposed to be funny but......Really, Really Horible)

  11. yeah, i skip over mouse, too


    one for the vine is brilliant

    I had to look up the lyrics to remind myself how silly they were and ....they're as bad as I remembered. Lyrics in bold represent the lowpoint in Genesis, and indeed any, wordplay.


    Loving Couple:


    I can't see you but I know you're there.

    Got to get beside you cos it's really cold out here.

    Come up close to me you'll soon be warm.

    Hold me tightly like we're sheltering from a storm.



    Think I might go out for a stroll

    Into the night, and out of this hole.

    Maybe find me a meal.

    Walking along this new shag pile

    Presents a problem all the while.

    Nearly the door.


    Suddenly he bumps into wood, the door is closed.

    A voice from the bed, he'll be exposed.

    Which way to run, must make for the hole,

    The light's been turned on, he's blind as a mole in coal.


    Now I can see they're coming at me,

    They've blocked off my door, I haven't a chance in hell.



    Come on baby let the poor thing go.

    I'm not sleeping with that thing around here, no.

    Alright then, I'll fetch a box from below,

    Guard him carefully, they're very quick you know.



    The door's been opened, my chance to escape.

    Must run out quick, better sorry than late.

    I'm out on the stairs.

    They won't catch me now, I've the run of the house now.

    I'll make it downstairs and into the breadbin.

    That would be nice.


    Suddenly he bumps into fur, that's very unwise,

    A cat is much quicker than men and their eyes.

    The chase that ensues can have only one end,

    Unless outside help steps in for our friend in need.


    But now the cat comes in for the kill,

    His paw is raised, soon blood will spill, yes it will.



    Hard luck mouse, this is the end of your road.

    The signpost says inside me, let me bear your heavy load.


    But it's not to be, that final pounce

    Knocks a jar upon his head, and lays him out.


    But it's all in a mouse's night

    To take on all those who would fight.


    Cat's Story:

    There I was with my back to the wall,

    Then comes this monster mouse, he's ten feet tall,

    With teeth and claws to match.

    It only took one blow.

  12. I've been listening to the second disc of the recent retrospective 'Music From The North Country'. The quality of the material on that disc is staggering. I think the band made some major errors with the choice of songs/versions that were released on their later albums. Tracks like 'Someone Will' and 'Rotterdam' are vastly superior to the versions that made the cut. 'Smile' could have been a massive album but they kind of blew it by trying to make it sound too commercial. That move almost had the opposite effect in that it didn't gain new fans but rather lost them some old ones. Who knows, but I'm sure they could have been more successful if they'd stay true to themselves. Anyway that disc of unreleased stuff is easily as good as anything they've released so I'm looking forward to future gems being uncovered.

  13. Very hard to define an underated film, but my shout out goes to.


    'Local Hero'.


    A truly great, heartwarming, film. I never see it in the usual 'best of..' lists. Other undervalued gems are things like Jim Yarmusch's 'Down by Law', David Lynch's 'Lost Highway' and 'Fire Walk With Me' and Woody Allen's 'Zelig'.

  14. God also made the duck-billed platypus, so there's that.

    Fair comment. 'All in a mouses night' is still a dreadful song though and almost manages to ruin (almost) an otherwise supurb record. When I skip back a couple of tracks and listen to 'One for the vine' I soon forgive Mr. Banks. What a song. I also love the 'Unquiet Slumbers For The Sleepers...In That Quiet Earth...Afterglow' passage which is also genius.

  15. Well thats just about the best news I've had this year. Sounds really exciting. Looking for to the legacy editions of HTH and TTGG and the Bunkhouse recordings. hopefully the band will be playing some shows in the U.K to go along with the releases. A new Louris/Olson record is also pretty exciting.


    Sounds like a good life-style if you can make a living from it. Roaming round the country writing songs with friends, old and new.


    With regards to the Vinyls, I have Sound of Lies which is my favourite Jayhawks record.

  16. The BBC are pulling then plug on BBC 6Music because it's not popular enough. The death of alternative radio - a disgrace. Big outcry among music fans over here.


    You can twitter protests on #saveBBC6music


    A great radio station - noting like it anywhere else in the UK - equivalent I guess of NPR in the US.


    Yours, disgusted.

    I'm with you. Couldn't live without 6-music. Many of the bands I love I first heard on that station. Where else in the U.K could you hear stuff by Micah P. Hinson, M. Ward etc. A while back I also heard the title track from Neil young's 'On The Beach' which was a staggering thing to hear on a U.K Radio station.


    Save Our Six (S.O.S).

  17. I've just booked tickets. I've gone for a balcony seat to get a nice view. I assume, on a first come first served basis, that this will be at the front of the balcony. Sometimes its preferable to be further back in terms of sound etc.


    Bit pricy though. I thought they were gonna be about £20.

  18. that's interesting - how did you come across it?

    i'm not familiar with Earlimart.

    I think it was mentioned on 'Pitchfork' a week or so back. No, I can say I've heard of Earlimart either. That fact that I haven't heard of them coupled with it being on the Pitchfork website would suggest they are a cooler-than-cool indie band with plenty of credibility. Sounds interesting anyway.

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