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Wild Frank

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Posts posted by Wild Frank

  1. phil sang the HELL out of supper's ready on the 1978 tour


    his vocals from like 1976-80 were every bit as good on the gabriel material as gabriel


    and steurmer could play circles around hackett!!


    phil singing afterglow was the fucking SHIT ... amazing singer

    Agree with this. I urge anyone to listen to 'Second's Out' without being blown away. I loved the way he could 'double-drum' with Chester Thompson for quarter of an hour and then leap out from the drum kit and sing something like afterglow.


    I don't know...maybe Phil and the boys will get some much overdue respect once they are inducted into the Hall of Fame.


    Also, Steurmer maybe able to technically play circles around Hackett but Steve's playing had far more emotion and subtleness.


    p.s: U2 suck (apart from Angel of Harlem).

  2. OK... I'm not gonna wish anyone away, because that's just plain arrogance and kind of mean, BUT, I've always thought that there should be one day a year that no radio station in the world would be allowed to play Fleetwood Mac. Imagine that!

    Similar to the Phil Collins/Genesis situation. If you got rid of Fleetwood Mac (I making an assumption that you are referring to the Fleetwood Mac that existed from the mid-seventies onward) you would be getting rid of the Peter Green era 'Mac' as well and classic songs such as 'Oh Well', 'Black Magic Woman', 'Albatross' and 'Man of the World'...and you shouldn't do that.


    On the Phil Collins debate, irrespective of the Genesis issue (I couldn't live without 'Lamb' or 'Foxtrot'), he has put out some good stuff over the years. There is alot of trash but his first two albums are great....and you would be getting rid of 'Easy Lover' which is another classic pop song. I could live without Sussuddeo or what ever it was!!


    Bottom line on Phil Collins is simple. He was the drummer and backing singer on 'Supper's Ready'. 'Suppers' Ready' is the most awe-inspiring, spine-tinglingly song that has ever existing. Therefore, don't get rid of Phil Collins. Thanks.

  3. I figure I am going to die before I listen to all the stuff I have that I have bought. My kids are going to have to listen to it for me.



    Deligation. That's a good idea. I'll get my youngest to digest the complete works of Bob Dylan whilst my five year old is going to be listening to Bjork!!

  4. I assume the following artists have been mentioned in the previous thread but I would definatly recommend guys like Mos Def, Talib Kweli and Common. Another good 'happy hip-hop' band that your boy may love are 'Jurasic Five'. Very Old Skool. The Roots are amazing as well. In terms of CD's I would say:


    Black Star: 'Mos Def and Talib Kweli are Black Star'

    Talib Kweli (Reflection Eternal): 'Train of Thought' and 'Quality'

    Common: 'Like Water For Chocolate', 'Electric Circus' and 'Be'

    Jurassic Five: 'Jurassic 5 LP' and 'Quality Control'

    The Roots: Phrenology


    If you want a different, more downbeat (UK) vibe you should invest in 'Maxinquaye' by Tricky or 'Blue Lines' by Massive Attack.

  5. I started this thread a while back but I thought I'd revisit as I have made a commitment to spend a year without buying new music in any format. I am going to spend my listening time with the thousends of albums I already have, including many that I haven't given enough attention to and discarded after a few listens. If new albums come out in 2010 that I want...I'll just have to wait and hopefully get them as birthday presents etc. This way I will actually look forwarded to getting new music which will in-turn help to restore that magical feeling I used to have before music was so readily available and affordable.


    This may seem like a ridiculous idea to many but I feel it is an interesting experiment which will help to restore my love of music. Since the turn of the year I have revisited many albums that I otherwise wouldn't have picked out (Abacab by Genesis...much better than I remebered!!). I feel I should be able to last the year...unless there's a new Tom Waits record released!!

  6. Yeah, but the accompanying song is pretty awful too. Here's another one:


    Walk across the courtyard,

    Towards the library.

    I can hear the insects buzz on the leaves, 'neath my feet.


    Ramble up the stairwell,

    To the hall of books.

    Since we got the interweb these hardly get used.


    Duck into the men's room,

    Combing through my hair.

    When God gave us mirrors he had no idea.


    Looking for a lesson

    In the periodicals,

    There I spy you listening to the AM radio.


    Karen of the Carpenters,

    Singing in the rain.

    Another lovely victim of the mirror's evil way.


    It's not like you're not trying,

    With a pencil in your hair,

    To defy the beauty the good Lord put in there


    Simple little bookworm,

    Buried underneath

    Is the sexiest librarian.

    Take off those glasses and let down your hair for me.


    So I watch you through the bookcase,

    Imagining a scene.

    You and I had dinner,

    Spending time when you sleep.

    And what can I say to you,

    Lying there in bed.

    These words were the kiss I would play in your head.


    What is it inside our heads

    That makes us do the opposite,

    Makes us do the opposite

    Of what's right for us.

    'Cause everything be great,

    And everything be good,

    And everybody gave,

    Like everybody could.


    Sweetest little bookworm,

    Hidden underneath

    Is the sexiest librarian.

    Take off those glasses and let down your hair for me.

    Take off those glasses, and let down your hair for me.


    Simple little beauty,

    Heaven in your breath.

    Simplest of pleasures

    The world at its best.




    I love MMJ but they are some seriously poor lyrics. With MMJ usually the music compensates for the lyrics but, in this instance, the whole thing is horible. That whole album is weak and has many other examples of shocking wordplay.

  7. I am gonna have to pick these up. I bought the Archives DVD set and the CD remasters last year but I am hearing very good things about these vinyl's. There is an interesting 'making of' for the vinyl box-set over on 'Thrasher's Wheat'. I might need to take out a bank loan he Neil keeps on at this pace with his releases!!


    p.s: The 'Dreamin Man' live album is also very very good.

  8. Not great songs, but how about shocking lyrics to shocking songs by the most respected lyricist of our times (Bob Dylan). For starters:


    'Wiggle Wiggle'

    'Under The Red Sky'



    'All the Tired Horses'


    'Lay Lady Lay'

    'Rainy Day Women'


    However, anyone who can write 'Desolation Row' and 'Visions of Johanna' is automatically forgiven for any future discrepancies!!. "Ain't it just like the night to play tricks when you're trying to be so quiet" is my favourite opening line ever. Needless to say "Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle like a gypsy queen" is not.

  9. One song I have always love but couldn't stand the lyrics is 'Watcher of the Sky' by Genesis. The music is so powerful by the lyrics are a bit arkward and you can hear Peter Gabriel almost speeding up to try and fit them in.


    I agree with the comments on 'Sound of Lies'. It is far and away my favourite Jayhawks album but the lyrics are a bit dodgy!


    Also...what about 'Bohemian Rhapsody'. "Mama, just killed a man, put a gun against his head, pulled the trigger now he's dead". "Scaramush, Scaramush, will you do the fandango", "Thunderbolts and Lightning, very very frightning". What is Freddie (RIP) talking about!!Very very poor! However, he does redeem himself with the classic: "Fat-bottomed girls you make the rockin' world go 'round"!! Infact dodgy Queen lyrics almost deserves their own thread. "No time for losers 'cos we are the champions".

  10. Judge a book by its cover.


    Good morning guys. This post relates to the physical music format as oppose to the download. My question is, have you ever bought an album purely on the basis of the record cover. If so, what was it. I still find the artwork that accompanies a release an integral part of the whole listening experience, which is one of the reasons I am still not won over by the download culture. My own personal impulse purchases, bought due to excellent artwork, include:


    * Miles Davis: In A Silent Way;

    * Genesis: Foxtrot (Picked this up when I was nine years old, which started a 25 year love affair with this particular band);

    * Tom Waits: Raindogs (I was vaguely aware of Mr. Waits but the cover of this one really drew me in);

    * Marillion: Misplaced Childhood (Another childhood purchase. I used to love those old Marillion covers. What is it with prog and album art?)

    * Grant-Lee Buffalo: Fuzzy (Not sure why this one appealed to me but it was a great impulse buy and Grant-Lee is still someone I listen too regularly. Check out his recent record, Little Moon, for one of the best albums of 2009)

  11. I watched the Cabin Fever DVD last night and really enjoyed it. Such a great vibe up there at Levon's place. There is one scene with Levon in and I was shocked how frail he is looking these days. Some great performances though, including a lovely version of Fred Neil's 'Dolphins' as a bonus track.

  12. My band are called 'The Speakers'. They have a grungy jazz sound. They are:


    On the drums: Glenn Kotche.

    On the Bass: Charlie Mingus.

    Keyboards and effects: Thelonious Monk.

    Lead Guitar and Backing Vox: Keith Richards.

    Lead Vocals: Mark Linkous.

    Vocal Percussion: Tom Waits.


    The Speakerettes: Bjork, PJ Harvey and Billie Holiday.


    In terms of venue they will play anywhere for free drinks and a place to sleep. I'll get back to you with a set list when I can locate one.

  13. I keep meaning to pick this up. I love GLP/GLB...it seems to scratch an itch that I just can't get to with other tunes at times.

    I'm the same. For information this is one of his finest solo efforts so I would definately recommend it. The track 'Hidden Tresure' is as good as anything he has written. His finest work, in my opinion, is found on 'Mighty Joe Moon' which is such a good record. Tracks like 'Mockingbirds' and 'Honey Don't Think' are classics.

  14. A pretty good year for new music. My favourites have been:


    1) Jason Lyttle - Yours Truly, The Commuter (Does anyuone else love this one?)

    2) Black Crowes - Before The Frost...Until The Freeze (Very pleasant surprise)

    3) Marillion - Less Is More (Still a great band and this is a beautifully stripped down record)

    4) Various - Dark Was The Night (A great compilation. Disc one was perfect)

    5) Sparklehorse - Dark night Of The Soul (Is this missing off official lists because it wasn't officially released?)

    6) Decemberists - Hazards Of Love (I totally understand the negative comments above...but I love it)

    7) M. Ward - Hold Time (Not his best but better than most other releases this year)

    8 Archive - Controlling Crowds (Undervalued UK band. Check out 'Bullets' for one of the best tunes of 2009)

    9) Eels - Hombre Lobo (Good rockin stuff. Looking forward the the new record)

    10) Grant-Lee Phillips - Little Bird (Criminally overlooked. Just a great album)


    Thats it. Not sure where W(TA) would come in. Its starting to grow on me. I would have probably heard more new stuff this year if Neil Young hadn't released Archives Vol. 1, which has taken up three or four months of my life. The Genesis re-issues have also taken up valuable listening and viewing time.


    Nostalgic moment of the year: Listening to Genesis 'Invisible Touch' for the first time in years. It was the first record I ever bought and, although it doesn't get much love, I really enjoyed hearing it again in remastered glory. Its a great 'pop' record and I forget how many songs off that record were singles. I think six out of eight songs were released and did well in the charts.


    i need to pick up the louris/olson record. heard it a few times. they are best when together. louris can get a little cheesy by himself.

    On a related point. I picked up the Jayhawks retrospective recently. The disk of unreleased stuff is really interesting in so much as most things on there are better than a lot of the released stuff. There is an early version of the song that became 'I'm gonna make you love me' and it is vastly superior and far less cheesy. That 'smile' album could have been a whole lot better if they had kept it simple.

  16. Pichfork are reporting that a new 'She & Him' record is due next spring. No more details at the moment. I listen to Volume 1. a lot when it came out but I haven't spun it for a few months. Hopefully we'll get from 'Him' and less 'She' this time around (apart from the videos where I'd prefer more 'She'!!)

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