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Wild Frank

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Posts posted by Wild Frank

  1. Now listening to my favorite Dylan album: Nashville Skyline.

    I love the unpretentious simplicity of it. And some of his most-beautiful melodies are here, too.

    Nashville is a great litte record. 'I Threw It All Away' is a beautiful song. There is a cool, raw, version of that track on the Hard Rain album if I recall.

  2. loved greendale and dare i say, i like broken arrow more than ragged glory! thanks for the link wild frank.

    Ragged Glory is my favourite Neil album. I didn't love broken arrow but I did like the live album that followed it, Year of the Horse. That was a cool record with some songs that you don't normally hear on a Neil live album.

  3. http://www.npr.org/blogs/allsongs/2012/05/11/152486586/song-premiere-neil-young-sets-americana-on-fire


    Second vid. Sit down for this one. Neil and Crazy Horse doing 'She'll be coming 'round the Mountain'.


    A) I'm a huge Neil Young fan;

    B) I didn't like greendale or most of his recent releases. 'Broken Arrow' was even pretty poor;

    C) However....fo some reason...this works. Its just hits a spot for me that Neil and the Horse haven't hit since 'Sleeps with Angels'.

  4. Ah to be young again......wait, you're 49??


    An interesting note on this movie - Pauline Kael panned the shit out of it when it first came out.



    Watching Van Morrison in the Last Waltz is pure joy.

    Watching Rick Danko sing It Makes No Difference moves me to tears.

  5. I've just watched the Man in the Sand doc. I'm trying to put my finger on what it is about Billy Bragg that really winds me up. Watching the DVD Tweedy is far more in tune with the essence of Woody Guthrie than Bragg could ever hope to be. Not sure why that is. Maybe Bragg tries too hard. Great seeing Jay in the film. His contribution to this project was massive and reminds me of how I loved that period of the group.

  6. Well how is everyone taking the new record? I can't say that anything is real departure from previous albums....but then again that is fine with me. Not sure I needed another duet with ZD. Unless they want to make a video with her running around in her underwear!

    If I'm being honest I'm not keen on this one at all. Production very similar to the previous two but just doesn't have the songs. Might grow on me. I think the ZD collaborations have had a negative impact on this record.

  7. i loved At Dawn-Z. However, i just thing since Evil Urges the guy just dicks around with his talent. If he just sang songs in his range without the goofy lyrics i'd have a different opinion. you're right, jim james is asked to be in a lot of stuff, but that doesn't mean he's any good. it's really too bad, MMJ could've been a great band of the 00s and beyond, like Wilco. I'll be forever confused why M.Ward wanted to work with both oberst and yames.


    i know i'll be lambasted for this response, but you asked, why jim? :headbonk

    The Jim James dilema.....I agree that MMJ haven't really kicked on how I imagined they would. 'Z' is an amazing album but they seem to have lost focus with the most recent two. 'Circuital' isn't a bad record but its not one I keep going back to. That said he is a major talent and watching him belt out 'Wordless Chorus' live is something that everyone should experience at least once in their lives. He has a solo record due this year. It could either be stunning or really bad.

  8. Do you know what sort of band is part of the tour? Strings and horns or more stripped down?

    There's no strings this time around. Very much a striped down 'Chop with the core members. Looking at the recent press photo's I'm not even sure William Tyler is part of the tour, which would be a great shame as I love his guitar work.

  9. This new Crazy Horse record of Americana, complete with childrens choir, is making me slightly nervous. I think we really need a classic Neil and Crazy Horse record at this time......and childrens choir and the 'Horse don't seem like a good mix in my eyes. We shall see.


    There was an interesting piece on Thrasher this morning about 'Sleeps with Angels' which was the last truly great Neil Young album in my view. I love that album. Check out the Complex Session clips on Thrasher of Neil and the guys playing 'Change your Mind' etc. Timeless Horse.

  10. The Final Cut was the first cd I bought, back in the 80s. It is a great one. Kind have to agree with Wild Frank, I really have to be in the mood for Syd era Floyd - I perfer A Saucerful of Secrets to Pipers. I think Meddle is probably my favorite and Animals, second.

    I also love the Roger solo records, particularly 'Pros and Cons' and 'Amused to Death'. I still contest that if 'Amused to Death' had been released under the Pink Floyd moniker it would have sold tens of millions. Conversely had 'Momentary Lapse' been a titled as a Gilmour solo record it would have gone down like a lead balloon.

  11. dubstep, electronica, house music, etc. I've actually asked certain friends of mine who like that stuff to give me the best example of those genres -- and it all still does absolutely nothing for me.

    I love electronica. Like all genres there are good and bad examples. With Dubstep the 'Burial' album is extreamly good. It has a very 'british' feel to it like a lot of the trip-hop stuff in the nineties. I would also recommend the most recent album by Royskopp which is top notch.

  12. i can't believe the 90s are over, much less the first of the oughts. we really do get older! 90s weren't bad for music. def better than 80s. however, i'm finding some good 80s. that sound is quaint now.

    The nineties were great for music in the UK. Ignoring the 'Brit-pop' stuff bands like Massive Attack and Portishead were producing really exciting music. Tricky and the whole Bristol scene. Great stuff. Drum and Bass, with Goldie and Roni size, was also really exciting. We also had Bjork exploding on the scene. Ahhh great days.


    As far at the US of A goes the nineties for me represents the trio of Wilco, Jayhawks and the mighty Grant Lee Buffalo.

  13. i think the band held off on all this bonus stuff because it's not that good. i'm sure seeing them live in the 70s was great, but the tapes i've heard are tough to listen to. the studio stands best alone. Wish You Were Here and Animals are perfect albums. I also love the Final Cut. everything else has been shoved down my throat via classic rock radio or is just unlistenable to me. it continues to fascinate me how many times these big bands re-release the same stuff.

    The Final Cut is a great record, much underappreciated. The Gunner's Dream is one of my fav Floyd songs. I would concur that the cream of the Floyd material is already out there. Regarding Animals I believe the two 'Pigs on the wing' were originally one song that was split due to the constraints of vinyl.

  14. Anyone feel any love for European 'post-classical' artists such as those on the 'Erased Tapes' label. I downloaded one of their free compilation sets last year and since them I've been picking up loads of nice records from their store.


    Nils Frahm and Olafur Arnalds are both signed to Erased Tapes and the albums I have picked up by them have been staggering.


    Its kind of like Sigur Ros without the rock element..or the annoying vocals!!.


    Are there any other artists in this field of music that I should look out for?

  15. Personally there is a clear winner. The Tom Waits track 'I'm Still Here' from the Orphans box set is sadness absolute. The way I see it the songs relates the story of an old married couple. The woman has tired of romance and the man is feeling empty and unloved'. I'm still in my thirties but I can imagine the old guy in the song and it breaks my heart everytime.


    "You haven't looked at me that way in years

    You dreamed me up and left me here

    How long was I dreaming for

    What was it you wanted me for


    You haven't looked at me that way in years

    Your watch has stopped and the pond is clear

    Someone turn the lights back off

    I'll love you til all time is gone


    You haven't looked at me that way in years

    But I'm still here"

  16. I would like to see something done with 'Animals'. I don't think they will bother with the 'Immersion' sets as those don't seem to have gone down to well. Call me crazy (diamond) but the Syd era never did much for me. Things only really get interesting, in my opinion, around Meddle.

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