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Everything posted by Clint09eastwood

  1. I am calm, however, you said it depends on what they value. The thing is, Pitchfork only values what they think is "cool" at the time, and they turn on the artists that have been around (Radiohead excluded). If this is an example of "value," then that alone invalidates Pitchfork.
  2. I just know that these guys will write yet another pretentious review claiming it is "dad-rock" just because the record does not match the "hip scene." I mean, some of the stuff that they rate highly? Come on....
  3. It's tough though... my god.. that Wishful Thinking is truly something to be heard.
  4. I wasn't offended... but back to the topic at hand... I know that Jeff's voice was suffering in Tulsa, and this can be heard on Handshake Drugs. However, I feel like there is some kind of awesome rawness to this.... idk I just kinda like it.
  5. Definitely worth it.. the free show is fantastic as well, but these tracks are basically movie quality so they are now my official wilco live versions of the given tracks, if you will.
  6. Agreed... and for the skeptics, keep in mind that this (correct me if I'm wrong) was with Seven Worlds collide. The full band was not there... and Nels Cline was not present... think about it.... plus with the studio layering that seems to be shaping up with the rest of the songs.... i guess you never know... ha.
  7. Regardless of where Dark Neon appears, I have a feeling it will be accessible in some way. This record, after all of this news, is really starting to sound fascinating. It sounds like it does have the tradition/pastoral Americana feel mixed with the awesome instrumental layering that only the studio can create. It sounds fascinating... even apart from being a Wilco fan, it just seems like this is an interesting record to any party.
  8. I mean... I can hear Handshake drugs destroying my speakers. It is AWESOME
  9. I believe they chose the second show in order to avoid overlap with the tracks from the first... I mean I think it's nice to have different versions
  10. I think these are awesome... the quality is almost too good for my little car speakers....
  11. I have no hate for K/T... I agree, it is fantastic... but I really like the more comprehensive variety of songs here. I love AGIB and YHF, but K/T was lacking in the Summerteeth area,
  12. I agree, and Kicking Television was not continuous, but a grouping of what they felt were the best songs. I love how this continuous show captures the mess-ups and what not. Also, I love AGIB but K/T was VERY heavy on that. I think Remember The Mountain Bed is my favorite track from this DC show
  13. This is awesome.. anyone notice that the Ashes downloads have better sound? The full concert is sick... thank you Wilco
  14. Dumb question, but how do I log out and log back in?
  15. I signed up and got the bonus content from Ashes, but how do I get the DC show?
  16. At least yours is showing up, I only see the Wilco Roadcase option on the dropdown, along with Sunken Treasure and the EPs
  17. Also, the dvd link takes me to the ashes website, but do downloads in site.. I know this is bc they aren't up yet, but I was wondering what the difference is between accessing the content with the dvd and just using the roadcase signup page
  18. All I said is that it's frustrating, only because I'm excited.. so fuck off. I can feel how I want.
  19. This is frustrating...it's the day of the official release and still a blank page for the audio tracks.
  20. What I've been wondering is if I received the dvd from pre-order today, will I have access to the entire concert download?
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