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Posts posted by renic

  1. I'm not really sure that number of convictions is a good measure anyway. The most corrupt states probably don't have very strong or enforceable corruption laws. Or if those who would enforce those laws are also corrupt, then the corruption wouldn't be reflected. It's a very flawed methodology.



    is that you & phin in your avatar?

  2. if you've got any pro tools questions as you get into it, i'll be more then happy to see if i can answer them.


    Check out this site.. Really cool forum and you can browse the topics without having an account. If you have any questions I am sure it has been answered already.





    I am going to school for recording arts and have had a lot of the same questions about what to use at home..




    where are you going to school?

  3. cubase infuriates me, nuendo looks pretty cool for what i've played around with. but i'm mostly a pro tools person.


    you can check craigslist for mics to, one of the kids who works for me also has some mics for sale as well.


    if you're doing 4 track recording, its nice to have the hardware. mixing in the box isn't all that much fun imo.


    my suggestion is to think where you really want to go with this & then make your choice.

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