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Posts posted by JAK2112

  1. Saw Glenn do a solo show as a part of a showcase by this radio show/podcast called Radiolab. Never seeing Glenn solo before, it was really cool to see him play his pieces, as well as describe his whole kit and all the strange percussion pieces he uses in it. I believe it was recorded for the podcast and will be available for download at some point.


    The other cool part was that the secret special guest turned out to be Reggie Watts, who is absolutely hilarious. If you ever get the chance, you have to see one of his shows. He also happens to be a very talented musician. At the end of the show, he came out with Glenn and the first band (Buke and Gass, who were also good) to do a completely improvised song together. The results were certainly interesting, and luckily i managed to capture the whole song on video. Glenn has a few very good moments during the song. Very unique show that i'm glad i attended.


  2. As someone who was raised on Bruce and the E street band since birth (20 years ago), this news was absolutely devastating. Couldn't imagine sadder news. I was lucky enough to see the last show of their last tour (Buffalo, where they did Greetings in its entirety) and if only i had known that was the last time i'd see the E street band with Clarence. The band will go on, but will never be the same.


    I remember, i was at the show in tampa in 2008, the first E street band show after Danny passed away. It was one of the most powerful things i've ever experienced. Lots of mourning, but a strong sense of celebration of Danny's life. Hopefully Clarence will receive similar treatment, because though the band won't be the same, I think they'll somehow find a way to work through it, and find something good out of this horrible occurrence.


    Rest in peace Big Man.


  3. At the show. They went on late on the final night of a four day festival. Many people had gone. It had rained two hours earlier. So the energy level was low. The show itself was fine. Very standard these days. Tweedy said they hadn't practiced. All he meant, I thought, was that they were only prepared to play the usual stuff, which they did. They are a great band, but the usual stuff, for all its greatness, is getting somewhat stale (if you've seen them a bunch of times, which I have). When are we going to hear the new songs?


    I think they've said they are saving the new stuff for Solid Sound. And while it was a short setlist, i thought there were a few unusual goodies in there (Kamera, Company, Airline to Heaven, Theologians).

  4. ^Very Solid Advice


    When arranging parts like these, i like to write the part out in some music program like Garageband/Logic/Whatever with MIDI instruments. That way, i can drag the notes around and hear what it will sound like (roughly) before bringing in the actual musicians. Theres many "right" or "wrong" ways to do it, but ultimately whatever sounds best to you is what is going to be "right"

  5. I've been really obsessed with trying to find a good Vintage harmony for the past few weeks, specifically an H59-1 rocket or an H82 Rebel. Not sure why i had this sudden love, but i do. Any recommendations on where to look? I've checked ebay and craigslist but theres not much to be offered in terms of choice, especially in the Rebel department. Living in NYC, im going to basically just tour around local guitar shops to see if any have one. Anyone have other suggestions on where to look? Are there websites for lesser known vintage guitars like these?

  6. 1. I am Trying to Break Your Heart

    2. She's a Jar

    3. Impossible Germany

    4. Bull Black Nova

    5. Side with the Seeds

    6. Ashes of American Flags

    7. I Got You (at the end of the century)

    8. Remember the Mountain Bed

    9. Via Chicago

    10. Poor Places

    11. Everlasting Everything

    12. On and On and On

    13. Summerteeth

    14. In a Future Age

    15. Candyfloss

  7. I will not apologize for either my height or my desire to be closer to the stage.


    As a 6'2" male, i couldn't agree more. I never push my way up to the front of a crowd, so if i am where i am, its because i arrived at the appropriate time. If you can't deal with people standing in front of you because they arrived earlier, deal with it. However, i have on occasion switched places with exceptionally short people at the front of shows if they ask nicely, im a sucker for that sort of stuff from time to time.

  8. I'm jealous you guys got tickets. I was at the Monday night T5 show, i did everything i could to try to get tickets (including waiting outside the Mercury Lounge for 2 hours in single digit temperature). Glad to hear you guys enjoyed it though. Watched the webcast and it looked like a really good time, was a bit surprised by how emotional James got towards the end, he always has his apathetic poker face on. I did enjoy the extra effort put into the "All my friends" line "To tell the truth, this could be the last time". Fitting, as it very well could be.

  9. Is anyone still listening to the "Suburbs"? I don't have time to make a list of most over-rated albums of all-time but this would definitely be up there. Dull, boring and far too long. I was so excited for its release up to the point I heard a few clips. Spending time with the record when it came out left me with nothing but ennui. I don't understand why such a musically talented band (and one of the best live bands of the last twenty years) reduced their musical palette so much for this release.


    This article from Stereogum is spot-on in my not-so-humble opinion:




    I very much agree, i never liked the suburbs that much. Its a decent album, but not on par with Funeral or Neon Bible. I was definitely happy they beat out Gaga, Eminem, Perry, Lady Antebellum for the win, but i still felt like it wasn't "Album of the year". There were lots of albums that got snubbed from even getting best rock or best alternative that were far superior to The suburbs IMO, such as The National's High Violet. And while the National isn't quite on the same level as Arcade Fire in terms of popularity or mainstream-ness, I am hoping this Grammy win will mean that the voters will start looking more into the creative output of an artist rather than their sales and marketability, hopefully this way we can avoid the "Courtesy grammy" that was bestowed upon Arcade Fire AND Wilco IMO for Ghost is born

  10. I have often thought it would be cool to have 30 or 40 signs that say "NOTHIN" on them, pass them out down an entire row, and then start holding them up one by one down the row as they go though the nothin's on Misunderstood. Kinda like "K"s at a baseball game or "3"s at a basketball game.


    That would be cool, but it would suck to go through all of that work if the band didn't even end up playing Misunderstood

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