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Chinese Apple

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Posts posted by Chinese Apple

  1. While I am curious what their exact actions were that got them banned, I don't feel like it's my right to know. I would expect to be told "forum rules were broken" but nothing more specific than that. I was equating "my business" with what I am entitled to know.

    Duly noted!


    But on the other hand, I would want to find out even if it was the SCOTUS that had banned someone I have a good opinion of. (I'm not altruistic -- I wouldn't care as much if it was someone I did not miss.) I question authority when I can because it is one of my luxuries of becoming a naturalized American.


    Free to be you and me. :-)

  2. I felt like I was being accused of apathy, and I responded by explaining that I am not apathetic.

    Oh, I was not accusing you of apathy. "Bystander apathy" (or bystander effect) is an entirely different thing altogether, and is about how groups behave and not about any individual. More here: http://lesswrong.com/lw/9j/bystander_apathy/


    I made a reference to this phenomenon primarily to justify my own proclivity for not minding my own business where people I like are concerned.

  3. One more year of law school, potential nice job on the horizon if it pans out, and I'm eating some hella good donuts right this minute. I have cats and they are the best. I may have a moth problem but I like a challenge.



    What state will you practice in? In my construct of you beyond this board that seems exactly the sort of profession you would be in. I bet you'd be a terrific litigator.
  4. We hosted a concert for Kevin Montgomery in our house about a month ago, with Clive Barnes opening for him. (http://www.kevinmontgomery.com/2014/05/25/clive-barnes-and-i-are-live-webcasting-from-our-pop-up-house-concert-in-dublin-join-us-right-now/)


    So much fun! Kevin told me afterwards that Ken Coomer played on his last album. And Clive said he had just played a show with Peter Bruntnell who had just recently returned from a US tour with with Jay Farrar.


    Another one for my six degrees of exWilco. :-)

  5. Yay! Thanks... Just found this: "The seemingly unhinged shirtless guy with the cowbell who danced across the stage during "Hoodoo Voodoo" was Wilco guitar tech Josh Goldsmith. In his non-rock¤'n'¤roll life, Goldsmith earned a master's degree in library science."


    (My first job was at a library! I know the Dewey decimal system like the back of my hand. Is there no end to his dreaminess?)

  6. I have a minor crush on the cowbell fellow. He played electronica with Mr Jorgensen at Solid Sound last year. What are his musical credentials? I hope he never shaves that stache.

  7. I couldn't agree more with Chinese Apple and bleedorange, but questioning the decisions of the moderators is out of bounds.  It's too bad because I think the specific incident that led to Jules' banning (if it is what I think it is) could be open to multiple interpretations. I think it also breeds an us against them mentality which actually fuels as much flaming, trolling, etc. and it is designed to curtail.

    I totally respect the decisions of the moderators. I just wanted to be sure that there was due process because most of her posts that I enjoyed, and also her offline help to me in figuring out some technology, seemed in the best spirit of community and so, seemed incongruous to me that she would have done something to get herself banned. Anyway, we are not supposed to discuss these things here. If anyone would like to discuss this offline I would welcome it, but that is it for me on this topic.

  8. She sent me a bunch of Bennet era concert dvds. That was very kind and generous of her.


    I don't know what either of them did to get banned. I guess it's not really any of my business.


    Gosh, I always make sure to make it my business when someone who has done me a kindness disappears from a community. Bystander apathy is a terrible thing.
  9. I took a long break from the board -- real life got busy. I see that Speedracer had been banned. I used to really enjoy her posts and her radical feminism. What happened that got her banned? This board seems like a pretty embrasive "free to be you and me" crowd, so I imagine whatever it was must have been very bad. But can't some trespasses be like Suarez biting another player, where you give the red card and they sit out a few months but are allowed back? I don't know her personally or in real life, but just miss her banter.

  10. Dude, Pat could pin some adorable shit.

    I know dudes who pin-- though they tend to be thematic about their pins, like this guy who pins all about RVs even though he lives in a four bedroom with two babies, a baby mama, and a dog. (Escapism?)


    My impression is that the six Wilcos definitely embrace their metrosexuality, and uses this to give some yin to their yang which is why the ladies dig them. You know: Mikaell's macrame owl -- he obviously has a favorite Etsy store.

  11. Hope they give us a little something to hang our hopes on before too long. Release a single? Do a mini tour? Write an opinion piece for the New York Times? Publish a memoir? 


    Please, and soon. Every moment is a little bit later... 

  12. I was only able to go to Solid Sound this year because an old friend recently moved there from Cambridge, MA. (She works in Williamstown but commutes because housing in North Adams is much more affordable.) It was fun having a "local" guide.


    Prunella (not her real name) said North Adams is a bit of a ghost town, and that the museum is usually has more guards than visitors. There were some beautifully constructed period homes around her neighbhorhood, but many are now derelict. 


    During the midnight snack/post-show dinner on Saturday we sat across from a woman who also recently moved to NA, originally from New York, and runs an independent cinema in Williamstown. It was interesting to hear their take on the town. Seems to portend well that there would be work in the cultural industries in this economic climate -- both of them are new in their jobs and to the area.


    Prunella said that though many people in North Adams struggle to make a living, they are kind and friendly. And I found that to be true during my short stay. 

  13. How funny would it be if one of them chose to cover a song by the Eagles, Foreigner, or insert-bad-classic-rock-band here.  What if Wilco dudes have potentially bad musical taste?!  :stunned


    I guess I would prefer even that, than to have the band get all populist with their "art".


    I'm lamenting the demise of the arbiters of culture -- the death of the critic, and the subversion of the free market with illegal downloading. The proliferation of the internets means the mob always rules, and the loudest troll has the last word. I miss those salad days of my own youth, when I could count on Artists to tell me what "art" was rather than have the mob decide for me; when Artists didn't suck up to the People, and were curmudgeony and didn't wash, in general acted like jerks and played only what they wanted to play.


    I guess I'd rather pay money to submit to Wilco's aural authoritarianism than to pay money for other people I deem as ordinary as I am, dictate my concert experience. 

  14. Instead of requests from people with potentially bad musical taste, I would LOVE if each of the band members got to choose, say, three songs each that the whole band has to play, where the three songs have to be their own personal all-time favorite songs to play in the history of all music, ever (can be Wilco tunes or covers); three songs they would choose if they could only ever play three songs ad infinitum for the rest of their lives. 

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