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Posts posted by deepseacatfish

  1. I've met a nice handful of VCers. Excellent people all around. Had a beer with M. Bed, Speed Racer stayed over at my apt. for a Jandek show, met up with Ms. Yvon after a pair of shows, saw Fickerson and of course Derek Phillips at a Riviera show back in the day in Iowa City, talked with Kidsmoke a bunch before the Davenport show, met LouieB, Samorama, and a handful of others in Chicago at the hideout...there's a good handful more that I've either briefly said hello to or seen at various venues. I'm pretty easy to spot, so come and say hi if I'm at a show...or if you're passing through Iowa and you need a place to stay and/or recommendations on Des Moines/Iowa City food I may have a few pointers.

  2. I'd get it. For one I love Jazzmasters and playing electric, but for two and probably equally important the vintage Jazzmaster is going to be harder to come by in the long run and you probably won't have the same opportunity getting that guitar. An '06 Gibson is a little more replaceable if you get a hankering to get another one down the line.

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