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Posts posted by deepseacatfish

  1. Coming to fisticuffs is certainly not the best way to solve disputes, but it's better than guns.


    Is it really so surprising that they wanted to film this? There is not a goddam thing teenagers do that they don't want witnessed, by constantly telling someone or taking pictures of every minutea on the cell phone, to web camming on the internet. It's ubiquitous.



    I was talking about this the other day with some people about just how public people's lives have become via-technology with blogs, digital images/video, facebook, etc. It's like everything needs to be documented in order to be worthwhile and it seems like some people just feel the need to "perform" in order to feel like they've accomplished something. I just think it's kind of weird. Also, I wonder how it's going to affect people down the road when employers, etc. are finding out background info on somebody and it turns up that they were "that kid" in a youtube video, or the obnoxious "taser boy" or whatever.

  2. RIAA Wins File-Sharing Suit, Woman Fined $222,000

    Now they can buy 222,000 Radiohead albums


    $9,250 per song. According to the New York Times, that is how much Brainerd, Minnesota's Jammie Thomas will have to shell out for each of the 24 disputed tracks she reportedly shared on the Kazaa network. This is due to a decision made by a federal jury in a Duluth, Minnesota court yesterday, ruling in the favor of lead plaintiff Capitol Records, along with Universal Music Group, Sony BMG, and Warner Music Group.


    Thomas is the first person in the United States to be convicted of music sharing copyright infringement in a jury trial, and the decision sets a startling new legal precedent and serves as a major symbolic victory for the RIAA.


    Thomas' case is particularly interesting, as she was convicted of having copyrighted material in her Kazaa shared folder, but not necessarily sharing them herself. The Times reports, "Earlier, the judge in the case, Michael J. Davis of Federal District Court, ruled that for jurors to find her liable, the record labels did not have to prove that songs on Ms. Thomas's computer had actually been transmitted to others online. Rather, the act of making them available could be viewed as infringement."


    In the last four years, the labels have brought around 30,000 lawsuits against file sharers, but Thomas is the first to be found guilty in a jury trial. Most opt for a settlement, with an average payout in the $4,000 range. The Times points out that "the verdict is likely to reinforce the notion that computer users who do become targets of lawsuits-- a small fraction of the population using file-swapping networks-- are better off settling." Thomas maintained her innocence throughout the proceedings, claiming she'd never even had a Kazaa account, but evidence was presented that she had replaced her hard drive in order to eradicate the files.


    According to the Chicago Tribune, Thomas shared files by such artists as AFI, Aerosmith, Green Day, Journey, and Guns n' Roses. Thankfully, now these struggling entertainers will be able to feed their families.


    In other RIAA news, they recently sent a back-to-school present to 22 U.S. universities in the form of 403 "pre-litigation settlement letters," which, with this new decision, just became a lot more serious. Be careful out there, folks.

  3. I agree with Cryptique on this one.


    To me it seems ridiculous how much time/money has been poured into the whole presidential race already...but I guess that's just a product of how eager everybody is to get into the race early. I think the earlier states try to move the primaries the more ridiculously long the election cycle will become, yuck.


    I think the DNC's stipulations were pretty reasonable, sure the primary system isn't perfect, but it does give states (especially like Iowa) a chance to actually get candidates attention and visits--because election time Florida will be receiving a lot more of the campaigning. It's just a primary, seriously, it's not like anyone is disenfranchising Florida--I think it's just a silly pay-attention-to-me kind of stunt.



    Oh, and the Iowa caucus is on my birthday this next year, so they better have cake and stuff for me else wise I'm not going :realmad

  4. On a (semi) related note, when you get a promo CD that's watermarked, by breaking the seal on it you agree to a whole host of things. One of these is that no-one else can listen to it AT ALL. Therefore, when you're in your car and listen to it with the windows down or if someone comes round the house when you've got it on the stereo, you're breaking the agrement. Madness.

    Those promo cd's are also the "property" of the record labels forever, so if they really wanted to be dicks they could demand them all back.

  5. When a consumer listens to purchased music in his/her car and has the windows rolled down, pedestrians and other drivers on the road are stealing music.

    No dude, it's cool, just as long as said music consumer in the car is paying royalty fees to ASCAP/BMI, if not then yeah that's definitely stealing both by those other pedestrians AND the car driver. :thumbup

  6. Tweedy has three other bands with every other jag on the planet. He needs to make peace and rip those sounds one more time. No need to wait until they are old as dirt. Just get it over with.


    Its not right to hold out on something so powerful.

    While I don't really agree with this, I would definitely see a re-united Uncle Tupelo.


    I think I would definitely rather see a Loose Fur show, and/or to have traveled back in time to one of those Summerteeth-YHF era shows. That would be interesting.


    I'd pay decent money for a ticket, but for all the good UT material there is I just find myself more drawn to Jeff Tweedy related work post-Tupelo

  7. thanks guys - and yeah, as i said - i've had (and have others) of both fenders and marshalls and know what to expect out of both - and yeah - having already got a deluxe and couple of smaller fender's i think i'd like the JCM in the arsenal -


    i guess i was just looking to make sure no one said - "wait! don' trade do that - the twin is worth more than you think" or soemthing, basically being insecure before pulling the trigger. i think i'm going to do it this weekend though.

    Nice, yeah, definitely go through with the trade then.


    I was eyeing the Deluxes a while back, still can't decide on what to buy (plus I'd have to do some saving for the deluxe at this point).

  8. A good liquor store will usually stock Chimay if nothing else.


    Boulevard (my local craft brewery) is about to release a tripel. I tasted it as a test brew and it was fooking awesome.

    I do love Boulevard, that's pretty awesome. Small town Iowa doesn't have the greatest selection of beers!

  9. i am so confused. a growler? do i want that in my house? can that be had in a bar?

    Growler is just a half-gallon glass jug full of beerly goodness :thumbup You can get them at breweries and the nonesuch.



    Anyways, there's plenty of good beer out there, but I'd try and find out if he likes lighter/wheatier beers, darker/hopsier beers, or darker/stoutier beers. Of course there's always gradations in between, but that's easier to choose among than just one country (Too much range!) Otherwise the recommendation to just head to a good store is great advice :thumbup

  10. Yeah, overall i would say it was a neat show, kind of weird how they had the guy come out at the begining to set down "guidelines", the vocal harmonies sounded beautiful, but some songs ran too long and they talked alot between songs, like 5 to 10 minutes. It was really a good show but it also made me think about how much i love Wilco and how awesome they are live, they don't put a barrier between themselves and the audience (which seemd to happen here), they invite you in. Well, thats just what i thought. See You all there Oct. 14th!!

    I do agree with the guidelines being a little weird, but in this case maybe they did help, I'm glad that's not normal at every show though.


    I definitely know what you mean though, I think Wilco is a great concert experience. Can't wait for the 14th too :thumbup Pretty good month for concerts.

  11. See if you can find a good imported pilsner, they're all the rage in Germany right now, at least according to my friend who got back from Berlin. Czech ones are supposedly excellent too. :thumbup


    Also, if you can get anything in a growler it will be 10x better than it's usual bottle counterpart (as it's fresh and all that), perhaps that might be a possibility.

  12. Who's been to the Main Lounge, and how is it? I found a couple old posts from when the show was first added, but nothing beyond "Awesome!" and "woo hoo!" sorts of things.


    To those of you who've seen shows there, how is it? We're considering a road trip for one more show after Milwaukee, and I'm thinking that's our best bet in terms of distance. But how about in terms of the venue itself?

    It's a 1600 person venue. I just saw Ryan Adams there last night. The acoustics aren't great, but they're decent and the UofI does a pretty good job putting on productions and keeping things running smoothly.


    The room was just remodeled the last year or so, so that's a plus, it's basically a large old-school ballroom style room (so the seating is all flat and on the ground), with a raised stage in front. I was about halfway back and had a pretty good view, I would imagine those behind me less so (as I was right by the soundboard/lights which gave me some extra space/clearance. If you get there earlier for the show though I'm sure it would be pretty good.


    Iowa City is a nice town, plus you could potentially meet me, I'd say go :thumbup

  13. Sounds like a great show...glad you had "good luck" again! :thumbup


    Good setlist as well. Who sang with him on "Dear John" out of curiousity? (I've never seen him live)


    Wished I was going to the show in Kansas City tonight. :hmm


    Thanks for sharing. :)

    All the backing vocals were just the other members of the Cardinals and they sounded great. Pedal steel probably could've been up more in the mix though :thumbup Too bad you don't get the chance to see them, it was my first time since 2002!

  14. i've heard January 14th

    That'd be my birthday, pretty cool. That and the Iowa Caucuses :monkey



    If they hadn't decided to release a more reasonably priced physical format of the album either vinyl/cd I was going to be a little perturbed, but this is grand. Hard-core fans get what they want, everybody gets an album sooner!

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