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Posts posted by deepseacatfish

  1. Saw Ryan Adams in Iowa City last night, and you know maybe I just have good Ryan Adams luck (though I'd only seen him once before) but this was another good show for me. He was definitely in a goofy mood, said that he had just quit cigarettes and was drinking a lot of coke and joking about "professional" band behavior the whole time, including joking that the band "should have walked off by now." Glad to see he's willing to poke fun at himself. The crowd was definitely behind him, and I think it definitely helped, but it seemed like he was excited to play and having a blast. Despite the UofI

    concerts people announcing before the show that it would start at about 8:15 and run until 10:15 it was more like 11 when I actually left (no opener either...sweet).


    I was happy to see a couple older tunes coming out, Bartering Lines was especially great, but all of the new material and also particularly the Cold Roses material sounded really tightly worked into the band. Good goofy Ryan banter, lots of drawn out songs, and great harmonizing vocals.


    Obviously RA shows are a spotty affair, but hey, this one went well. :thumbup


    Goodnight Rose

    Cold Roses

    Beautiful Sorta


    Dear John


    Everybody Knows

    The Rescue Blues

    Peaceful Valley

    I Taught Myself How To Grow Old

    Wild Flowers

    Shakedown On 9th Street

    Please Do Not Let Me Go

    Off Broadway


    The Sun Also Sets

    Let It Ride

    Magnolia Mountain


    Rip Off

    Easy Plateau

    Bartering Lines

  2. I'll be the first to say it, i'm not that excited about this.


    It is a cool idea to create buzz though, i'll wait for the pig and see if i dig it.

    You don't really have to wait for anything, I mean Radiohead will let you download it for free starting on the 10th.

  3. Lately I've been all over The Sea and Cake. Saw them in Baltimore Friday night and they killed. Great band.

    Yes. I loved this band, but after seeing them live that has increased ten-fold. Highly underrated.


    Obviously teh Wilco is right up there with anything else.


    Yo La Tengo

    Sonic Youth

    John Coltrane

    Ornette Coleman

    Brian Eno

    David Bowie (especially when he's working with Brian Eno)


    The Beatles

    The Hold Steady



    there are more, but those are the most right now.

  4. I've had a Peavy Classic 50 as my main road/stage amp for almost 9 years now. Its a nice amp, and it can take a beating like nobodys business.

    I've been looking at these, I like that it has a standby switch...unlike the Classic 30.


    How are the clean tones out of both of these amps? I have been looking to upgrade to something around this range for a while now, but haven't had a chance to play a lot of things (due to being in the middle of the Iowa).



  5. OK, maaaaaybe once in the car is OK, but while she's laying on the ground it's not cool for the bro to tase her repeatedly. The authorities need to respect the power of the taser. Taser boy still had it coming to him, though.

    I agree with this. Yep.


    Anybody dealing with them on any level should do it strictly from a Yes, sir / No, sir point of view. And if you have a problem with one, I'd suggest politely asking for their badge number and reporting them later.


    Respect their authority!

    I also agree with this. Yep.



    Though I do think it's worth looking into the safety and ethics of taser usage in general, I would guess there are some serious cases of mis(and over)usage of tasers just as there are plenty of cases of situations where they are extremely helpful.

  6. I agree. I don't think we can truly consider any of those bands as "indie-rock" anymore. Its not exactly DIY!

    Not to side-track this, but I honestly think "Indie" has come more to characterize a certain sound/look aesthetic rather than to describe a particular model of music making and production. Kind of like how "Punk" no longer has the same implications that it used to.


    Just my two cents.


    Oh, carry on.


    My sister will be excited about this. I probably would've enjoyed something like this when I was a big SNL watcher in middle school/high school. Most of the acts weren't great. Ryan Adams I thought was pretty decent right after 9/11.


    Maybe Wilco is too "dad" rock for SNL.

  7. A live DVD would be great, I would certainly buy that.


    Given that they frequently do live webcasts of shows, I think that's pretty much sufficient...but then again I'm not a huge live music collector, so there you go! Ps. (If anyone has a copy of the Davenport show this year or the Tweedy solo show in Iowa City last year I would much appreciate a YSI in any format--I can convert files...but I can't use bittorrents on this network--yup).


    I tend to like physical items, maybe it would be cool if they released a spiffied up show from each of their tours? I might shell out for those (specially if they went all the way back to their early live shows).

  8. The Beatles are fantastic. I just finished reading through my copy of that Anthology book again, that was great. I do need to pick up the DVD at some point. Teh awesome.


    The White Album is my favorite by far, so much great stuff.


    I remember spinning Beatles albums on my parents record player when I was around 4 years old, something like that. Wonderful.

  9. 2384.jpg

    Steve Reich-Music For 18 Musicians.


    Quite possibly the most amazing piece of music I've ever heard--particularly the first time I listened to it, when I literally had to stop everything else I was doing and just sit and listen. This is definitely the finest piece of minimalism that I've listened to and the way that it organically grows and evolves is its strength and beauty. I listen to it and feel like I'm suspended in time and space...that is what great music does (I could name a few other albums that can do this--but most people are probably more familiar with them).


    Music for 18 Musicians really isn't any particular genre, it's primitive and modern at the same time, but ultimately just great music. I don't know that everybody gets into it as much as I have, but everybody who I've had listen to it has always been intrigued and enjoys what they hear.

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