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Posts posted by deepseacatfish

  1. Honestly, I'm not excited about this.


    I didn't get their last album. The last time I bought a Weezer album was in 10th grade, right when my love for them pretty much peaked. I still like their first two albums a great deal, but otherwise, they have put out stuff that hasn't interested me much at all. I'll see what happens, maybe this will be an improvement.

  2. I caught this on the internet as well. Thought it was really pretty good, Moore has a tendency to overindulge himself (ie. most of Farenheit 9/11) and I think this is a little more restrained, reasonable, and human--much more like Bowling for Columbine and Roger and Me. I don't know if this is going to get much scope outside of Moore's usual audience, but we'll see, if Gore's enviro movie did pretty well slowly building up steam maybe this will.


    Also, we spend 40% of our federal budget every year on the military. I don't see that changing anytime soon. There's not enough money to do both.

    I agree with you on budget priorities/issues in the US, but if we're going to have health-care that's universal we'll have to pay higher taxes, it's simple. Add that in and there probably is enough money. Just think how much most people would be saving in terms of out of pocket health related expenses, and money back on paychecks that would go to insurance, etc. It's just a balance, and right now our health-care system is inefficient and profit-driven...the question will be if lobbyists will be able to continue to keep people from stomaching the idea of the change.

  3. All I'm saying is the songs don't have to be polished to be played.Hell,we as fans get a kick out songs with false starts and f-ups.Keeps things fresh.Wilco seems afraid of not playing perfect.People come and go,your true fans stay.Play what ever the hell you wan't.

    I agree. While I've only seen Wilco twice, and Tweedy solo once--so the concerts don't seem repetitive...I would love just a little more spontaneity! Jeff and Co. are all great musicians, the music they're playing is great, and the last time I saw them they were having a blast with it, I would just love to see a little rougher around the edges Wilco.

  4. Donna, it was great meeting you last night! See, I was right, I win (although it's no prize) :o (inside joke between the two of us)...


    Also very nice to see Sooz, Brianne (you look fantastic!), Paul (and someone else I'm forgetting your name), at least to wave at or have a brief "hi". It's just not the same going to these shows where they are seated and you don't get to wait outside in line (where all the socializing goes on)....

    Good to see you at the show too! Donna and I were talking after you came up about the huge spread of Wilco fans in terms of age/location!


    I only got in a wave at Sooz, Brianne, and Paul but it was nice seeing you guys. I think I saw you at the Tweedy Iowa City show, but wasn't sure so I didn't sneak up on you. Next time...next time. :pirate



    Too bad about the second encore, but I must say, that was a lot of fun. I'll just have to catch them again soon.

  5. Wait what? I don't know if I heard about what you are referring to...

    It's the first item on Nels Cline's News Page--very brutal, pointless killing. Certainly couldn't help when a situation like this erupts at a concert.



    Glad the band was able to finish out a set, I still say overall good show, despite the hitches, and the short length


    Edit: got beat to it.

  6. Check out the thread in After the Show :thumbup


    But glad you enjoyed the show, I think the curfew is really what cut time short, but that fight certainly didn't help anything.

  7. 1. actually you cant be wrong, its fucking music.

    You're good right there. I like A Ghost is Born a lot, though it's not my favorite Wilco album--I think the songs stand up very well live and on record.


    I think Wilco puts on a really spectacular live show, and none of their songs are too "flat" to me in a live setting--generally speaking I prefer studio versions of stuff from Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, just because that has so much depth as it is. Live those songs are good, they just feel better together as a holistic part of an album. But like I said, nothing in the Wilco catalog that I've heard live hasn't worked.

  8. First off, it was awesome seeing a bunch of VC people at the show, Ms Yvon and Donna (Kidsmoke) in particular :thumbup You guys rule, and it was great seeing the whole interweb bunch down there! I had to take off pretty soon after the show, what with having to drive back and get to work and all, but next time I'll stick around for some more talk.



    Low was great! A lot of people talking as to be expected, but I thought they played a really inspired and beautiful set.


    The crowd was definitely excited about Wilco, and Wilco honestly looked like they were just having fun playing. Last time I saw the whole band was at the Auditorium shows in '04, the guys were definitely all in top form and just plain having a lot of fun. As Donna said after the show the crowd was definitely overserved--the drunks were certainly ricocheting. It was great to hear Kamera, and the new stuff sounds great in the hands of the band--and they were definitely way into playing. The fight certainly put a damper on things--I couldn't see it from where I was, but reports from VCers over there sounded pretty brutal and Nels was way pissed when he noticed. However, Spiders sounded great, even after it, though of course curfew in Davenport made them wrap up early...I would've been up for another few songs :dancing Shot in the Arm was a great opener.



    Overall pretty sweet show, well worth the trip out. And Stardogs recommendation of the Front Street brewery was spot on, that was a great pre-show eatery.


    Good luck to Ms Yvon in her road tripping, and nice to meet all you fine people that were there and said hi :wave Can't wait to hear a recording of the show.

  9. I'd check this out pretty thoroughly first: Harmony Central Fender Amp Reviews


    This has a bunch of reviews of people who own all sorts of instruments/equipment/etc.



    I don't know these amps personally. I've had a Fender Stage 100, that I got a while ago, that I am hoping to upgrade soon. It works fine, but I just want to pick up a tube amp. Generally speaking Fender amps are pretty good, but I'd just check around at reviews of the amps you're looking at and possible other brands. :thumbup

  10. woo! i'm in davenport now. SEE YOU ALL TONIGHT!


    deepsea! rad!


    i'm in section A row O.


    daniel, thanks for all the good food/drink info. i'm down for the beer.

    Ms Yvon! :dancing


    This is going to be TEH AWESOME. I'm leaving in like an hour and a half. Catch all of you tonight :monkey

  11. I'll resurrect this one more time to give you all my info.


    I'll be in Section B, Row D, Seats 1 and 2 (I've got someone coming with, I don't actually take up two seats).


    I think I'll probably be at the Front Street Brewery for food/beers before the show. I haven't decided on if I'll be sticking around after the show for too long--but I may, and I certainly want to meet any VCers who are around. I look pretty much like this with longer hair:



    I'll probably be wearing my glasses though, and may or may not be sporting the monkey-tee.


    See you all tomorrow :dancing

  12. We'll be there, although I know you all don't know me, but I'll be there nonetheless, very excited!! :thumbup

    We all don't know you yet :thumbup


    I'm excited, hopefully some more VCers are coming too. I haven't spent much time in the Davenport/Quad Cities area, but it'll be a nice adventure.

  13. Shure mics are all around good standbys, either an SM-57, or more likely for your case an SM-58, but basically they'll do the job and are reliable and sound pretty good.


    Kind of depends on what kind of recording you're doing (ie. more acoustic stuff, vs. something else), but if you're not sure and want to invest in just one mic, I'd say stick to an SM-58.

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