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Posts posted by deepseacatfish

  1. That's great to hear. Continued vibes heading your way. Having lost a grandmother this last year after a number of rounds in and out of hospitals I know what the feeling is like. But it's the little moments with the people who love them that can make it a little easier and natural. :cheekkiss

  2. I'd watch out posting that picture of Fred Armisen, you might get sued, artists gotta reclaim their control on the internet.




    Seriously. I can't stand Purple Rain, but I do think Prince is a good performer and has some decent stuff. But really, if it's not You-Tube it's going to be somewhere else. The internet is evolving faster than people can lay clear controls and claims on it. If Prince wanted to "reclaim" this material the best move would probably be to post very high quality copies of it on his own website (maybe even at a charge or to people in a fan club) or to create a video compilation for people to buy, some would some wouldn't. You-Tube will comply now and bring down Prince material, in a couple weeks it'll be back up, or somewhere else. Either people are going to pay extra for better quality (if it's available) or they just won't care.

  3. For those of you concerned for the girls, I ask that you please send your vibes, good thoughts and prayers this way. I am meeting with my lawyer at 10am to go over the details and figure out the next step(s).

    The girls have expressed their wishes to live here full-time (and for the record, this is their 3rd request in less than a year). The school principal, nurse and guidance counselor who have all known the girls since kindergarten are appalled at the fact that they were left alone, as is their pediatrician and the oldest one's neurologist. I am only telling you this, as they obviously know & understand best next to me. Also, I think I failed to mention over the previous two weekends that their Dad (& now stepmom) had reported increases in the oldest one's "spells/episodes", so NOW was really not the time to "test her out" on staying home alone.

    Thanks again for your support. I will keep you posted.

    I missed out on most of this thread, but good luck with all of this. Your kids have a right to live happily and comfortably and with the best care possible. Hopefully this all gets worked out in a way that will help them--and will work for you (and perhaps your ex as well). I am not a parent (nor have I dealt first-hand with custody issues), but it seems to me that if you have proven yourself to be responsible and pro-active about these kids, and that they also have expressed interest multiple times in living full-time with you, and your ex has done questionable things (like leaving them alone for 8 hours when they were not comfortable and their were potential medical issues)--and has made them feel uncomfortable on an emotional level--then you probably have some real leverage. It may take some time but it will get worked out. Just keep looking out for your kids and what is best for them, they'll appreciate all the work you did for the rest of their lives. :thumbup

  4. Being at a small college makes it real easy to find people to play with :thumbup


    That being said, are there any places that do open-mic things with decent musicians? That might be a good place to start, find some people who are doing their own thing and ask them if they're interested. I don't know how often the newspaper ads/craigslist/etc. things work, but it's certainly a possibility to try as well.

  5. So did everyone who requested the mag get it all right? What did you think of the read?

    It was a good interview. Always a nice read. The Bela Fleck and J. Mascis interviews were pretty good reads as well. Nice conglomeration of string players right there from every angle of things.

  6. My best friend throughout elementary/middle/high school and his mom (who was practically my second mom were both serious migraine sufferers. I've never had one, but given their experiences I feel for all of you who have to deal with them. They tried all sorts of stuff ranging from various medications to things like acupuncture, etc. some of it worked and some didn't quite as much. So, good pain-free vibes headed all your way(s)--take care of yourselves people.

  7. A couple thoughts, even though this thread probably doesn't need another opinion :stunned


    The evangelical movement in this country (specifically the megachurch/focus on family/charismatic Christian movements) does really weird me out. I'm all for people having their religious beliefs, but a lot of these groups really seem to co-opt people for their own self-interests. In a lot of cases they've turned the church going/faith process into a giant media blitz that--as the lady in charge of the camp in Jesus Camp says is indoctrinating children and adults--and it just feels really divorced of real religious study and more focused on quick assumptions and a way of life that these groups would like seen spread throughout the country. I wouldn't have a problem so much with it if they weren't so aggressive both in the way that they target younger kids, and the way they aggressively push their religious views as "correct" and ones that need to be overt in things like government. I know plenty of genuinely great and involved Christians (of lots of different denominations), but the tone and stances of these churches tends to be very intolerant and hateful.


    Everybody should read the Bible eventually (I haven't read all of it), there's a lot of good material, some stuff that seems utterly strange (parts of Leviticus), and ultimately very human and rewarding. Jesus was a great dude, really into helping everyone, equality, ending suffering. Real awesome stuff like that. I don't know what I consider myself these days, I dig a lot of different teachings, I am a big proponent of meditation (not specifically for spiritual purposes, though it can really help clarify the mind), but after just thinking about the vastness and complexity of the universe I really believe that there is some sort of higher something (probably not even a person...though it might be?) that had some role in it. I guess that's pretty vague, but okay!



    Since this thread kind of morphed into an abortion debate I'll kick in a little there too. I'm against killing, I oppose the death penalty, I oppose almost all wars (the "just war" concept covers almost all exceptions). Abortion is tricky because there's so much moral/scientific ambiguity involved and I think a lot of people get caught up in the emotional battle of it rather than anything else. I would love for abortions not to be necessary and have a day where none happened (I would think/hope that a similar goal would be held by virtually everyone on either the life/choice side of things). I do think that women should have the choice to have an abortion, but I think there are lots of things that could be done to help reduce the number we have each year: more education about contraception (I realize there are religious objections by some to that as well as moral ones...that's another debate), more programs to help support people who are pregnant and not so well off, better adoption services, and more communication between conservative and liberal groups involved in family planning, etc. To me it's about more options and educations, leaving abortions as last possibilities (and for medically necessary situations) and working to reduce the number of pregnancies that would end in an abortion. Not that any of that would be easy to do, I just don't see why there can't just be a common push to the same goal with less condemnation from both sides.


    Have fun and treat each other nicely.

  8. The Jeff/Glenn solo show was not student only. I bought tickets for a Ryan Adams show there as well and it was just standard ticketbastard, didn't need to be a student or anything I'm assuming the Wilco show will be the same.



    Now who wants to meet up for drinks/food before the show?

  9. I'm all for the new restrictions on stuff like sudafed, meth is awful, and it's about the best way to try and regulate it. I remember seeing a really good special on it on Frontline one time, really shed some light on the whole sales/production cycle of it. Sadly, until other countries manage to control their own ephedrin/pseudoephedrin, we'll just end up with meth cartels importing anyway. Maybe someday it'll get figured out.


    I've known a couple people to have some prescription pill abuse problems, and I have a good friend who was very much dependent on various opiates and variations (including oxycontin) for a good long while. Luckily he's cleaned up. I think a lot of people don't really realize the dangers when it comes to something like this, because it is "prescription." There really ought to be some more controls, especially on the more serious stuff. Just my 2 cents. I stick to alcohol and an occasional smoke now and again. Everything can be abused...maybe people in this country just need to be more aware of abuse and what they can do?

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