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Posts posted by deepseacatfish

  1. Since school starts next month I am trying to get back into the groove of things by doing some stuff related to the class I am taking. So this morning, as I sat in a traffic jam, I was listening to "On and on and on" and started to come up with other vocal parts for the song. Like, if there were no other instruments on it besides Jeff's voice, but fill it in with the tenor, bass and alto parts. Make it like a 4-part choral song. It worked suprisingly well. I will try to work it out on some staff paper and post it...


    Has anybody else tried anything like that?

    I had to do something somewhat like this in music class but rather than doing 4-part choral we had to do just harmony parts in piano for a line. It was pretty interesting...


    It would be kind of interesting to take Jeff's lead part as a melody and completely re-write the harmonizing instruments, you could get a very different arrangement of the song.

  2. John is on the bottom right, and I think it's Glenn on the bottom left, with Pat in the upper left.

    Hmm, I agree with you on John, but I have the upper left as Glenn and Pat in the bottom left.


    Probably on the band can confirm it for sure, but it was this picture that led me to believe this:



  3. :blink


    Wow, Nels is good, but the best guitarists of his generation? That is a hyperbole if I have ever heard one.

    I think in terms of pushing both jazz and rock boundaries Nels has done a lot (particularly looking at his work outside of Wilco), I think he's certainly not the best guitarist of his generation--but one of the best? I would think so. But that's just what I think.


    The Nels vs. Jay argument really is apples and oranges. Nels brings much more in terms of guitar to Wilco, and live he can really tear it up as well as just being a versatile player in what he can produce. Jay brought a lot more to the table in terms of being able to co-write with Jeff. Sky Blue Sky was a very intentional record in the way that it came together, but I'm interested to see where the current lineup goes from this, if they start pushing the boundaries of what they're doing a little more--but it seems to me things are working very well--if differently from before.

  4. And what's with all this HTTT hate? While not their best album (Kid A), it certainly is a fine work that holds up after repeated listens. I can listen to it all the way through as easily as I listen to any other Radiohead album.

    It's not so much that I hate the album, it just didn't hold up for me all that well. At first I liked it pretty much through and through, but I don't know the electronic stuff in it seemed much more sluggish and inorganic as pieces of the music (compared to say Kid A), and the songs just don't catch my ear quite as well. If you like it great, but I just don't find myself revisiting it very much at all, whereas the other albums I definitely do.

  5. After the last one, Radiohead was dropped from my "go out and get the album the day it's released" list. I hope this one is better.



    I initially liked Hail To The Thief, but the songs just didn't hold up for me on repeated listens (There There being the exception). I really like Kid A, but I think the electronic elements of the last album really just bogged it down.


    That said, I might still buy this on its release date if early reviews are generally favorable, otherwise I might wait. I'm excited for this, but with some reservations.

  6. They will be released but not anytime soon. Most bands do this stuff when their new material stops selling or it comes out posthumously.

    Who knows, it varies greatly band to band as to what they would want to release and when. Sonic Youth are still together (and selling albums) but they've done a number of reissues of their better known albums. There are others, but really it's up to the band, I'd assume we'll see stuff like this within a reasonable amount of time, I don't see Wilco suddenly disappearing anytime soon.

  7. Call me old-fashioned or something, but I like to have physical releases. I have all the demos, but would love to see a package come out with them and have them given some liner notes and maybe explanations. It just helps to fill out my curiosity. If you're satisfied, stick to what you have, and awesome :thumbup but I'll pay up for the super-box set or whatever it happens to be. I wouldn't for every album, but this one, for sure.

  8. the whole fergie thing is a little vexing to me...between that album and the black eyed peas radioplay/trophy 'hip hop' band status, she/her record company aren't getting enough exposure as it is?

    Hey, she's probably just trying to make some easy $. I doubt they're worried about exposure or anything.



    LouieB--I think you're probably right about it being Feist rather than Fergie, though it wouldn't be ridiculous to think otherwise.

  9. again, no matter how bombarded by it you are...you do have a choice as to how much you let this stuff affect you.


    staying the same wheelhouse, most of the attendees are completely comfortable w/ said sponsorhips due to the practice of action sports (skateboarding, snowboarding, etc.) atheletes having a gaggle of them. much like this scenario...everybody wins. the bands get enough financial solvency to continue and/or expand their creation/distribution of the music you love while the corporations get some exposure to you as a consumer

    I completely agree with you on these points. I definitely see the benefit for the artist/fan/corporation, and certainly I've been to festivals and shows that have had some sponsorship that has either reduced ticket prices or in conjunction with something else made them free. That is great for everyone.


    My only trepidation is where it becomes very difficult for music that is not sponsored or tied in to something to be made and distributed reasonably. I don't know if that will be a problem. The Fergie situation is also disconcerting and I hope that things don't generally make it to that point, I would feel very dissillussioned. But in general sponsorship isn't a big deal, it's a good thing...I mean, it's been in art galleries for a long time and you don't hear people screaming "sellout" at them.

  10. I'd actually prefer that the restrictions on how much of a market one company can own were tightened again, rather than re-implementing the fairness doctrine

    Yep. I also think the FCC could use some serious oversight and reworking in a lot of areas, there are numerous messes related to them.

  11. I'm not crying "sellout" at anyone, but I don't like the idea that the music industry would be heading in a direction where every concert/album/etc. would be corporate sponsored in some way. I don't mind commercials at all, or little things, but concerts that are super-saturated with coroporate stuff and too many company exclusive tie-in deals irks me. I just don't like the concept.



    I still :wub teh Wilcos, and I hope news media will start dedicating more of its time to scouring VC for tidbits.


    If you were the real Ninjas/Caliber that wouldn't be so poorly misspelled. I'm calling imposter.

  13. My two real questions are:


    1. If the fairness doctrine goes into place, what about groups like neo-Nazis, Libertarians, Anarchists, Communists, Trekkies, etc. If they have a political group do they get a "fair share" of airtime to or does it just split between dems/republicans...and who gets to judge what "fair" is?


    2. Will VC have to comply with the fairness doctrine? If so, does this mean we'll have to put Ikol on payroll to post more frequently to balance out the liberals, or do we just delete half the liberal posts in a given thread and double post the conservative ones?



    Thanks, friends.


    Another fair and balanced post from me.


    :usa :canada

  14. Yep, I think this fairness doctrine seems pretty ridiculous. Maybe there are more conservative radio programs out there, but in this case I think market forces should be let be, there are plenty of media outlets and it doesn't seem to me like liberals are getting totally cut out of the public forum for discussion.

  15. I prefer Anodyne to A.M. and prefer A.M. to trace, though both AM and Trace are fine records. Anodyne just has a little more songwriting consistency and depth to it. AM has good moments, but not the same consistency that would make it great.

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