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Everything posted by deepseacatfish

  1. I might just have to make a trip up to see this one. Good excuse to visit the family and some friends...
  2. Out of this world like ancient Sumerians!!!
  3. I enjoy Sufjan, and Illinoise was a solid record, but I'm definitely no superfan...so I think I'll pass on this.
  4. I just might have to go cardigan...if I can find the one I own, I haven't done that in a while
  5. Same here. The weather here can't decide if it wants to be warm or cold which means I can't decide if I want to look totally hip in a t-shirt or totally hawt in a sweater.
  6. My iPod doesn't exist, but if it did it would too busy e-kicking e-ass to do anything else.
  7. So trying to go from listening to the Velvet Underground to studying Renaissance church music is not the smoothest of transitions...
  8. When I was in 2nd grade I wanted to be a basketball superstar. Then I realized that I was seriously lacking in the athletic talent, height, and skills departments.
  9. If by doing France(class) homework you mean trying to seduce ladies (which I'm just going to assume you do), then I would suggest at least starting with the pants on. After "practicing" some French, most of a mid-priced bottle of Pinot-Noir, and 2/3rds of a Sigur Ros album if your pants just so happen to come off, then you're probably in business. Just sayin.
  10. We're they worried about "gang activity" or something stupid like that? Sounds pretty ridiculous to me. Edit, you beat me to it on the gang activity...but it's still ridiculous. Schools these days...
  11. Wilco-Yankee Hotel Foxtrot The Beatles-Abbey Road John Coltrane-A Love Supreme Radiohead-OK Computer Beck-Sea Change Yo La Tengo-I Can Hear the Heart Beating as One Charles Mingus-The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady The Beatles-White Album Broken Social Scene-You Forgot it in People
  12. Well, seeing as I'm not camped out in your bushes I couldn't confirm that for you, but I think you're in the clear as long as you have it written down on your hand.
  13. No, I checked this bear is working freelance, it just hates America, and Wilco. What a bastard.
  14. Hiding in bushes? I'm feeling extremely lazy today. Why is it only Tuesday? I want it to be Friday and stuff, so I can go see Calexico and party like it's 1999...again What's a Wilco?
  15. I'd work on those boob drawings and travesties. Oh, and watch out for anyone wearing a cape around here. Definitely bad news.
  16. Have an excellent birthday
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