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Posts posted by airtaco

  1. Hi Guys


    I'm trying to get a better idea of which types of microphones should be used for recording a particular instrument. My studio-savy friend says this combination is the best:


    Drums: Large diaphragm condenser mics; overhead: dynamic mics

    Guitars: Dynamic mics (sm 57s)

    Vocals: condenser mics


    Do people agree with his? More imporatntly, I would like to know the major characteristics for each type of microphone and why they are suited for recording a particular instrument. I don't need an essay, but I've done some reading, and every explanation has been wayyy too scientific for me, so I'd appriciate any explanation in layman's terms. Thanks a lot!

  2. i just can't stand the strings or Bruce's voice (mostly how low it is in the mix, but still), it sounds so overproduced and fake to me.


    it suffers from the Aerosmith soundtrack song-itis. :yucky



    I thought this was the song you reffered to as terrible. Yea, I'm with tongue-tied - I really see nothing disagreeable with the strings. I like the bridge as well; the timpani almost gives it a Pet Sounds feel.


    To echo the majority of the previous responses: This is a mixed bag for sure - def front loaded. Livin in the Future is the highlight and prob will be a high point on the tour. I would say the high points beat the best moments on the Rising - but like on that album, a few of the songs are just too mid-tempo rock songs that never really go anywhere.

  3. Hi guys;


    My friend just gave me an Oink invite - and it's great. The ease at which I've gotten these cds is nothing short of mind-blowing. But I have to ask: how is this any different from download sites such as Napster and Lime Wire? Do people from Oink get fined by the RIAA? Thanks.

  4. It doesn't really matter who wrote what or how well he could play bass and sing backup vocals...sometimes all the weird little dynamics that make a band work with a certain line-up end up not clicking with different people involved.


    Hell, Matt Sharp in 2007 may not work with that band either, but I'd certainly be interested to hear what they'd come up with. I'm not at all interested to hear a follow up to "Beverly Hills" though.



    This is a good point, though in Weezer's case I disagree. I've watched a lot of video interviews/dvd footage from the era, and Matt, in general, seems a jerk who wasn't a positive influence*. Then again, perhaps this inspired Rivers artistically, but I don't really think negativity leads to great results.



    *I'm well aware Rivers has been just as bad, if not worse.

  5. I think Pinkerton is at times hysterical. "The Good Life", "El Scorcho", "Why Bother", and "Pink Triangle" are all clever and witty and pretty damn funny.


    "I know I should get next to you

    You've got a look that made me think you're cool

    But it's just sexual attraction

    Not something real so I'd rather keep wackin'"

    Gold, Jerry!



    Ceratinly out of context these songs are funny, though in sequence I feel they just show how emotionally tortured Rivers was while he was writing.

  6. My take is that Matt Sharp is actually the song writing connoiseur. He left Weezer after the Pinkerton album, and so did the whimsical tunage (there are a few exceptions ie "Island In the Sun"). I think it's apparent when you listen to the 1st Rentals album that he was definetly the witty specialist.


    p.s. Pinkerton is my fave Weezer album


    I've seen many people on VC imply that Sharp was the reason for Weezer's brilliance, and I strongly disagree. It is well known that for Pinkerton, Rivers essentially became an autocrat. No one but him was allowed to write the songs; essentially, as amg describes it, Weezer became a vehicle for his songwriting. And as far as wittiness is concerned, I mean, yea, Matt's vocals are funny in El Scorcho, but Pinkerton in by no means and funny album.


    And while most would say that TGA and MALA don't hold a candle to the first two, there are plenty of examples of pop mastery. Island, Photograph, O Girlfriend, Dope Nose, Slave, Keep Fishin, December are only a few songs that come to mind. The lyrics are rather phoned-in, but there's an obvious reason for that.

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