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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. I need to give it a few more listens. It didn't hit me initially.
  2. The way I read it is that the remastered stereo set contains the 1987 George Martin-approved stereo mixes for all CDs. The mono box set includes the original stereo mixes for Help! and Rubber Soul probably because they can. Those two albums are short enough to include both versions. The first four albums never had stereo mixes until 1987 and the albums beginning with Revolver were too long to include two versions of one album on the same disc.
  3. Regardless, the NFC North should be one of the more competitive divisions (it will be interesting to see how much the Lions improve). Although, the NFC looks to be chock full of decent teams and few, if any, really good teams.
  4. I can't play any musical instruments. And as much as I would like to learn, I just don't have the time. Maybe when my daughter gets older we can take father-daughter lessons together. But it is incredibly fun to play. And the style of game appeals to my interests and the way my brain works. And playing together with friends is even more fun.
  5. I believe that is all correct. Although, I'm pretty sure you can use the included headset that comes with the console as another microphone.
  6. I'll answer my own question...pretty good, but nothing as immediately hooky or catchy as some songs on Visiter. Just one listen, though.
  7. Yeah, I guess we'll find out how mainstream and popular he is once the voting begins. Or do people actually vote based on true dancing ability on that show?
  8. Arrgh...blowing 5-0 and 4-0 leads on consecutive nights isn't going to win anything. And can anybody else beat the Angels? That might be the best team in baseball.
  9. I think you expect a little too much. Especially if all you want out of a list is for it to more closely reflect your tastes. I think those Canadian bands have all had multiple tracks on this list. Radiohead has too. Franz Ferdinand showed up today with Take Me Out. I think I remember Gwen Stefani from earlier this week. And more White Stripes today. Plus a lot of the artists you think should be there, I would hope don't come close to sniffing a list like this. So I guess it's all subjective. It's actually been a really good list and I'm really looking forward to the Top 20. Surpr
  10. Really glad to see Take Me Out. I have never tired of that song.
  11. Aside from most of the rap, which I just don't have too much first-hand knowledge of, the list seems pretty decent to me. I'm not sure what would make a list like that a "fucking joke."
  12. "Toxic" already made its appearance. I forgot where, though.
  13. Me neither, really. I'm predicting one more Wilco song...I Am Trying to Break Your Heart will be in the Top 20.
  14. It's about money, the desire to play football again, and the opportunity to go somewhere where he knows the offense already that needs a QB. Really, looking at the Vikings as a team, that's the one missing piece.
  15. Actually, I don't think Favre has really ever missed training camp for noninjury reasons. This seemed to be more about guaranteed money in the contract as opposed to an incentive-laden one that was initially offered.
  16. Ahh...Brett Favre. The one subject on VC that galvanizes everyone and turns most rational posters into irrational hatemongers.
  17. I've often wondered if there is an inevitable point in time for every individual where all new music is a lost cause. I have a friend that listens to nothing but Tom Petty and Pearl Jam and Counting Crows. He'll never get out of his early-to-mid-90s rut.
  18. Yeah, I didn't feel it was necessary to correct you.
  19. Yes. That's probably why you like Joanna Newsom better than I do and I like The Hold Steady more than you do.
  20. I agree about Joanna Newsom. The shine wore off that album almost immediately. I go in spurts as far as new listening goes. There will be months where my appetite for new music cannot be satiated. Some weeks I can't stop listening to one or two albums, and then others where I'm just tired of the whole process. The disposable nature of most new music (hell, most new anything - movies, books, television, etc.) gets frustrating at times, but I'm always able to find a few gems that makes it all worthwhile. Were it not for my desire to listen to anything I could find, I would never have dis
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