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About bleedorange

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    More Like the Moon

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    Aledo, TX

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  1. I found it way too sleepy and same-y sounding, and thought it did not succeed in the same ways that Ode to Joy did where both are mining the same territory. And none of the songs worked for me at their show, which might not be a fair criticism since it was pretty early on, but they just fell flat on stage. The disappointment came from "Cousin," which is a great song, but turned out to be an outlier.
  2. Definitely true, and VC has been one of the few places that has maintained that ethos...at least, for the 20 years I've been coming here.
  3. Hey Everyone, Just wanted to jump on and say that this EP has been a welcome surprise! Cousin was a massive disappointment for me (Cruel Country was to...to a lesser extent), and this EP goes in a lot of places sonically that I wish they would venture more often and expand on. The comments about Jeff's singing is something that has bugged me for quite a while now, but I think it works wonderfully here. Of course, I also really liked Ode to Joy, which along with Star Wars, have been my favorite post-SBS things they have done. I would add this to that list.
  4. Man, it has been a minute, but good to see everyone. I've been trying to keep my anticipation in check, but after reading that Uncut review, I am officially excited to hear this. Seeing them in Dallas the night before the release should also make it an interesting and exciting night. Is Evicted the outlier? Some of what I am reading makes it sound like the type of album I've been wanting them to make since AGIB. Either way, just happy to have more new music from them.
  5. Hey Everyone! Been a long time. It doesn't look like my vinyl set will get here until Monday. Cannot wait. Is anyone else missing songs from the Download version from the SendOwl link? I was missing IATTBYH from the remastered album, but haven't looked to see if there were any others that weren't downloaded.
  6. The band walked out to the most muted reception I've ever heard at the start of a concert, so I was really worried it would be a typical Dallas show in a terrible venue. But once the floodgates opened, I was one of the lucky ones to walk right up front (standing right in front of Pat), and it was a fantastic show. The band seemed loose after that (evidenced by Jeff's banter throughout), and I loved every second of it. New stuff sounded great, and Nels's solo on Impossible Germany was absolutely incredible. It turned that song from something I thought I never needed to hear again into an abs
  7. It was the exact same way for me, although repeated listens have opened up White Wooden Cross for me, and to a lesser extent, One and a Half Stars. If I were forced to pick a weak spot on this album, that would be my choice.
  8. Thanks, Beltmann! Great to "see" you again, too!
  9. Hey everyone! It has been a while since I've posted on these boards, but I definitely wanted to check out the reaction to the new album. For me, Ode to Joy is quickly becoming one of my favorites. The sounds, textures, lyrics, and subtleties surrounding all of those things represent a direction for the band that I've always wished they had pursued. In a way, it reminds me a little of a Califone record. I love how Glenn is out front, and the music seems sparse and understated, but with each listen, I'm hearing more and more intricate details that make this album both cohesive and surprising.
  10. I've fallen in love with "Sun Don't Shine." That song has been stuck in my head for a week despite only listening to it twice. The lack of quality of the stream was bothering me, so I decided to just wait until I get the album in the mail.
  11. I think you're reading it wrong. I think he's saying that the albums he's making now are still "making a statement," but they no longer come at the expense of others. So they are just as urgent and just as "grand," but in different ways. I think the fact that the period generally considered Wilco's best is also the same time Tweedy was at his unhealthiest. So that leap in logic is often made (and it might not be necessarily completely false, but that's a different argument and could be mere coincidence). Hyden isn't saying that here. Especially after his comments on the ST-YHF-AGIB period w
  12. I wish the national anthem would stop being played before every single sporting event. Does baseball really need to play it before every game every single day? Do we really need to hear God Bless America every weekend in the middle of a baseball game? How about the anthem for each sport's opening day and that's it?
  13. I was a little worried about this record after reading some of the early comments and reviews. Some of the descriptions of the songs and the sound of the album were troublesome on paper. But after one really good listen, it sounds like a record that will stick with me and just get better with age. We'll see how that goes, but my early inclination to want to start it up again right after it finishes is a good early sign.
  14. It's actually been a long time since I've listened to a full album, but I plan on revisiting each of them when Schmilco comes out. Listen to the progression of Wilco over 20+ years.
  15. My favorites tend to be the times Jeff seems to perfectly describe something so vividly: The air was crisp Like sunny late winter days A springtime yawning high in the haze And I felt like I belonged Tires type black Where the blacktop cracks Weeds spark through Dark green enough to be blue And then the undisputed champ of all single lines: I assassin down the avenue
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