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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Still haven't pulled the trigger, yet, although a friend of mine has already ordered the mono set. I might ask for the stereo set for Christmas and then we can both have both. I preordered Rock Band, however, as soon as it was announced. I cannot wait for that.
  2. Great album. Definite Top 5 for me this year.
  3. I don't understand why the solution to that problem is to continue down that wrongheaded path.
  4. I think that was a CBS poll. It probably depends on the poll and how the question is posed...although that CBS poll said Obama's approval numbers are at 63%, which seems very high for most of the numbers I've seen through Rasmussen and Gallup which hover around 50-53 percent. Here are some Rasmussen numbers from Saturday on health care.
  5. Did she ever actually write a song? I thought all of her stuff was ghostwritten by Kurt Cobain or Billy Corgan.
  6. And up to 36 months with a second qualifying event. There are caveats to the recent 35% payment though. For example, if you're eligible to join your spouse's plan, then you have to pay 100% of the premium like normal.
  7. From DOL website: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) provides for premium reductions and additional election opportunities for health benefits under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, commonly called COBRA. Eligible individuals pay only 35 percent of their COBRA premiums and the remaining 65 percent is reimbursed to the coverage provider through a tax credit. The premium reduction applies to periods of health coverage beginning on or after February 17, 2009 and lasts for up to nine months for those eligible for COBRA during the period beginning
  8. I wouldn't say Hamilton is awful defensively, but he's not that good and was more of a liability than an asset there. He would make routine plays look hard due to his lack of range. He's fine in right, though. Watching Neftali Feliz pitch might be the most exciting thing in baseball right now.
  9. Perhaps. But none of these recent bills can claim 85% or 98% majorities. And, just so I understand, the Patriot Act passed quickly in response to a terrorist attack on American soil. Therefore, any and all future legislation should get the same treatment, based on whatever fear can be drummed up? Also, the Patriot Act has been reauthorized twice, the most recent in 2006 with a fairly close vote in the House and an 89-10 vote in the Senate (including a Yea vote from Obama). Why are we talking about the Patriot Act?
  10. Seriously, dude, I don't know how many times I have to tell you this, but the whole "Bush did this" and "selective memory" arguments mean nothing to me. It wasn't right then and it's not right now. Never has been. And I never voted for Bush. Do you have it now? Or will this spur on another paragraph?
  11. Yes. However, there are two big differences: (1) the Patriot Act passed 357-66 in the House and 98-1 in the Senate, and (2) it was viewed as an emergency response to 9/11. So it was something that had a lot of support from the very beginning. And we'll have to agree to disagree on the current state of our health care system.
  12. It's all in the process. The need and desire to rush bills through to passage with little debate. These artificial deadlines to get things voted on. The 300-page amendment to the cap-and-trade bill added in the middle of the night full of the promises to representatives to garner their support. Nothing more. I'm not saying that these people that think differently than me do not necessarily have the best interests of this country at heart. But their lack of respect for the process, debate, and deliberative speed with which massive reforms should be handled makes me wonder.
  13. Fairly big series in Texas this weekend. I think it's Millwood vs. Lester tonight.
  14. Yes and Yes. I was being argumentative. But I don't see a whole lot from the leadership of the other side of the political spectrum that gives me great comfort or solace that they have the best interests of this country at heart. Beginning with Obama and Pelosi and ending with the confirmation of Sonia Sotomayor. When did the shift from Bill Clinton to what we have now occur? With G. W. Bush and now Obama, I think we have the two most divisive presidents we have seen. Of course, I could find a couple of bright spots in Bush's presidency. I just don't understand why a costly government
  15. So is all opposition to health care reform out of the political mainstream? Do you really think that Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama haven't resorted to their own brand of politics based on prejudice, fear, or emotion? Is the following statement by Charles Grassley completely off-base: "The bill passed by the House committees is so poorly cobbled together that it will have all kinds of unintended consequences, including making taxpayers fund health care subsidies for illegal immigrants. On the end-of-life issue, there’s a big difference between a simple educational campaign, as some advocat
  16. I think the protective gear being referred to is pads on the elbows and arms. I don't think anyone has a problem with the stuff around the feet or ankles. At least, I don't.
  17. I'm with you on the protective gear. But, I've got to be honest, I would just rather see a DH in both leagues at this point. You grow up with a DH in high school and college and the NL is still hanging on to this antiquated notion. Get some power into the lineup. Double switches are overrated anyway.
  18. I think it would be incredibly rude for a short person to ask a tall person if he/she could move in front.
  19. You're right. I've just been fortunate enough to not have had to deal with it in my immediate vicinity at Wilco shows, so whatever talking has existed is never loud enough to bother me.
  20. Definitely agree with that. They exacerbate the problem and do nothing to alleviate it. Although, they only seem to be problems at solo shows. The only real moments of rudeness I've encountered was recently in OKC where someone was throwing sharpies and another was shining a laser pointer. But those were more directed at the band than other attendees, which I thought made the problem even weirder. Talkers don't even bother me anymore. It's a rock show and it's plenty loud enough to drown that out.
  21. It would shock me if they didn't. There has been some discussion I've read elsewhere that it's simply about creating artificial demand. Whatever. I'm going to be dropping gobs of money on The Beatles between these remasters, Rock Band, the album downloads on Rock Band, etc. Just hand me the vaseline.
  22. I'm not sure how or why this would be considered rude. Tall people don't have a right to stand up close at a concert? (For the record, I'm 6'0")
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