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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. I had been toying with the idea of abstaining for the last couple of months. Then I saw last night that it had leaked, and it was as if I was dying of thirst in the vast expanse of a desert and I suddenly came upon a few drops of water. On a camel, no less. I had no chance.
  2. All I know is that I can't wait to hear Bull Black Nova live (June 15th, to be exact).
  3. I thought I had read that Bull Black Nova was over 6 minutes long. Regardless, it's awesome.
  4. I've only listened to it once, but I couldn't put my finger on what I was hearing back there either.
  5. Is this where we throw out an email address in the hopes that someone will send the new album our way? If so, mystersea at gmail dot com Thanks in advance!
  6. Yeah, I have little interest in 3D. Right or wrong, it still feels gimmicky to me. I have no problem immersing myself into a great story on the screen without the need to resort to visual tricks.
  7. It sounds pretty good. Is there no set release date, yet? (Sorry if you have covered all of this elsewhere.)
  8. If you're in Fort Worth, I understand your plight. I pre-ordered it knowing full well that my chances of finding it here would be slim.
  9. I am definitely envious of all of you for actually having record store options. Here in Fort Worth, it's either Best Buy, Half-Price Books, or a drive to Dallas. Fortunately, I'm headed to Austin soon so I can stop by Waterloo Records while I'm there.
  10. [quote name='Crow Daddy Magnus
  11. I downloaded the typeface from dafont.com. It appears to be Moderne Fraktur. At least, the W seems to match what Wilco has used.
  12. Actually, thanks. I almost asked that question a few pages back, but decided against it for some reason.
  13. This may be one of your more coherent posts. And I'm with you on the seat belt laws.
  14. It's just a Senate Bill trying to give a broader definition to the waterways that the Federal Government can regulate (unfortunately). It directly refers to Rapanos v. United States, which found that the definitions in the original Act were too narrow to allow the kind of unfettered access the Army Corps of Engineers wanted in that case. Even though I'm no fan of the bill, I'm not sure where the "chilling" aspect comes into play.
  15. If I know a place grinds their own meat, I'll order my burger medium rare. Medium well is disgusting no matter what.
  16. Thanks for compiling all of these. Great work. Now we just need someone here to record them and we can sell them to help pay off Jay. It's a benefit CD for both parties!
  17. And for what it's worth, I don't think getting a burger medium well and with dijon or spicy mustard is elitist, it's just plain stupid.
  18. I don't have a problem with that. In fact, the way the critic illustrates the intense personal connection with O'Rourke actually aids the reader by spelling out where he is coming from, I think.
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