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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. I'm confused as to why some people are putting a space after the "W" in the last-ranked album. If that were the case, shouldn't the ranking look like this: AM B T ST Y H F A G I B S B S W (T A)
  2. It's my least favorite Wilco song, too. To keep this post on topic...I hope that its title as "Worst Wilco Song (as defined by me)" remains after June.
  3. Yes. C.S. Lewis: Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
  4. I agree. Especially if it means more people start washing their hands. It always amazes me how that is the first tip given to the masses when any sickness starts spreading. Why are people not washing their hands???? Really, is it that time-consuming or laborious?
  5. I don't recall parentheses around Kicking Television. Did I miss something? Edit: The new one should probably have them, though -- W(TA)
  6. That's all this is. Especially since he has no shot at being the Republican nominee.
  7. Thanks for the link. That's the first sensible and truly informative article I've read on this whole thing.
  8. I think they decided to go with a self-titled album so that they could come on here and read all of the hand-wringing posts they expected would materialize. Good thing a lot of posters didn't disappoint.
  9. John, more than most other artists even, was not a very good judge of his own music.
  10. I'm enjoying it more than ever.
  11. Agreed. We would have been a little disappointed, I'm sure. OKC is less than two months away, though. And the last time I saw them at Bricktown, it was a great show.
  12. It clearly represents what these guys think about/talk about, etc., as they travel through the small towns of America while on tour. And I would be uncomfortable watching someone work on a song. To me, that's a pretty private moment.
  13. You're still not reading it correctly, but whatever. Since you're the most partisan-driven poster on this board, it always makes me laugh when you use that against others. I disagree that Scalia is an ideologue. He has clearly spelled out numerous times how he approaches jurisprudence, which has very little to do with party or ideology.
  14. Huh? Are we discussing the merits of ouster clauses in general, or the specifics of this case? I think you are a little confused. Here's a paragraph from the dissent:
  15. As a Rangers fan, I offer my services to the club to actively look for a reliable set-up man. Skills needed: 1) The ability to get an out. 2) ... Actually, that first skill will do.
  16. Is there going to be anything in tonight's episode worth watching?
  17. Are we dealing with anything post-Hamdan here? By the way, Scalia's dissent, as usual, hits it out of the park.
  18. Since you keep avoiding the question, I'll assume you simply do not know. But the Geneva Conventions clearly go to the trouble of defining prisoners of war. Why, if it seemingly applies to anyone and everyone? I would argue that it doesn't. Article 5 does mention some sort of tribunal if there is any doubt as to whether someone is a prisoner of war. I would argue that, in the case of terrorists or Al Qaeda, there is no doubt.
  19. Okay. I'll rephrase. How are terrorists and members of a terrorist network like Al-Qaeda considered prisoners of war?
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