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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. That's why I'm not that concerned. Trailer looks great! Up until the release date.
  2. It only concerns me in the sense that the fact that he had a hot meal waiting for him on his return is a reaffirmation of his family's love (at least to me). I hope they don't turn the parents into these caricatures of a rough home life. Parents in these types of movies can easily be drawn with broad strokes. I hope they avoid this.
  3. I'm really looking forward to this. I loved Adaptation. and Being John Malkovich. I love this book. And I love the fact that it's live action and not animation.
  4. I'm not a Death Cab fan either...I hear plenty of differences.
  5. You're right, of course. It's just one small thing to add to the long list of reasons to dislike that guy.
  6. And the hits just keep on coming.
  7. Thanks for the link to the stream. Sounds really good.
  8. Edit: Johnny Knoxville in The Ringer
  9. All I'm saying is that the people at the golf course got wind of treatments to the lake upstream and reacted like anyone would have reacted. Then they overreacted with the threat of arrests. I'm sure you were calm and patient when dealing with them, though.
  10. Yeah, you put that up right at the same time I did. Obvious overreaction, but if everything got worked out in the end, what difference does it make?
  11. Goddamn golf course -- trying to protect their property!
  12. While this Colorado case is more than a little suspect as far as collecting rainwater goes, y'all seem to have no appreciation for the importance of water rights in general, especially out west. That doesn't make sense.
  13. Great news about the album. Terrible news about the mugging. Is it just me, or does this seem to be happening more frequently? Artists getting mugged, having their equipment stolen, etc. Maybe I'm just paying more attention to these things.
  14. Vaguely. When I was a kid, I ate that stuff up. I even begged and begged my parents to order the Time Life Series of books about Mysteries of the Unknown (or something like that). I think my grandfather actually ordered the first book and all I can really remember is a picture of a person standing next to the Sphinx's mouth to hear what it was saying.
  15. There was a show on the History Channel the other night called "Ancient Aliens" that talked about these theories of extraterrestrials guiding ancient people in the building of the pyramids (Egypt and Mexico), Easter Island, Stonehenge, etc. It was actually pretty interesting.
  16. This is what I don't understand. Why are they touting this as a feature if it is not getting a blu-ray release? Is there a difference in DVD quality of something based on how it is originally filmed?
  17. It surpassed Fox on my first listen and it has stayed that way. I absolutely love the new album. It just builds and builds and I haven't been able to get "I'm an Animal" out of my head for the last week.
  18. It can be a lot of fun, though. When I was at Texas, watching and listening to his show every now and then was the source of some great entertainment. It's even better when you're stoned.
  19. Have you heard it?!?!?!? Really? I'm not optimistic now. Epic grooves need to come much earlier than track 9. This album is going to suck. Shit!
  20. I really liked the Blinking Lights cover.
  21. Well, it has been played in Dallas since about 1910 (I think 1912) and in the Cotton Bowl since the '30s. Dallas is actually closer to Norman than to Austin by about 10 miles or so. And as someone who lives in Fort Worth, I can attest that there is just as big of an alumni base for Oklahoma as there is for Texas in the DFW area.
  22. Nope. That game is played in the Cotton Bowl every year during the State Fair. For college football fans, one of the greatest atmospheres for any game. Granted, all the other sports play there each year. But they have no choice in the matter.
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