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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Wow. You're not a very good Wilco fan. My Wilco list would be (in no particular order): Was I In Your Dreams The Lonely 1 Leave Me Like You Found Me What Light We're Just Friends It would be hard for me to come up with a definitive list for many other bands without putting more thought into it.
  2. Louis de Bernieres' Latin American trilogy: The War of Don Emmanuel's Nether Parts Senor Vivo and the Coca Lord The Troublesome Offspring of Cardinal Guzman The Catcher in the Rye The Fountainhead The Great Gatsby The Alienist The Devil in the White City The Complete 3-volume Set of Calvin and Hobbes
  3. I think it's pretty clear that Miles and Charlotte were both born on the island. Perhaps explaining their nosebleeds, etc. Not sure about Juliet, but maybe there was a reason they tried so hard to get her back to the island that had less to do with her research and more for her origins. Just a guess.
  4. I know it's already February, but what can I say...I like to be thorough. 1. Why? - Alopecia 2. Wolf Parade - At Mount Zoomer 3. TV on the Radio - Dear Science 4. School of Language - Sea From Shore 5. Aimee Mann - @#%&*! Smilers 6. Okkervil River - The Stand Ins 7. Beck - Modern Guilt 8. Destroyer - Trouble in Dreams 9. The Hold Steady - Stay Positive 10. Deerhunter - Microcastle 11. Spiritualized - Songs in A&E 12. The Dodos - Visiter 13. Shearwater - Rook 14. Marnie Stern - This Is It and I Am It... 15. Girl Talk - Feed the Animals 16. The Kills - Midnight Boom 17. Sigur Ros
  5. Exactly. A small quarterback from a 2A high school. There's no way to appropriately rank an 18-year-old's potential.
  6. I never really follow recruiting, but there's even less to get concerned about as a Texas fan. Especially on Signing Day. Nearly all of our commitments are sewn up well before this day, and it always seems the big name prospects that wait never pick Texas anyway. There are two today we might have an outside chance at, but I'm not holding my breath. Plus, we always have a highly ranked class as it is.
  7. Something we can agree on. The party has been going downhill for the last 10-12 years.
  8. Yes, my post was to be taken literally that every single Democrat doesn't pay taxes Of course, when they ask the richest people in the country to pay more in taxes (a group most of these Democratic politicians are a part of), but turn around and skirt the tax laws themselves, it strikes me as both amusing and disgraceful.
  9. My Lord, are y'all really that myopic? Is party loyalty that important? I could give two rips about whether these were Democrats or Republicans, since I'm loyal to neither. But our new Treasury Secretary can't pay taxes. Two other Obama appointees had to withdraw their names due to tax issues, one of whom was a member of the IRS Oversight Board at one time. Of course, Daschle was a lobbyist, too. I thought Obama was anti-lobbyist? Charles Rangel is chairman of Ways and Means and can't seem to get his taxes right? But all of a sudden, it's okay for all of this because Republicans pro
  10. Tim Geithner, Tom Daschle, Nancy Killefer, Charles Rangel, then there's Chris Dodd and his shady mortgages, etc.
  11. I did a search on him after you had posted that, but couldn't find anything. Do you have any links? And, no wonder Dems like raising taxes so much. They don't have to worry about paying them (unless they want a Cabinet post, I guess).
  12. Great opening drive by the Steelers to open the game. Cardinals put together a great touchdown drive down 10-0 to keep it a game. James Harrison returns an INT 100 yards for a touchdown right before halftime. Arizona makes plenty of key goalline stands. A great second half and an especially great finish. I don't think I agree with your assessment. As for the officiating, I don't remember too many of the calls, especially early. But the ones in the second half and fourth quarter all seemed warranted. Anything specific you're referring to?
  13. Oh, so he plans on forcing 100,000 Japanese people, most of which are U.S. citizens, into internment camps?
  14. Definitely buy your hdmi cables online. I use monoprice.com for all my cables. I got a 6 ft. black hdmi cable for less than $8, which includes shipping. And I got it in about 3 days. The cheapest cord at Best Buy is $30. HDMI cables in retail stores are such a ripoff. It's a digital signal, so there is no real difference between a cheap cord and a $150 one from Monster.
  15. Now's the time to buy a TV because the new models for 2009 are about to start coming out and the 2008 models are being marked down. I always ask people who are looking for advice how they are going to be watching TV. If you typically watch TV with a lot of ambient light around, then LCDs are a lot better. They're brighter. If you solely want something when it's dark, then plasma is better due to better black levels. Of course, that's pretty general. Some new models are going to have either an ethernet port or wireless capabilities for things like Netflix streaming, YouTube, etc. No id
  16. I didn't tell you who you couldn't dislike. I just called your reasoning ridiculous.
  17. Maybe he wasn't expecting someone not to like an NFL quarterback, who is a genuinely nice guy and a great overall comeback story, for such a ridiculous reason (his view on stem cell research).
  18. I don't have time to look it up right now, but I remember in one of the many election threads, someone posting or posting a link to a list of campaign contributions broken down by party. The discrepancy between republicans and democrats regarding the amount of money they had received from attorneys and attorney groups was more disproportionate than any other special interest. I'm not sure how I see it is stupid argument to make when Dems are always strongly in favor of bills like this or staunchly against any serious tort reform.
  19. Obama's just finding out that you can't hire anyone in Washington that isn't either a politician or lobbyist. That's what these people do. They get voted out of office and then they turn around and start lobbying. It's like the kid that promised recess all day when running for 3rd grade class president, and then realizing that he can't do it because he just didn't know any better.
  20. I was just making the point that the trial lawyer lobby is huge for the Democratic Party and any law that makes it easier or gives people more time to sue will be welcomed by the Democrats with open arms due to that fact. This is one of those instances. It seems like a bit of a stretch to make each paycheck a discriminatory act. Usually, the market is pretty clear about what a proper salary is in a particular field, so six months after the salary is established seems like enough time to discern whether it's fair.
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