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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Everywhere I have lived in Texas (Austin, San Antonio, Fort Worth) has had plenty of sidewalks -- and no basements.
  2. Huh? I own neither of these things.
  3. Whether its a conscious decision or not, I think veteran artists are oftentimes unfairly overlooked for these year-end lists. It becomes much easier to pick apart what you don't like about an artist's seventh album by comparing it to previous better works, while celebrating the shiny newness of bands with nothing else to go on. (Yes, the above is a generalization.) Anyway, I think it has been a fairly weak year this year. Most of the albums I remember being very impressed with after a few early listens aren't as good after I revisit them. There doesn't seem to be any timeless classics t
  4. I can only imagine what the Cotton Bowl will be like in October next year if there were a split national championship. Nothing like adding fuel to an incredible rivalry. I just wouldn't want to put any hope in AP voters doing that. I guess it's possible, but if Oklahoma beats the #1 team in the nation, could enough voters really justify jumping Texas ahead? When USC won it a few years ago, they were already sitting at #1. Texas doesn't have that luxury this year. Part of me would really like to have the AP national championship, but part of me would rather just see Oklahoma lose again.
  5. I don't think anyone finds fault with Oklahoma fans making their argument. However, for some reason Texas is seen as whining about it (by some), when it was merely doing the same thing. And I still think Texas had the better argument. The Longhorns were playing just as well as Oklahoma down the stretch with a better defense. And when it comes to breaking a three-way tie, the most obvious way to do it (at least, in my opinion) is to eliminate one team. Tech had been eliminated by being blown out and then by limping across the finish line at home against Baylor, to go along with their extr
  6. Actually, it kind of exemplifies OU and how even as they head to their fourth national title game in 9 years, they still can't get Texas off of its mind. It's interesting that in the 10-year history of the BCS, Nos. 1 and 2 have each won five games. But, the #2 ranked team has won 5 of the last 6. And the SEC is 4-0.
  7. Don't underestimate Utah's defense. It's pretty stout and the numbers were put up a similarly rated schedule.
  8. I wouldn't be at all shocked if Utah beat Alabama.
  9. I just don't think it is an all or nothing proposition. Obviously, techniques that continually provide unreliable information should not be used. All interrogation procedures should be examined for effectiveness. Isn't most of this stuff classified? Who professes to truly know what actual techniques are being used and how accurate the information is? You make it sound like torture is a technique used as a first and only resort for fun despite constantly getting bad information.
  10. I don't see where we owe a terrorist from another country due process. I also think thwarting or preventing terrorist attacks is more important that someone's perception of our standing in the world. As for the reliability of the information, there are certainly many methods that probably have varying degrees of success. I just don't think you need to throw the baby out with the bath water.
  11. Good to hear. Definitely one album I am greatly anticipating next year.
  12. Do you seriously fail to see the rationale for the use of coercive measures in certain instances? Or are you merely being cute?
  13. Maybe some Senate Democrats aren't as dumb as they sometimes seem.
  14. Didn't Brian Kelly come out and say he was staying at Cincinnati? That they are building new facilities, etc.
  15. Was there ever an unofficial or official reason for that? I heard everything from the divorce, to Jason allegedly withholding his best songs, to an amicable separation.
  16. I haven't seen them live real recently. Have they fallen off that much? A great DBT show used to be guaranteed. What happened? Is it the material? I saw The Hold Steady in Dallas a few months ago and it was a great show, just like every other one of theirs I have been to.
  17. Yeah, any little bit of snow or ice means the entire city shuts down until the sun peeks through to thaw everyone out.
  18. The best technique is to live in Texas.
  19. I'm really interested in the Alabama-Florida game. Alabama's schedule has been so soft this year, it's easy to understand why the consensus is that Florida will definitely beat them. Hopefully, Florida will win an ugly and close game making both teams look bad.
  20. Is this show still worth watching? After the first couple of episodes this season, I haven't been able to muster up any incentive to watch the growing list of episodes on my Tivo. I'm set to give up on it entirely.
  21. I remember a while back someone else trying this and only getting through about 5 or 6 songs before giving up. Looks great and I hope more people start to find it and comment.
  22. One scary possibility (at least for those in favor of the BCS) is the chance that Florida, despite beating Alabama in the SEC title game, fails to overtake Texas in the BCS. As things stand now, it might take a concerted effort on the part of voters to potentially move Texas down on their ballots in that scenario in order to ensure Florida is in the top two.
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