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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. School of Language -- Sea From Shore Picked this up recently and it blew me away instantly. "Rockist Part 4" is a great closer. I'm a little surprised that The Week That Was seems to be getting the better overall reviews of the two releases (or, at least more publicity).
  2. Maybe it's the sports lover in me, but I always enjoy watching the returns, too. Although, when do the polls close in Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina? Even Indiana and New Hampshire? In other words, we could know fairly early if this is a rout.
  3. I like walking down to the polling place and casting my vote on election day. Fortunately, I vote at the elementary school a block from my house.
  4. I wouldn't bet on it. That's just the way it goes for the 30-35% of loyalists to either party.
  5. I guess it's easy to forget that this country is the United States of America.
  6. Put on your rally caps. There's always a chance. Just get a couple of men on, move them over, and it's anyone's game.
  7. I'll be the voice of dissent and say that they have a point about the woman with the fastest time not running in the same group. It's a little different race if she's out front setting the pace. It is at least conceivable that the leaders of the elite group would have run differently if they were chasing someone in front of them rather than setting the pace themselves.
  8. The offense is definitely rolling now. And the emergence of Ogbannaya as a running threat, in addition to coming out of the backfield, has greatly contributed to that. If Orakpo, Kindle, Miller, etc., can keep getting good pressure without needing to blitz, the defense should stay solid, too. It looks like Oklahoma State will be our second toughest game behind the Sooners this year.
  9. Thanks everyone. I'm officially over 30 now.
  10. That's about as perfect of a first half as you can have. Just keep the foot on the gas.
  11. How has fiscal conservatism been proven to be unworkable in reality?
  12. There were some differences in their campaigns. Plus, when I look beyond campaign promises, I see Obama moving farther left and I compare a Clinton presidency to what we had under her husband. Is any of that fair or necessarily true? I don't know. It's just how I feel towards both candidates. I haven't liked Obama since I started reading about all the candidates, learning who he was and what his campaign was running on. It has nothing to do with winning or losing. Besides, I don't even have a horse in this race, unless "Not-Obama" is a horse. I hope he does well, I've said it before,
  13. I find Clinton to be more palatable than Obama from a political perspective. Aside from her eventual health care crusading if elected, I feel she would have floated a lot more towards the center on a lot of issues. I don't see how an Obama win could lead to a Clinton presidency in 2012. The only way would be if he resigns, chooses not to run again, or if the unthinkable and unfortunate happened and Biden had to finish it out, leading to an eventual primary challenge. Plus, if Obama gets 2 terms, I don't see the reins being handed to Clinton. I guess you never know, though.
  14. You know, a Hillary Clinton presidency is looking real good to me right now. EDIT: Doesn't an Obama win pretty much kill her presidential aspirations?
  15. It really doesn't matter. Everyone will just be working for the government in no time.
  16. On ESPN.com, as part of their Outside the Lines feature, there's a really interesting and tragic story about this small town in California. I thought it was a pretty good piece of writing. The Lost Kids of Willows
  17. Pretty interesting game tonight in my own backyard. TCU's defense is pretty stout and we've had a lot of rain recently, which might be able to put the clamps on BYU's offense. This is, essentially, one of two tough tests for BYU this season in its effort to go undefeated (the other being at Utah).
  18. I've had success with both. Recently bought a MacBook for my wife and it has worked like a charm. I bought a Velocity Micro PC a couple of years ago or so and it has worked beautifully also. I've also never had any problems with iTunes on a Mac or a PC. What problems have you been having?
  19. Doesn't the data also indicate that the market flourishes when capital gains rates are cut as opposed to increased?
  20. My main concerns are: 1) Where does the requisite cut in spending come from to aid the deficit? Simply raising taxes on the wealthy to go along with added programs and additional stimulus packages will not be enough. 2) Again, when will it ever be enough? Plus, raising current rates to 39.6% to go along with an increase in capital gains to 20%-28% and an increase in dividend rates is not a good idea in a flailing economy. 3) What are McCain's military ambitions? From what I can tell defense spending would be cut by either candidate, but Obama wants to promise even more money to foreig
  21. How is this instance of Palin saying Northwest any better or worse than when Obama said he had been to 57 states or claimed to be in St. Louis while in Kansas City (or was it the other way around)?
  22. So, the person making $4 million, who is already paying $1.5 million in federal income tax (not to mention all other forms of taxes), should have to pay an additional $40K, $80K, $120K, etc., just because he or she can? And for what exactly? How many more government programs are they expected to fund?
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