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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. They're similar to the 2000 Ravens. Dominating defense, great running game, solid veteran quarterback play. But they're 10-0 because their running game is better with Lendale White and Chris Johnson and Kerry Collins is better than Trent Dilfer. The Giants are still probably the most complete team in the league, but a Giants-Titans Super Bowl would be great to watch.
  2. The Orange has the last pick this year, though. There is no way another bowl would take the Big East champion.
  3. If Obama can make a college football playoff happen, I promise to be his new best friend. I really hope this is what he focuses his full energy on, making this his number one priority as president.
  4. What does that even mean? An incredible defense combined with an impressive running game is about as tried-and-true of a winning formula as there is in the NFL.
  5. The difference this year, though, is the edge in the computer rankings that Texas has right now (assuming it stays high). Even if human voters vault USC to #2, if Texas were just at #3, I think its distinct edge in the computer rankings might be enough to overtake USC in that instance. I don't see a 2-loss Florida team getting in, obviously, but human voters could move a 1-loss Alabama team up ahead of Texas, too. Regardless, if Alabama and Florida both win out until the SEC title game, it's all academic anyway, since the winner will definitely be in the BCS Championship. If Tech wins o
  6. It is indirectly in the form of the computer rankings. What I find to be an interesting possibility is what happens if Tech wins out and either Alabama or Florida loses a game they shouldn't down the stretch and then wins the SEC championship game? Do we see a Texas-Texas Tech rematch for the national championship?
  7. Definitely my favorite. I haven't heard it in concert yet, though.
  8. I was going for less obvious choices. But Sports Night, due in large part to only having 45 episodes, has no low points and the highs are just as high.
  9. First Cooley, and now Craig Finn. If you throw Brent Best out next, I'll think you crawled inside my brain. The priest just kinda laughed. The deacon caught a draft. She crashed into the Easter Mass with her hair done up in broken glass. She was limping left on broken heels. When she said Father can I tell your congregation how a resurrection really feels? He was drunk and exhausted, he was critically acclaimed and respected. He loved the Golden Gophers but he hated all the drawn out winters.
  10. The behind-the-scenes issues with that show have been mind-boggling. Delays, rewrites, etc. I can understand the network's trepidation regarding its prospects. It's been proven that Whedon fans alone can't adequately support a show. And Buffy is the best show in the history of television. Well, tied with Sports Night at the very least.
  11. Is Pawlenty as much of a rising star as Jindal? I completely agree with your assessment, by the way. Unless things remain in the crapper and Obama shows himself to be vulnerable in '12.
  12. I think Bill Snyder was both the best and worst thing to ever happen to Kansas State. I don't know if they can or will ever achieve that same level of success under him. At least not consistently.
  13. There's still a bunch I need to listen to/digest a little more, but these are my favorites so far: Top Two School of Language - Sea From Shore TV on the Radio - Dear Science The Rest Beck - Modern Guilt Calexico - Carried to Dust Destroyer - Trouble in Dreams The Dirtbombs - We Have You Surrounded Dodos - Visiter Dr. Dog - Fate The Hold Steady - Stay Positive Joseph Arthur - Temporary People (much better than the very uneven Let's Just Be) Aimee Mann - @#%&*! Smilers Okkervil River - The Stand Ins The Raconteurs - Consolers of the Lonely Sons and Daughters - This Gift Spiritualized - S
  14. Who did everyone watch last night? After flipping around every channel, I don't know how anyone can watch the networks. ABC and CBS were terrible. I doubt Charlie Gibson can operate a toaster, much less an interactive map. And how is anyone still taking Katie Couric seriously. I feel sorry for Bob Schieffer, who is 1000 times the journalist she ever will be. Fox and NBC were okay, I guess, but I can't watch Shepard Smith. He just looks funny to me. I flipped between Fox News and CNN. Brit Hume is the best lead guy on any of the channels and Juan Williams from NPR was excellent as a
  15. The funny thing is, I remember thinking this 16 years ago Of course, there are 5 members over 70 right now and Souter is 69. Fortunately, in my opinion anyway, the three youngest are all good conservatives. All I can hope for now is that Scalia is able to hang on.
  16. I'm sure I'll get killed on here for this, but I was really disappointed in Obama's speech. For someone who has been able to inspire so many people, I thought there was way too much campaign rhetoric for a victory speech. McCain had the more moving speech of the night. It's too bad we didn't see more of that McCain during the last few months.
  17. According to a woman in my office, God told her that Obama will win the presidency and they will place Palin as his Vice President.* I guess God really wants to see us suffer by giving us the worst of both worlds. (*No I am not joking, and yes, I usually avoid this woman like the plague.)
  18. I had to wait in line for about 90 seconds, and that was only because the woman in front of me couldn't find her driver's license.
  19. Election day should be a national holiday. Of course, that might have the reverse effect on voting numbers than intended.
  20. It's the exact same reasoning I could see Leach staying at Tech. They might be forced to go Cutcliffe or give it to someone without head coaching experience like Muschamp. Would Tennessee do that, though (speaking to the latter)?
  21. I read somewhere that the job is Butch Davis's if he wants it.
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