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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. I assume that we are to interpret that as this being the beginning of the end. Now that they are back on the island.
  2. I just don't see how you are ready to declare the format dead this early in its life, especially so soon after it won its little battle with HD-DVD. Prices for players are coming down, along with prices for Blu-Ray burners. Plus, more and more people are buying HD TVs as those prices start coming down, too. The fact that these players are backwards-compatible with DVDs makes it easier, IMO, to adopt the new format. Especially as prices for the movies come down. And there really isn't a new format on the horizon. Who is going to take the time and expense to introduce something now? Esp
  3. The lengths of most of her songs is one of the things I like most about her songwriting and music in general. The fact that she never feels the need to tack anything on when it doesn't add much. It also lends more weight to those songs that do have a lot to say, like Star Witness or South Tacoma Way.
  4. I didn't even know the word "yuppie" was still being used. Of course, The Maker is always good for a barrel of laughs.
  5. To whom? It actually looks like a viable HD format. Especially as more homes move to HD televisions and the prices of Blu-Ray players and movies come down. As far as market integration and saturation, aren't Blu-Ray's numbers comparable or even better than DVD's at this point in its life?
  6. Thanks! I think it's supposed to hit emusic today, so I'll grab that and the new Jason Isbell.
  7. I guess that's my main point. Either way (great review or bad one), it's just one more reason to discuss any album you like. And the bad ones just make it more fun to do so. By the way, as someone who enjoyed Post-War immensely but was bored by Transistor Radio (and She & Him), how would Hold Time stack up?
  8. What's the proper role of the critic? To just like what you like.
  9. So it's better than Sirens from the Ditch, I take it. Good to know.
  10. So now something created by the Bush Administration is okay? I thought he was Satan incarnate. I'm going to need a tutorial here. Bush is evil unless it involves a position that Obama also likes? Is that right? And even though a bill passes unanimously and a president signs it and makes a statement in support of it, that party and that president didn't really mean it (see Clinton, Bill and DOMA discussion in other thread)? As for the post, it's unnecessary regardless of what the official duties are. Why should a government agency have any say or recommendations as to a private citize
  11. I know Clinton came out and made statements about believing marriage is only man-woman. Has he backed off that, too? I don't know. But my main point was that this was something passed and signed into law over 12 years ago. Is it really much of an issue anymore? Is there someone leading a charge to expand DOMA? Of course, most Dems would want to repeal it and most Republicans would want to keep it. I just don't ever really hear anything about it unless it's an election year or a state has a gay marriage ban on its ballot. Could it be that this is the Dems favored issue to trumpet but
  12. Apparently. Where's your latest Slate or Salon article to tell me differently?
  13. I've lived here for 31 years and have never met anyone who shares that view either. But, as I've learned and been told on this board, that doesn't mean anything. Apparently, there's this whole subset of terrible people I've been fortunate enough to never run across but still represents a majority or substantial number.
  14. That's why it's always hard for me to understand how someone can adopt the liberal point of view and want contract human freedom and liberty.
  15. This is why I cringe every time I hear the term "bipartisanship" used in a positive light.
  16. No, no, no...you've got it all wrong. You're supposed to find something to bitch or complain about. Anything from the setlist to camera angles to cover art to Jeff's pronounciation of "asterisk" is fair game.
  17. This should be a fun topic on this board.
  18. If we don't want taxpayer money going to this woman and her children, doesn't that mean we should curtail the welfare system in general and make it harder for people to obtain these welfare checks?
  19. or Believe Love Over Whatever May Exist
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