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Posts posted by NoJ

  1. This administration has provided no evidence that Iran was cheating on the agreement. At least, none that I've seen reported. The nuclear agency tasked with the inspections have said time and time again that Iran is complying. Who do you trust? Someone who provides not a shred of evidence to back up his claim or people in the field with firsthand knowledge?

  2. Today at lunch, I was spinning Deep Purple's "Made in Japan" which I picked up at an estate sale recently. 4 bucks, no scratches and sounding awesome! DP at the height of their power (with the Perfect Strangers tour being a close second).

  3. I heard there were some issues but when the guy showed up, completely inebriated-unable to walk or talk, that got my attention. Then he was burp barfing into a cup for an hour after trying to eat. Slowly as the night went on he got more sober but yeah, he's got some changes to make and it better be quick.

  4. Today I'm thinking about my GD tour buddy, who I hadn't seen or spoken with in 13 years until last weekend. He's now a full blown alcoholic who doesn't appear to have much time left, woah.

  5. Recently listened to bits of the Rosemont shows from April 89. I wasn't there for the 11th but saw the following two shows (saw Cincy and Louisville too before Rosemont). Surprised at how solid the shows were. Quite possibly my only "To Lay Me Down". I'm struggling to dredge up any memories though. I did get down to 10th row center for a 1st set but really cant recall much else outside of the weather being crappy.

  6. Went to an estate sale with over 1000 records in the folk, jazz and early rock genres. Came home with 7 beauties in mint or near mint condition. Someone knew how to care for vinyl, I love that!

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