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Posts posted by NoJ

  1. ^ Sure, no doubt but back in the early 90s tattoos weren't readily accepted in mainstream society like they are today.


    Btw, I'm tattoo free. The gates of heaven will swing wide for me once I pass the great divide!

  2. Yesterday, about 4pm, a McMansion went up in flames across the street from me. The smoke could be seen for miles. Everybody's ok but the home appears to be a total loss.

    I know it's the firemans job but fighting fires in sub zero weather has just gotta suck.

  3. Retired? Heh, that was on my lunch break. The concept of retirement for me is like a utopian dream that I know wont come true. Happy holidaze everybody!


    Oh yeah, still digging on that newly released Dylan gospel stuff.

  4. Funny you should mention Apocalypse Now. Just last night I was listening to the vinyl soundtrack that I picked up over the weekend. Remember that scene when Willard and Lance get off the boat and go looking for someone in command? Lance is tripping his brains out. Well, that entire scene is on the soundtrack. And that scene is one of my favorite film moments of all time. Needless to say, I was thrilled.

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