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Posts posted by NoJ

  1. The Meat Puppets show with Mike Watt was pretty good. All the tunes you wanted to hear were played although nothing from Rat Farm. I thought Curt was playing much less psychedelically than usual. The highlights were the jams during "Lake of Fire" and "Up On the Sun". The biggest highlight however was when all the band members from Watt's band were invited onstage for the final tune, The Beatles "Tomorrow Never Knows". Everyone on stage had huge smiles on their faces. That was really cool.

  2. Please take 10 minutes out of your day today to call your senators and congressman to demand a special prosecutor with subpoena powers to investigate suspected collusion between the Russians and the current administration. We need to flip some Republicans and get their support for this. I've called all of mine this morning. Have you?

  3. My representative in Congress, Randy Hultgren, didn't have his staff answering the phones in 3 offices today. I know because I tried calling multiple times. Then he voted yes to replace the ACA after making a public statement earlier this week that he hadn't decided yet what his position on the matter was. His FB page has exploded in anger in response to that vote. Come the next election, he is going to regret today's vote.

  4. We are regular estate sale attendees and have had some successful moments of making good finds. High on my list of things to look for are vinyl, books and tools. Last Saturday offered no disappointment. Started looking thru some stacks of records and bam, got a mint copy of Marty Robbins 1959 iconic pink album, Gunfighter Ballads and Trail Songs. A few more flips thru the stack and bam, found the 1960 follow up release More Gunfighter Ballads and Trail Songs. After that, out from left field comes Missing Person's 1982 debut album (it was the only rock album in the stack). Then the Flatt and Scruggs 1969 re-release of their 1960 album, again in surprisingly good shape. Each album was $2. Who doesn't like it when pawing thru the stacks pays off?


    How about you, any good finds at estate sales/garage sales?

  5. My son ended up in the hospital due to allergies once. The oxygen content in his blood was too low and he was struggling to breathe. Not fun. Now we have a nebulizer for the seasonal changes during which he is most at risk.

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