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Posts posted by NoJ

  1. Yesterday while driving back home from northern WI, I saw a moron with WI plates flying confederate and American flags from the back of his pickup. I've seen people flying those traitorous flags in Virginia but never in my 40+ years of going to northern WI. Do I blame 45? You betcha!

  2. I finally quit dancing around the edge and told my rabid trump supporting college buddy that I have zero confidence in 45 and think he is mentally ill. He response was "why do you think he is mentally ill? How can you support that comment? Even if he is, Hillary is a pathological liar. Why doesn't that bother you?".




    Outside of an incredulous laugh, I'm at a loss as to what to say.

  3. Just finished "Bear: The Life and Times of Augustus Owsly Stanley" by R. Greenfield. Not a lot of new material in this however I was surprised to find out that Terry the Tramp offed himself (supposedly) after the Altamont disaster because of the heat he was catching from his outlaw brethren. They blamed him for getting the HA involved.

  4. Today I heard that Jimmy Piersall died the other day. For those outside Chicago, he used to announce the White Sox games with Harry Caray back in the late 70s/early 80s. Those two would slurp down Falstaff beer and have a blast calling the game. The best was his rants during the Disco Demolition event. RIP Jimmy, they broke the mold after you were born.

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