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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. The Maddog to Willie Randolph: "the last team you would want the mets to see in the playoffs are the marlins. They just have great pitching, a great young pitching staff and those kids can hit, they can really hit too."
  2. So I can download from sendspace/ysi and it goes at abou 500 kps, so I'm going to be expecting lots of stuff via that.
  3. But it was probably Ozzie Guillen's decision, and he never does anything dumb.
  4. Home. Also, the only reason I post in the baseball thread is because it aggravates people.
  5. Anyone see Andruw's spill on his home run trot? Hysterical.
  6. I don't know when I'm allowed to go back to my dorm. They haven't said yet.
  7. I understand that, but I also think (and it's been proven) that bullpens are the least consistent part of any team. Plus, the Mets lost Duaner Sanchez, who was a main part of their bullpen. Again, I'll admit I'm the biggest homer in the world. I'm not trying to say I'm not. Everyone overlooks their team's faults, though. That is what being a fan is all about, in my opinion. If you don't stay optimistic as a fan, you'll never make it through the bad seasons. You think I'm annoying. Have you ever talked to a Cubs fan?
  8. The Mets Bullpen greatly inflates their team ERA. It lowers their starters era by almost .6 (Their starters ERA is 4.66, while overall it is 4.09). The Marlins team ERA is 4.30, their starters era is 4.22, and their Bullpen is 4.45. Johnson and Olsen are both projected to be number 2 starters with the possibility for being a number one. Nolasco projects as a 3, and the 5th starter, Anibal Sanchez, has been said to have Number 1 stuff. So this isn't a bunch of fluke guys. These are studs.
  9. And how can you refute that statement? If they Mets had a great rotation, would they have so actively pursued Dontrelle or Zito (Or Livan Hernadez, or David Wells, or any other number of pitchers they've pursued). And can you blame someone for being a rabid fan of their team? If you don't overplay your team's strengths and downplay their weaknesses, you aren't a real fan.
  10. Pedro has been injured all year, so there is no saying how good he will be when he comes back. Glavine's career was feared over because of this circulation thing, and El Duque is somewhere between 37 and 49 years old. Dontrelle has been the Marlins worst starter this year. That says quite a bit, as if he can find his stride, they are going to be really tough to beat in a short series. The Marlins starters have a 4.22 era, good for 3rd in the majors, while the Mets are 13th with a 4.66. So almost a half run difference between them. Of course, the mets do have a 1.5 run lead in bullpen ERA.
  11. They are the only really good offense in the NL. But they have no startin rotation. They do have a great bullpen though.
  12. His in game managing leaves a lot to be desired, while for the most part, Theo molded that 2004 championship team. And who was responsible for Ortiz coming to Boston?
  13. I'd say the Marlins and Padres could take New York, because they actually have pitching. Does anyone want to face those team's top 3 starters? I'd go ahead and say they have the top pitching staffs in the NL, and that's what is important in the playoffs. The Mets really don't have a great rotation.
  14. He responded nicely. Well, only one of them knows what he's doing. And it's not Francona. Because he's pretty terrible at his job.
  15. I believe we aren't going to be making it up.
  16. No, but they didn't expect it to be this weak when it hit.
  17. I was up watching tv because we got kicked out of the dorms because of the "hurricane". The people who live near the school had to go home, while everyone else went to a shelter. So I've been stuck at home since yesterday morning, and have had nothing to do since I've been here, since everything I own is up in my dorm.
  18. I'd say Walken or Thanks I Get. Can anyone upload all of the songs?
  19. I slept from 7-12, and have been awake since then. Probably not a good thing.
  20. I'd say Abbey Road probably has the best bass playing of any album ever. The bass on every song fits so well. So, apparently The Killers are trying to fashion themselves as a modern day Bruce Springsteen, as their new single "Sam's Town" (I think) sounds just like him. Not a terrible song, considering the source.
  21. How is it? I've never listened to a Bennett solo album, admittedly.
  22. I saw the DBT at a festival in one of the smallerstages, so there were at most 500-600 people there. It was a pretty awesome show, and they are definetly talented musicians. I've not had the chance to pick up their albums, but I really do keep meaning to. I love James Taylor, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. He's just one of those artists that has a special place in my music collection.
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