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Posts posted by Hixter

  1. Pete's brother, Simon, just posted this on his blog:


    Good News and Bad News
    September 8, 2015
    Yes, I know…. This webpage blog update is long overdue! I feel compelled to make a brief statement concerning recent developments. First, the bad news: Poor Roger Daltrey (my brother) has been unwell lately. Subsequently the first 4 shows of the 2nd leg of ‘The Who Hits 50′ tour have been postponed. An announcement will be made shortly as to when they will be rescheduled.
    The good news is that Lisa Climie image has taken over my management. The usual ST crew is staying fully involved under the Stir Music banner but Lisa is stepping in to give me a kick start and get me working on my long awaited solo acoustic album, featuring some of my best songs Performed and sung by some of my favourite artist friends. Hopefully get me on some big festivals and / or support tours next year, too.
    Visit Lisa’s webpage here: http://www.lcmanagemusic.com
    Ok. Well, that’s put you in the picture. Stay tuned for more regular updates.
  2. In my car, I have two 32GB thumb drives filled with MP3s that I typically play randomly. I just bought the car a week ago so it has 3 free months of SiriusXM, but I rarely listen to it. I like the DJs and variety of material, but the poor sound quality just turns me off.


    At home, I use iTunes on a Mac Mini connected to my home theater system to play my music collection and listen to Apple's new streaming music service.


    On the weekend I listen to music in/on my neighbors' pools or decks. I downloaded the Billboard Top 100 for every year from 1955 to 2013 and slapped the songs on their computers and we listen to them on outdoor speakers via iTunes that is remotely controlled with an iPhone. Everyone just grabs the phone and adds a few songs of their choice to the playlist.


    I can't find any earbuds that will stay in place in my ears, so I don't listen to any music while on the go. I suppose I should buy some over the ear headphones.

  3. I've only bought it five times.


    I guess we will see about the new Wilco album. I actually got it today - but left it with someone I work with and forgot it bring it home.

    I just remembered a DVD/Bluray or two of live performances of Quadrophenia. I've also seen it performed lived about a dozen times over the last 20 years.


    Amazon will deliver my copy of Star Wars tomorrow. I tried to find it at Target, but no luck.

  4. It's just like the movie series. First I bought it on VHS, then the THX VHS, then DVD. I think there was a fourth in there somewhere too. Haven't bought a single BluRay in my life yet. I've joked that George Lucas could put my kids through college on all the money I've given him.

    I've purchased Quadrophenia enough times to put Townshend's kids through grad school




    1980s vinyl

    Original 1973 vinyl

    Original 1973 UK vinyl


    Remastered CD

    Super Deluxe Edition

    Original Soundtrack vinyl

    Original Soundtrack CD

    Quadrophenia film VHS

    Quadrophenia film DVD

    Quadrophenia film Criterion BluRay


    I'm probably forgetting a few more. That said, I doubt that Wilco will make fans buy another version of Star Wars.

  5. Yep, guessing it will either be made public later, or it's gone.

    I skimmed through it and there were a few strange messages in the video, they seemed like some sort of debugging info for the video editor? Maybe they're just fixing it.
  6. The music-only Psychoderelict is one of Townshend's best solo albums. There are some great songs on there. Releasing it with all the dialogue was a disastrous mistake - but he was deep in his Tony Awards phase back then, and was way too committed to melding rock and theater.

    Agreed. I enjoy his theatrical projects (last night my neighbor and I watched the accompanying documentaries/films that were released with All The Best Cowboys Have Chinese Eyes and White City) but I don't want to hear a lot of spoken dialog when I'm listening to one of his increasingly rare solo albums.

  7. Somehow we're less safe, thanks to Obama, even though the worst attack on US soil happened while "The Decider" was in office.

    Well, if we were to use President Obama's tactic of blaming his predecessor for his problems, we'd put the blame on Bill Clinton since the planning took place during his administration. If I recall correctly, the men who would fly the planes into the Pentagon and World Trade Center were already on American soil before Bush took office.

  8. Yeah, Thing Fish is awful.  It makes me sympathize with people who hate Zappa.

    I think I remember some sort of tie in with a pictorial in Hustler magazine? I'm not imagining it, am I?

  9. Is "less safe" quantifiable?

    Obama and Hillary Clinton famously touted their "reset" in relations with Russia. Fast-forward a few years and Russia has invaded Ukraine and they are threatening other republics. Putin thumbs his nose at us on a regular basis and Russian bombers and subs are skirting our borders for the first time since the end of the Cold War. 


    Libya was home to a weirdo dictator who was essentially contained. Now it's a chaotic mess of anarchy.


    The Obama administration touted Iraq as one of its greatest achievements only a few years ago. Now large swathes of it are being held by ISIS and thousands of American troops are back in Iraq. Our aircraft are bombing ISIS, but not having much of an impact.


    Syria is a mess. ISIS, Islamist militias, Assad and Iran -- a recipe for disaster. And as tens of thousands of refugees flee to Europe, it's almost a certainty that there are plenty of ISIS supporters/fighters among them. Lots of trouble for Europe in the near future.


    ISIS is now in Afghanistan. They've promised to attack Americans as they pull out. Once we're gone it's easy to imagine the country descending into Iraq-style chaos. We lost about 650 troops during a little more than 7 years of war with Bush at the helm. We've lost 1700 since Obama took charge of the war.


    China is the real reason for concern. Their aggressive actions in the Pacific and on the hacking front are practically a prelude to war. Their military is modernizing and expanding at a remarkable rate. Bad, bad things are in store.


    And Iran will soon have atomic weapons and its neighbors will seek weapons of their own. Yeah, I'd call us "less safe."

  10. And really when did Iraq attack us?  

    The Iraqi military fired at coalition aircraft hundreds of times as they were patrolling the no-fly zones in Iraq. It happened almost daily for 10 years, but didn't get much mention in the press.

  11. The status of forces agreement that Bush negotiated with Iraq was ratified the month before he left office. Long before that, candidate John McCain was calling for calling for a continuing troop presence in Iraq. His remarks were prescient:


    "It's not a matter of how long we're in Iraq, it's if we succeed or not," McCain said to CNN's Larry King.

    "And both Sen. Obama and Clinton want to set a date for withdrawal -- that means chaos, that means genocide, that means undoing all the success we've achieved and al Qaeda tells the world they defeated the United States of America.

    "I won't let that happen."

    Predictably, fellow candidates Obama and Clinton were against the idea. Hillary even went so far as to promise this:


    "Well, I want them home within 60 days of my becoming president of the United States."




  12. Why Obama gets stuck with this is beyond me. 

    Because the last 3 years of the war took place under his watch. His administration took credit for ending the war, so they also deserve any criticism that comes as a result of pulling out too early.


    He now also "owns" the war in Afghanistan, too. Along with Syria, Libya, etc.

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