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Posts posted by Hixter

  1. I just took a moment to think about what it must be like to be the friend, family member or bandmate of someone with a 20-year heroin habit. Every time they don't answer the door/phone or show up for band practice terrible thoughts must run through their minds. 


    Poisoning is the leading cause of injury deaths in the United States and the majority of them are opiate deaths. They outnumber automobile deaths and quadruple the number of gun homicides every year, but there isn't much said about them. We really need to get a handle on the problem -- especially with prescription painkillers. 

  2. What is an AR15 meant to be used for?

    Shootin' stuff!


    However on the matter guns, nothing new has been presented and it is the same relenting  nonsense.  By both sides, and generally devolves into name calling.

    Not by this guy. ;)


    Yea, take out a few harmless bunnies or a deer or two if you must but honestly you don't need a big honking firearm to do it. 

    Actually, you do. The typical AR-15 in .223 is about the bare minimum suitable for deer hunting, although a few states consider it to be too small for the job. Typical deer rifles are much bigger in caliber, size & weight.

  3. because everything has stayed as it was back in the 1770's. 

    The Supreme Court has repeatedly, and recently, affirmed that the amendment allows individuals to own firearms.

    Thanks for the heads up - I'll definitely be stocking up on the green tip armor piercing bullets before Obama gets them!  I've only had occasion to use them a few times in the past - once, when I was out hunting, there was a bunch of deer wearing full body armor.  Thankfully, I had my green tips on me and nailed a buck!  

    They're a very popular and relatively cheap military surplus round. Like just about every other center-fire rifle cartridge, they'll easily penetrate typical police body armor.

    there was a small buck in my backyard when i pulled in from the Scharpling/Wurster show last night. i think he had some hollowpoints on him.

    I surprised 5 of them when I opened my front door last night at midnight. They like my shrubs. :(

    You truly cannot imagine it? You are incapable of having a mental image of someone using an AR-15 for any of those purposes (skeet, elk, target shooting, home invaders) other than target shooting? Surely you are capable of imagining, let's say, elk hunting with an AR-15. Maybe this will help: https://www.ar15.com/archive/topic.html?b=3&f=121&t=630491

    Skeet shooting with a rifle would be ridiculous. Anyone with half a brain wouldn't choose an AR-15 (or other rifle) for home defense because the rounds are capable of exiting the building and killing people outside of the building -- or even in neighboring buildings. A shotgun or pistol are far better suited for the task. As for elk hunting, a typical 5.56 AR-15 round is underpowered for the task. It's certainly capable of killing one with the right shot placement, but it's not a very good choice. The discussion that you linked to was about people using much larger and more powerful rounds in AR-styled weapons. They are very expensive and vastly outnumbered by typical 5.56 models.

    We get it, you are passionate about guns, you feel the second amendment allows to you have guns.

    The Supreme Court feels the Second Amendment allows me to have guns. And I wouldn't call myself passionate about guns. I rarely think about them and it's been months since the last time I even touched the ones that I own.

    Ugh. Know what I love? Hunting accidents. Trophy hunters are sad, inadequate dicks.

    I would bet a paycheck that that elk ended up in someone's freezer. My neighbor served a great jalapeño & cheddar sausage with crackers while we watched the games yesterday.

    We are going to keep slaughtering each other and totally helpless animals until there are simply none of us left.  The gun nuts believe they are entitled to every type of fire arm and ammo under all conditions.

    No, we won't, and no, they don't.

    Plenty of examples when you Google "AR-15 elk hunting" but also when you Google "AR-15 Home Invader shooting", http://mic.com/articles/64663/5-people-who-used-an-ar-15-to-defend-themselves-and-it-probably-saved-their-lives#.LtJ7SpYqy and "AR-15 Skeet Shooting", https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcqhqA3bCVo 

    Plenty of evidence. Why is it so difficult to imagine? 

    Mainly because they are not the intended or practical uses of that particular firearm. A few minutes ago I used a table knife to turn the screw on a hose clamp, but that's not how I should have used that particular implement.

  4. I guess I misinterpreted this. I should have known what the president is or was thinking at the time and not just read his words.

    Let's say that Donald Trump prepared a statement saying the he loved Mexican citizens. Would you discount his numerous statements previously given where he promised to deport Mexicans if elected president?


    enough about your fucking guns.

    Enough about your


    Oh crap!  Time to stock up on the ammo!!!

    Before they try to ban it!


  5. I don't see any of that in the presidents statement. That's just projecting and not related to his actual statement.

    He referred to "weapons of war" and it's clear what he meant. His statements and positions on "assault weapons" bans, handguns, semi-automatic weapons and Australia's gun confiscation are also clear. It should comes as a surprise that a politician can say "I don't want to take your guns" while also referring to taking your guns with a straight face. It's what they do.

  6. But with regards to the 2nd - below is the statement issued by the President - where does he write about "grabbing guns"? He may have talked about it elsewhere in another statement or speech, but when I read the below - I don't get the sense the government wants to and will be "grabbing guns". More regulation, perhaps - but "grabbing guns" I don't see. I am guessing you are reading the section in bold and interpreting it as "grabbing guns".

    The president was referring to so-called "assault weapons" in his statement. He's a supporter of the movement to ban them and such a ban would remove from the market America's most popular sporting rifle. Such bans already exist in several states, so if I were to cross into a place like California with my rifle I would be charged with a felony, jailed and would lose my right to bear arms and vote. All this for a gun that's no different than any other pistol or hunting rifle other than it looks like an actual military weapon.


    The president has also expressed his opposition to handguns and semi-automatic weapons, so that pretty much eliminates everything but revolvers and single-shot rifles and shotguns. His recent remarks about the "success" of Australia's gun confiscation program give me little doubt that he would like to "grab" guns if he could find a way to do it.

  7. apparently the shooter is not  a republican(apparently conservative rantings about Obama don't indicate anything.)

    Anyone who expresses a negative opinion about President Obama is not necessarily a Republican.


    Therefore once again this is the nefarious left in action again.  Probably part of their master plan to grab your guns. 

    Within hours of the incident, President Obama was indeed talking about grabbing guns.

  8. Islamic killer: Not crazy at all. Represents billions of Muslims worldwide.


    Christian killer: Mentally ill. Not representative of any other Christians.


    Got it.

    I never said that. I said that a clinical diagnosis of mental illness is what determines that someone is mentally ill. You made the rest of that up.
  9. There's a LOT of overlap.

    Surely you concede there's a double standard in the way these lunatics are labeled, though?

    I won't equate religious fervor or ideological commitment with mental illness without evidence of actual mental illness. A "normal" person who runs off to join ISIS or al Qaeda or Bolo Haram is not mentally ill. He/she is a religious zealot/extremist. An individual who goes on some sort of a murder spree may also be a zealot or extremist, but if it turns out that he/she has a history of mental illness, then I'll be satisfied with a description of "a zealot with a history of mental illness."
  10. Yes they most certainly are. They're willing to kill and be killed for their religious beliefs. I think that qualifies as mentally ill regardless of their organizational abilities or size.

    I don't think that a medical professional would agree.
  11. I'm listening to the Young Vic show (April 1971) from the Who's Next re-issue. If you have never heard it - you should check it out. I suppose you probably have - it came out over a decade ago.

    It's great stuff and I'm always pleased when it comes up on a random play of the USB drive in my car.

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