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As with so many issues, if it is perceived negatively it must be the work of someone on the left. This took longer than most to get the blame shifted but apparently the shooter is not  a republican(apparently conservative rantings about Obama don't indicate anything.) and is someone who identifies  as a woman.  Therefore once again this is the nefarious left in action again.  Probably part of their master plan to grab your guns. Good solid patriots have once again uncovered the plot and saved the country.  If not a lefty plot it has to be the bank robbery story, because really why would anyone who is a conservative target a planned parenthood clinic?  //snarkoff

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apparently the shooter is not  a republican(apparently conservative rantings about Obama don't indicate anything.)

Anyone who expresses a negative opinion about President Obama is not necessarily a Republican.


Therefore once again this is the nefarious left in action again.  Probably part of their master plan to grab your guns. 

Within hours of the incident, President Obama was indeed talking about grabbing guns.

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Anyone who expresses a negative opinion about President Obama is not necessarily a Republican.


Within hours of the incident, President Obama was indeed talking about grabbing guns.


Definitely agree with the 1st statement. I am a liberal pinko and I have some negative opinions on the President.


But with regards to the 2nd - below is the statement issued by the President - where does he write about "grabbing guns"? He may have talked about it elsewhere in another statement or speech, but when I read the below - I don't get the sense the government wants to and will be "grabbing guns". More regulation, perhaps - but "grabbing guns" I don't see. I am guessing you are reading the section in bold and interpreting it as "grabbing guns".


Statement by the President

The last thing Americans should have to do, over the holidays or any day, is comfort the families of people killed by gun violence -- people who woke up in the morning and bid their loved ones goodbye with no idea it would be for the last time.

And yet, two days after Thanksgiving, that’s what we are forced to do again.


We don’t yet know what this particular gunman’s so-called motive was for shooting twelve people, or for terrorizing an entire community, when he opened fire with an assault weapon and took hostages at a Planned Parenthood center in Colorado. What we do know is that he killed a cop in the line of duty, along with two of the citizens that police officer was trying to protect.  We know that law enforcement saved lives, as so many of them do every day, all across America.  And we know that more Americans and their families had fear forced upon them.


This is not normal.  We can’t let it become normal.  If we truly care about this -- if we’re going to offer up our thoughts and prayers again, for God knows how many times, with a truly clean conscience -- then we have to do something about the easy accessibility of weapons of war on our streets to people who have no business wielding them.  Period.  Enough is enough.


May God bless Officer Garrett Swasey and the Americans he tried to save -- and may He grant the rest of us the courage to do the same thing.



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But with regards to the 2nd - below is the statement issued by the President - where does he write about "grabbing guns"? He may have talked about it elsewhere in another statement or speech, but when I read the below - I don't get the sense the government wants to and will be "grabbing guns". More regulation, perhaps - but "grabbing guns" I don't see. I am guessing you are reading the section in bold and interpreting it as "grabbing guns".

The president was referring to so-called "assault weapons" in his statement. He's a supporter of the movement to ban them and such a ban would remove from the market America's most popular sporting rifle. Such bans already exist in several states, so if I were to cross into a place like California with my rifle I would be charged with a felony, jailed and would lose my right to bear arms and vote. All this for a gun that's no different than any other pistol or hunting rifle other than it looks like an actual military weapon.


The president has also expressed his opposition to handguns and semi-automatic weapons, so that pretty much eliminates everything but revolvers and single-shot rifles and shotguns. His recent remarks about the "success" of Australia's gun confiscation program give me little doubt that he would like to "grab" guns if he could find a way to do it.

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I don't see any of that in the presidents statement. That's just projecting and not related to his actual statement. It's also not fair to infer unspoken or assumed thoughts. I've learned that here because there are people here who get fairly defensive when others read into their posts or infer things not specifically spoken.


BTW Ted Cruz, a reasonable centrist I learned the thanksgiving, had picked up on the "transgender leftist shooter" notion. So it must be legit.

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I don't see any of that in the presidents statement. That's just projecting and not related to his actual statement.

He referred to "weapons of war" and it's clear what he meant. His statements and positions on "assault weapons" bans, handguns, semi-automatic weapons and Australia's gun confiscation are also clear. It should comes as a surprise that a politician can say "I don't want to take your guns" while also referring to taking your guns with a straight face. It's what they do.

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[quote name="Hixter" post="1583238" timestamp="1448895792


Within hours of the incident, President Obama was indeed talking about grabbing guns.


I guess I misinterpreted this. I should have known what the president is or was thinking at the time and not just read his words. I'm not so goodly with my understandin of words as others are.

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I guess I misinterpreted this. I should have known what the president is or was thinking at the time and not just read his words. I'm not so goodly with my understandin of words as others are.

So Obama's gonna take my guns because some transgendered leftist activist tried to rob a bank?


Oh crap!  Time to stock up on the ammo!!!

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The president was referring to so-called "assault weapons" in his statement. He's a supporter of the movement to ban them and such a ban would remove from the market America's most popular sporting rifle. Such bans already exist in several states, so if I were to cross into a place like California with my rifle I would be charged with a felony, jailed and would lose my right to bear arms and vote. All this for a gun that's no different than any other pistol or hunting rifle other than it looks like an actual military weapon.


The federal removal of this weapon would create some consistency to avoid confusion.  You would then need to find something else to shoot with.  You can shoot skeet, elk, targets and the rare home invader using other models.

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I guess I misinterpreted this. I should have known what the president is or was thinking at the time and not just read his words.

Let's say that Donald Trump prepared a statement saying the he loved Mexican citizens. Would you discount his numerous statements previously given where he promised to deport Mexicans if elected president?


enough about your fucking guns.

Enough about your


Oh crap!  Time to stock up on the ammo!!!

Before they try to ban it!


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Let's say that Donald Trump prepared a statement saying the he loved Mexican citizens. Would you discount his numerous statements previously given where he promised to deport Mexicans if elected president?


Enough about your


Before they try to ban it!


Thanks for the heads up - I'll definitely be stocking up on the green tip armor piercing bullets before Obama gets them!  I've only had occasion to use them a few times in the past - once, when I was out hunting, there was a bunch of deer wearing full body armor.  Thankfully, I had my green tips on me and nailed a buck!  

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I can't imagine anyone using an AR-15 for any of those purposes other than target shooting.

You truly cannot imagine it? You are incapable of having a mental image of someone using an AR-15 for any of those purposes (skeet, elk, target shooting, home invaders) other than target shooting? Surely you are capable of imagining, let's say, elk hunting with an AR-15. Maybe this will help: https://www.ar15.com/archive/topic.html?b=3&f=121&t=630491


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I wouldn't discount Trumps past, however I also would not take his current statement and announce definitively that is said something he did not say. Remember there are people here on Via who don't like being interpreted. They frequently say things like "I never said that..." So I won't project here. Besides if Trump really had a change of heart and switched his position, then maybe yes you do discount his past.


I actually can not imagine a sane person using any rifle for skeet shooting...unless they are tv bad ass great at shooting.

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He referred to "weapons of war" and it's clear what he meant. His statements and positions on "assault weapons" bans, handguns, semi-automatic weapons and Australia's gun confiscation are also clear. It should comes as a surprise that a politician can say "I don't want to take your guns" while also referring to taking your guns with a straight face. It's what they do.


For someone who consistently takes offense to someone inferring a larger meaning on things you say, you sure do have no problem with doing with the President.  


You know, Donald Trump has repeated a very similar thing on how the President is coming to take your guns away.  But in fact, if you actually read his statements on the matter is untrue.   of course that is not the fear based headline that the NRA and the GOP want you to believe.  Any meaningful gun legislation will have to go through Congress (which means it will never happen BTW).  So Obama is not going to take your guns.  Stop repeating that lie.


Enough about your


Currently there are attacks on our right to privacy in this country and our right to vote, although we have mentioned these in this thread, we have not discussed this ad nauseam as we do with gun rights.  It is in general pointless discussion.  We get it, you are passionate about guns, you feel the second amendment allows to you have guns.  You see law/idea to curb violence by removing, limiting, or putting barriers to gun access will not work.  Increased enforcement of existing laws will work apparently, but beyond that, not much else.  It is apparent you will never change this belief (nor am I saying you should).  No matter how many shootings or gun deaths occur in this country.   


Now others feel that vagueness of the second amendment does not allow unfettered access to guns and there should be limits put on guns (be it who can purchase a gun, what type of gun can be bought and sold etc.).  And they feel that there is a problem with gun violence in this country and something needs to be done.  They will never change that belief (nor should they).    


We know the sides, we know the arguments.  If something interesting or new information came out of a gun discussion, I would say go forth, this is interesting.  But since our discussions after Newtown two years ago, it is the same stupid pointless cycle.  Some I have participated in, some I have not.  But these arguments just go on and on and on.  I for one am sick of them.  Of course this is a place were free ideas can be expressed, and I am not telling anyone to stop talking about guns, I am telling people why I think the conversation is ultimately pointless.  And maybe to express the sentiments by Tinnitus, LouieB and others.   

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You truly cannot imagine it? You are incapable of having a mental image of someone using an AR-15 for any of those purposes (skeet, elk, target shooting, home invaders) other than target shooting? Surely you are capable of imagining, let's say, elk hunting with an AR-15. Maybe this will help: https://www.ar15.com/archive/topic.html?b=3&f=121&t=630491


Ugh. Know what I love? Hunting accidents. Trophy hunters are sad, inadequate dicks.

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I can't believe you guys are still talking to Hixtler at all.  There is simply no point to it.  He's not going to change his mind. 


(Cue the Beatles - Happiness is a Warm Gun.  It could have been written expressly for him.  Bang Bang Shoot shoot,)


Really I have nothing to say about guns.  We've said it all. We are going to keep slaughtering each other and totally helpless animals until there are simply none of us left.  The gun nuts believe they are entitled to every type of fire arm and ammo under all conditions.  Some day after all of us are gone this nation may come to it's senses, but honestly I doubt it.



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I talk to Hixter because he clearly disagrees with many of my beliefs (microbreweries are not one of them) and it challenges me.


It would probably challenge me more for the left wing majority on here (including myself) to get nuanced enough on policy that we can actually disagree.


Let me see if I can tee that up, My Opinion on Potentially Controversial Issues:


Raise the minimum wage nationally:     Yes, with a cautious roll out.

Key stone pipeline:                                Doesn't actually matter environmentally, but it is pretty bad for property rights.

Small businesses:                                 Currently over taxed.

Capital gains:                                        Currently under taxed.

Refugees:                                             Accept them with our already stringent vetting process.

Energy:                                                We need to further incentivize clean energy development while we're winding down coal.


I should run for office.  Thoughts?

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Plenty of examples when you Google "AR-15 elk hunting" but also when you Google "AR-15 Home Invader shooting", http://mic.com/articles/64663/5-people-who-used-an-ar-15-to-defend-themselves-and-it-probably-saved-their-lives#.LtJ7SpYqy and "AR-15 Skeet Shooting", https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcqhqA3bCVo 

Plenty of evidence. Why is it so difficult to imagine? 

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